A structural unit is a structural part of an organization that performs certain production or functional tasks within the framework of the charter and job descriptions of employees.
Legal aspects of the work of structural units
The structural unit cannot be considered separately from the enterprise, because it is not endowed with legal or economic independence. In accordance with the law, the following features of these structural units can be distinguished:
- if the management of the enterprise has decided that it is necessary to create a structural unit, then there is no need or obligation to report this to the registration authorities;
- registration with tax authorities, pension and insurance funds is not required;
- no separate accounting documents are maintained for the structural unit, and its activities are reflected in the general balance sheet of the organization;
- no separate statistical code is assigned to this link;
- it is not allowed to open separate bank accounts for a structural unit.
Regulations on divisions
The activities of the structural unit are carried out on the basis of a special provision, which is developed by the management of the enterprise in accordance with established legislative norms. The document contains the following main sections:
- general provisions that describe the enterprise itself, as well as intentions to create a specific organizational structure;
- overview of the number and composition of staff both in general and for each unit;
- functions that a structural unit should perform;
- determination of the goals of its activities, as well as setting goals that will ensure their achievement;
- appointment of management of units, as well as determination of their terms of reference;
- a description of the mechanisms of interaction between structural units, as well as with governing bodies;
- determination of the responsibility of the unit as a whole, as well as the head and individual employees personally;
- the procedure for the liquidation of the structural link indicating the procedure, as well as significant reasons.
Requirements for structural units
To ensure continuous efficient operation, the structural unit must comply with a number of mandatory requirements, namely:
- subordination should be centralized, that is, each employee should be directly accountable to the head of this structural unit, which, in turn, regularly reports to the general director;
- the work of the unit must be flexible, with the ability to quickly respond to any changes both within the organization and in the external environment;
- the work of each structural unit should be strictly specialized (that is, the link should be responsible for a certain area of activity);
- the load on one leader should not be too large (no more than 20 people, if we are talking about the middle link);
- Regardless of its functional purpose, the unit must provide every possible way to save financial resources.
Functions of structural units
Each structural unit of the organization is called upon to fulfill certain functions reflected in the corresponding provision. Their content depends on the scope and type of activity of the link. When developing features, guidance should be based on the following requirements:
- the formulation of functions implies the simultaneous formulation of tasks for their achievement;
- designation of functions in the document is carried out in descending order (from basic to secondary);
- the functions of different structural units should not overlap and be repeated;
- if the link has certain links with other structural units, then their functions should be coordinated in order to avoid contradictions;
- all functions of units should have a clear numerical or temporary expression in order to provide an opportunity to assess the quality of work;
- when developing functions, care must be taken to ensure that they do not go beyond the authority or rights of management.
Department Management
Like the enterprise as a whole, all its links need effective management. The direct responsibility for the implementation of this task lies with the head of the structural unit. It is worth noting that the methodology and management models can be selected by local authorities independently or delegated from above.
Depending on the field of activity of the unit, as well as the scope of responsibility of the head, the latter has the right to delegate certain powers to his subordinates. At the same time, a strict reporting and control system must be observed. The ultimate responsibility for the results of the work lies solely with the manager.
Activities should be organized as follows:
- at the beginning of the period, the leader carries out planning, which is fixed in the relevant documents;
- then there is continuous monitoring of work results in order to be able to timely respond to deviations;
- at the end of the reporting period, a check is carried out for compliance of the resulting indicators with the planned ones.
The structural unit of the organization is its main working unit, which performs certain functions regulated by the relevant provision. It is worth noting that such a structural division is advisable only within the framework of a large enterprise, because in small firms the powers can be distributed between individual employees.
It is important to organize effective interaction between various structural divisions. Their functions should not be duplicated, as well as contradict each other. Particular attention is paid to the organization of leadership. The bosses of the structural link, although it has broad powers regarding its management, nevertheless undertakes to strictly comply with all orders and requirements of the Director General.