Quality management in enterprises is carried out with the aim of continuous improvement of products and services. It also aims to bring goods in line with state and international standards. The fundamentals of quality management regulate the most important points that can satisfy the needs of consumers and ensure the appropriate level of security.
Definition of a concept
The essence of quality management can be defined as the purposeful activity of managers and employees of an enterprise to influence the production process in order to continuously improve product quality. This activity can be carried out by both senior management and ordinary staff.
Quality management is an element of the overall management structure and an integral component of any production. This branch is responsible for developing a clear policy regarding quality, goal setting and identifying the tasks by which they will be achieved. There are certainly such processes as planning, as well as providing all the necessary conditions and supplying resources to meet the established standards.
It is worth noting that quality management is carried out at each stage of the life cycle of a product. This process begins at the stage of the idea and the development of project documentation. And even after the sale of the product and its commissioning, quality managers collect certain information in order to improve the following batches.
The object of quality management is directly the production process, which begins with the moment the idea of manufacturing a particular product. And the subjects are the heads of the enterprise, which include both top management and the heads of individual departments. The process itself implies the sequential performance of a number of functions: planning, organization, coordination, motivation and control.
Quality Management Development
Constantly improving quality management. Management development has gone through several historical stages:
- Until the end of the 20th century, individual control took place. Each manufacturer independently evaluated its product for compliance with the original sample or project.
- By the beginning of the 20th century, the need for the distribution of responsibilities becomes obvious. So arises shop control, which implies the consolidation of each of the employees of the individual zone of responsibility.
- At the next stage, we can talk about the emergence of administrative control, which implies the direct participation of senior management in the quality management processes.
- With the growth of production scale, there is a need to create separate technical control services at the enterprise, which not only assess compliance with the standards of the final product, but also monitor the entire production process.
- Since there is a need for a qualitative and quantitative assessment of production results, statistical methods are beginning to be applied.
- A system of universal control is being introduced. This refers to the involvement of workers at all levels in quality management.
- At the beginning of the 21st century, an international ISO organization is created, which is engaged in standardization and certification of products.
How quality management is carried out
The quality management process in each individual company can be carried out differently. Nevertheless, there is a standard scheme that defines the actions of managers at various levels on this issue.
So, speaking of senior executives, it is worth noting that their responsibilities include comprehensive interaction with the external environment. It implies a timely response to changes in standards, as well as legislative acts. The responsibility for developing policies and determining action plans aimed at improving product quality also rests with senior management.
Speaking about the responsibilities of middle managers, it is worth noting that they carry out all the decisions and orders of the management regarding compliance with quality standards. They directly affect the production process and control all its stages. If top management determines a strategy, then middle management builds operational short-term plans on its basis. We can say that certain levels of quality management are formed that correspond to the general hierarchy in the organization.
Such an enterprise policy as universal quality management is characterized by a number of signs:
- the company's strategy is aimed at improving quality, which is reflected at all levels of management;
- staff motivation is aimed at making them interested in improving product quality;
- the mechanism and production process is flexible enough to ensure its rapid adaptation to changing standards and customer needs;
- implementation of production activities in accordance with generally accepted international standards;
- conformity of control systems to modern theories and approaches;
- mandatory certification of all types of products.
Quality management system
The enterprises have a certain structure, which implies the interaction of all levels of management in order to ensure the proper quality of products. This is one of the prerequisites dictated by modern market conditions. This phenomenon is known as a quality management system, which is guided by a number of principles:
- there should be a clear interaction between the leaders of various departments;
- quality management should use a systematic approach;
- it is necessary to distinguish between the product development process and the process of its direct production;
- This system should perform a limited number of functions that clearly separate it from others available at the enterprise.
It is worth noting the annual increase in competition in the market. One of the main aspects of this process is the compliance of goods with quality standards. As a result, enterprises began to pay more attention to this aspect of production. In this regard, there is a need for a certain material base, as well as modern equipment and technology. Nevertheless, the most important point is the staff. It is important to implement the right motivation system, as well as a management philosophy in which each employee will feel personal responsibility for the final characteristics of the product.
Such a quality management system requires considerable effort, which in many respects depends not only on the scale of production, but also on the type of output. Also, management is required to continuously respond to any changes in international standards ISO 9001, as well as all kinds of industry documents.
Quality Management Methods
Quality is a fairly broad and capacious category, which has many features and aspects. One of these features can be considered quality management methods, a list of which is as follows:
- Administrative methods are some directives that are mandatory. These include:
- regulation;
- norms;
- standards;
- instructions;
- management orders.
- Technological method - it consists in both separate and total control over the production process and the final result. For this purpose, various modern engineering tools are used, which are improved every year. The most objective results are characterized by automated devices that measure and evaluate certain parameters without participation from the employees of the enterprise.
- Statistical methods - based on the collection of digital data on output, as well as its quality indicators. Then, the obtained indicators are compared for different periods in order to identify a positive or negative trend. Based on the results of this analysis, a decision is made to improve the quality management system.
- The economic method - is to assess the cost of measures aimed at improving the quality, as well as the financial result that will be achieved after their implementation.
- Psychological method - implies a certain impact on the workforce, which is the desire of workers to the highest quality standards. Here, self-discipline and the moral atmosphere in the team, as well as an assessment of the individual characteristics of each of the employees, are important.
In order for the actions in the field of quality control at the enterprise to succeed, it is recommended to combine these methods and carry out quality management work comprehensively.
