
Leaders are ... Definition, responsibilities, activities

How many specialists set themselves the goal of becoming the leader! But in order to apply for such a responsible position, knowledge and experience alone are not enough. It is important to clearly understand what such work is. The leader must not only be a professional in the chosen field, but also have certain personal characteristics, have organizational and managerial inclinations.

Heads this

What is a leader?

To begin, we formulate a brief definition. So, according to the dictionary of terms, concepts and definitions in economics and business, managers are a category of employees who are entitled to make decisions on managerial issues in order to ensure the effectiveness of the company. But as you know, such specialists are different, for example, the general director, manager, department head, editor-in-chief and others. In addition, all deputies are included in this category of employees.

In the definition of the term, emphasis is placed on the fact that managers are employees of the company who have the right to make important decisions and bear responsibility for the result, as well as be responsible for the activities of all subordinate specialists.

Leader classification: Adizes code

As already noted, managers are of different links. In economic science, it is customary to classify such specialists. Such a division clarifies the responsibilities of the leader, defines the boundaries of influence, the scope of influence. It is also easier for employers to evaluate how the new leader works, knowing which link in the entire personnel structure the latter occupies.

In economics, there are different classifications of managers. The best known is the Adizes code, or PAEI for short. According to this division, managers are:

  1. Producer or specialist making the product. It is characterized by high indicators of labor efficiency, its activities are aimed at increasing the company's profitability.
  2. The administrator organizes the optimal activities of employees.
  3. The entrepreneur analyzes the market and offers new ideas.
  4. An integrator is a specialist who establishes external relations and organizes, unites a team of company employees.

This classification has been criticized by economists, business managers, and psychologists. Since in most cases successful leaders possess all of the above qualities at the same time or combine several of them.

Work supervisor

Leader Levels

In the economic literature, it is customary to divide management personnel into three levels depending on the functions performed in the company:

  1. Top management. This level includes employees who manage and are responsible for the activities of the entire company as a whole. They develop the main direction of production, make key decisions, prepare long-term plans, determine the budget and much more. Only these managers have the authority to acquire or sell a company, a new production line, etc. The top managers include the president and vice president of the company, manager, chairman of the board directors, executive director. To occupy the chair of a leader of this level is an extremely difficult task, requiring professional dedication and the innate inclinations of a leader.
  2. Mid-level managers are tasked with following the instructions of their superiors, bringing their tasks to subordinates, namely the lower level. Mid-level specialists can make suggestions on the work of the company, determine methods and ways of realizing the goals set by the bosses. In addition, interaction and leadership of employees subordinate in the structural hierarchy of the company take a significant place in the work of such specialists. The middle managers include department heads and departments, the head of the department, project and others.
  3. Low-level managers work directly with process executives. They represent the interests of workers, control the implementation of tasks. Such specialists include supervisory managers, site wizards, group leaders, etc.

Managers are also classified into linear and functional. They differ in the sphere of influence and vested powers.

Executive Chair

Psychological types of leaders

In psychology, attention is also paid to the separation of managers according to the nature of management. There are different classifications, but the most common is described below. So, from the point of view of psychology, bosses are as follows:

  • the leader inspires subordinates to active work, charges with enthusiasm, encourages the generation of new ideas;
  • the despot is accustomed to the strict implementation of the rules and attitudes;
  • the diplomat considers the team as a team, resolves issues and disputes correctly;
  • the humanist represents the company as a single family, introduces corporate ethics;
  • a democrat shares part of his authority with subordinates.

Who can become a leader?

In order to occupy the position of leader, first of all, higher education is necessary, as well as certain personal qualities (more about them below). In addition, it is important to accumulate experience in the selected field, to know the basics of management and team psychology. The applicant for the position of leader should be aware of the full responsibility of such work, analyze the possible risks and upcoming difficulties.

Psychologists say that psychological picture The potential leader includes the following aspects:

  • the level of education;
  • innate abilities;
  • personality traits.

New leader

Education required

What education is required in order to occupy a chair of a leader? Sociological studies have revealed that most successful managers have 2 diplomas in various specialties. The first education may be engineering, economic, legal. And additional - psychological, pedagogical.

Official Employment: Features

The main activity of the head is to make decisions that are important for the company within the framework of the powers specified in the employment contract. With the manager, as well as with other employees, a formal contract is concluded, which describes in detail the duties and powers of a specialist. In addition, a manager at any level is also required to observe labor discipline and internal company rules. Most often, an employment contract for managers is concluded for a period of up to 5 years, but there are also indefinite ones.

For managers set probation, the terms of which are specified in the employment contract. But if the manager is selected as a result of the competition, then usually a trial period is not appointed - the specialist receives the agreed powers on the first working day and proceeds with the production duties.

head of department

Professional qualities of a leader

Besides high level of education the leader must also have certain personal qualities. In psychology, the following types are distinguished: business and truly personal characteristics of the leader. Successful managers possess the following business qualities. It:

  • leadership inclinations;
  • organizational skills;
  • sociability;
  • creativity, initiative, flexibility of thinking;
  • punctuality;
  • a responsibility.

Personal qualities of a leader

Personal qualities include the most varied personality traits of a manager, which help a manager to achieve professional success. These include positive thinking, strong moral principles, a friendly attitude towards others, tolerance, stress tolerance, a sense of humor, etc.

Executive Activities

How to become a successful leader: practical tips

The question of why some experts become successful leaders, while others, having the same education and experience, cannot realize themselves in such a role, psychologists all over the world think: numerous studies are conducted and sometimes incredible theories are put forward about this. What opinions differ is that managers are an example for subordinates. Such specialists should be the standard of professional and human.

By analyzing the literature, you can formulate the most common and, as practice shows, effective recommendations on how to become a successful leader:

  1. It is important to engage in self-development: to improve the professional, business and personal level.
  2. The ability to effectively organize a team will help the boss to effectively carry out the tasks. If the former leader was unable to rally his subordinates, the task of the new chapter is to unite employees with a common goal, introduce corporate traditions, and encourage mutual assistance and trust.
  3. Learning to set a specific real goal, this will help to properly organize the production process at different levels.
  4. You must be able to clearly make decisions and bear responsibility for the result, without shifting the blame to other employees.

former leader

Thus, similar work is multifaceted. A leader is a person who is a professional at the same time in different fields. He is not only a specialist in the selected profile, but also a leader, organizer, controller in one person. In order to occupy such a position, one needs long-term practical experience. Perhaps that is why, according to statistics, more often than others, successful leaders are people older than 50 years.

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