
Do I have to pay if you accidentally broke a product in a supermarket: our rights, which many are unaware of

Imagine that in a supermarket you accidentally broke, for example, an expensive bottle of wine. The first thought that will visit you right away is that the cost of the goods will have to be paid. In addition, sellers and security guards will immediately run up to you with a request to pay damages. But do not rush to part with your money.

Rules Supermarkets Must Follow

In order for the buyer, passing between the shelves, to accidentally not catch a hand on a unit of goods, the supermarket administration must strictly observe the rules for their placement.

  • Observe the set width of the passage between the racks. It depends on the area of ​​the store. The minimum width for supermarkets is less than 100 square meters. m is 1.4 meters. The maximum width provided for supermarkets with an area of ​​more than 400 square meters. m, is 2.5 meters.
  • It is impossible to force the boxes between the racks to drawers of goods so closely that the buyer, bypassing them, again can touch the bottle or box standing on the rack.
  • Store floors must be dry. If the buyer, slipping on the wet floor, fell on the shelf with goods, this is not his fault.
  • The buyer is not to blame if the bottle crashed while moving along the conveyor belt at the box office.

The following cases are an exception:

  • the visitor inadvertently dropped the bottle in question on the floor;
  • if a person hooked on a display case while being drunk;
  • The item was damaged intentionally.

Buyer Rights

If the trouble with the damage to the goods occurred due to a violation of the established rules by the supermarket, the buyer must perform the following actions:

  • behave calmly, do not panic;
  • shoot on your phone a video that in court will allow you to fix the distance between the racks;
  • demand a complaint book, in which a detailed description of what happened;
  • do not transfer your documents to other hands;
  • get an act of spoiling the goods, there you can state your point of view;
  • promise to pay the cost of the goods if the court finds you guilty.

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