The following quality management functions can be distinguished:
- forecasting - implies a determination on the basis of a retrospective analysis of future trends, needs and requirements in the field of product quality;
- planning - involves the preparation of prospective documentation regarding new types of products, the future level of quality, improvement of technology and materials (there is a development of a specific reference product or production method, the level of quality of which production should strive for);
- technological quality assurance, which implies full preparation for the start of the production process;
- metrological support - involves the definition of standards and summing up to them all objects associated with production;
- organization - includes ensuring interaction not only between the individual structures of the enterprise, but also between the internal and external environment;
- ensuring stability - lies in the constant pursuit of a certain level of quality, as well as the elimination of all defects and deviations identified in the production process;
- quality control - aimed at identifying compliance between the planned and achieved level, as well as compliance with its stated standards;
- analytical function - involves the collection and study of information on the results of the enterprise;
- legal support - is to bring all systems and processes in the company in accordance with legislative standards;
- stimulation of improving the quality level - includes motivation of employees.
It is worth noting that the quality management functions, with the exception of specific points, largely overlap with the basic management functions.
Basic principles
Management principles quality is the basis of the system of international standards, and they can be described as follows:
- the production strategy should be fully and fully consumer-oriented (this applies not only to the assortment, but also to the level of quality of the goods);
- the management of the enterprise is responsible for ensuring the necessary conditions to achieve a given level of quality;
- all personnel of the company - from the highest to the lowest level - should be involved in the process of improving the quality of products, for which a motivation and incentive system should be used;
- quality management should be based on a systematic approach, which is the perception of all departments of the enterprise in their inextricable relationship;
- it is unacceptable to establish the ultimate limits of quality, but it is worth being guided by the principle of continuous improvement of its level;
- the adoption of any decisions that relate to changes in production technology in order to improve product quality should be justified by figures that characterize the economic feasibility of introducing certain innovations;
- In an effort to improve the quality of the final product, it is worthwhile to demand the same from suppliers of raw materials, materials, as well as machinery and equipment.
Compliance with these principles is the key to an effective quality management organization.
In order to put these principles into practice, it is necessary that the following quality management conditions are present:
- a plan should be developed to improve production, or specific economic indicators that the enterprise is striving for should be known;
- actions to improve the existing system are advisable only if there are significant deviations from the given parameters;
- these deviations should be clearly measured, a description must be obtained in the form of specific figures or economic indicators;
- the enterprise must have sufficient resources and level of capabilities to improve production and bring it in line with benchmarks.
Most modern enterprises use ISO international quality management standards in their production activities. This is an organization in which representatives of 147 countries participate. This allows you to create unified requirements for goods and services that not only provide a high level of quality, but also contribute to the development of international trade.
The most widespread in the world is the ISO-9000 quality standard. It contains 8 basic principles in accordance with which activities should be organized. These include:
- focus on customer needs;
- unconditional leadership of the leader;
- involvement of employees of all levels in the quality management processes;
- dividing the production process into specific stages and components;
- understanding of quality management as a system of interconnected elements;
- continuous striving to improve product quality and improve production mechanisms;
- all decisions should be made only on the basis of facts;
- the relationship of the organization with the external environment should be mutually beneficial.
Speaking about the ISO 9001 system, it is worth noting that it defines specific requirements, which, unlike the principles, are mandatory. According to this standard, enterprises receive a certificate that confirms the appropriate level of their products, which can fully satisfy the needs of customers, as well as ensure safety.
The ISO 9004 system is a guide for those enterprises that seek to improve the quality level of their products and improve production. It implies a detailed description of all stages that will bring production into line with increasing requirements.
It should be noted that bringing production into compliance with ISO standards is a voluntary decision of the head.Nevertheless, for ambitious organizations that do not want to limit themselves to local markets, following these standards, as well as obtaining the appropriate certificate, is mandatory.
Why quality management
Modern quality management poses many challenges for manufacturers, the implementation of which ensures the appropriate level of product quality. Despite following international standards is a voluntary initiative, an increasing number of firms are joining it to strengthen their market position. Quality management objectives can be described as follows:
- improving the quality level, as well as ensuring product safety;
- improvement of the production process in order to achieve the highest economic results;
- creating a positive image in the market, which will significantly increase sales;
- gaining significant superiority over competitors;
- attraction of investments;
- access to new markets;
- in case of following international standards - export of products abroad.
Each head of the enterprise must be aware that ensuring a high level of quality is necessary not only to the end consumer, but also to the enterprise itself. Why? A competent organization of quality management, as well as following all state and international standards, open up new markets for products, and therefore, allow to achieve maximum profit.
Main problems
Quality management is accompanied by a number of problems and significant obstacles. These include the following:
- combination of marketing activities with full compliance with all principles and quality standards;
- despite the economic interests of the enterprise, the entire quality system should take into account the requirements and demands of the consumer;
- continuous quality control at all stages of the production process;
- lack of qualified personnel sufficiently knowledgeable about the latest standards.
Quality tools
The following groups of quality tools can be distinguished:
- control tools that allow you to evaluate the feasibility of making certain management decisions;
- quality management tools - include comprehensive information about the parameters of a particular product and the features of its production (mainly used at the development stage);
- analysis tools - allow you to identify "bottlenecks" and determine areas for improving production;
- design tools - are used at the product development stage and allow to identify the most essential for the potential consumer qualitative characteristics of the goods.
It is worth noting that ensuring a high level of product quality is the initial task of any modern enterprise that seeks to take a stable position in the market, as well as expand its borders. Obtaining the international quality certificate ISO 9001 allows not only to increase your reputation, but also to enter the international arena.