There are many ways to protect yourself when concluding a transaction from adverse consequences. This is especially true for business contracts with suppliers.
Any interested party can independently verify the trustworthiness of the counterparty by applying for an extract from the register. To do this, you need to form a request. Next, we will analyze in more detail what the Unified State Register is, how to get an extract from the register. The article will also provide information on the necessary documents that the applicant must present. We will also find out where to get an extract from the register.
General information
All data is stored in Unified state register of legal entities. It contains a lot of information related to the creation, liquidation and reorganization of absolutely all legal entities registered in the Russian Federation.
Also, additional information about organizations is stored here, namely: data on its location, executive and constituent bodies, types of activities. Where to get an extract from the register? Any interested person can independently verify the trustworthiness of the counterparty. To do this, submit a request to the IFTS. You can get an extract from the register in many ways.
Registry form
Before talking about how to get an extract from the register, it should be said about how the information is stored. Keeping records is carried out in chronological order. Each act is assigned a corresponding state registration number. It is the main in relation to the first record of each legal entity.
The registry, in turn, is maintained both on electronic and paper media. In the event of inconsistencies and disputes, priority shall be given to the latter. The information in the register is open and public in nature. Exceptions are some personal data about individuals, including the relevant documentation. Since you can obtain an extract from the register on request, you must contact the registration authority. The registry, in addition, can provide one of the following documents and information:
- Copies of the documentation currently in the registry.
- A certificate indicating the lack of necessary information.
You can get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for free within five working days from the moment of receipt of the corresponding request. The form of the document is established by law.
Document Purpose
Regardless of how the applicant wants to receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (free or for money), in any case, it will contain publicly available information about legal entities located in the corresponding registry. An organization may require a document to do the following:
- Taking part in various tenders.
- Presentation to a notary public during registration of re-registration documents.
- Obtaining credit services at banks.
- Presentations to all interested parties.
In practice, there are often situations when you need to get an urgent extract from the register. As a rule, the term for issuing a document varies from 3 to 10 days.
Since you can get an extract from the USRLE in two ways - to a third-party organization and to "yourself" - you need to know the nuances of both processes. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider them in more detail.
Information about yourself
In this case, there are two options: paid and free. It will require the collection of an appropriate package of documents. Only if it is available, you can get an extract from the register. Tax requires the following:
- Make an appropriate request for the registry.
- To issue a power of attorney. It is implied only if the receipt and delivery of documentation is not carried out by the head of the organization.
- Submit applications to the Federal Tax Service, where the company is registered.
After that, the requested paper is issued within five working days.
Faster Acceptance
Such situations are frequent when there is absolutely no time to wait. In this case, it is possible to pay the established state duty. Its size is 400 rubles. Similar documentation is required, which is required to receive a free statement. Everything will be ready the very next day after the application is submitted. The extract is obtained using a power of attorney or personally by the head of the company.
In this case, you can get an extract only for a fee:
- State duty in the amount of 200 rubles. Having paid for it, the organization can receive all the relevant documentation on the 6th working day after filing the application.
- State duty in the amount of 400 rubles. Having paid it, the organization can receive all the relevant documentation on the next business day.
Is it possible to receive a legal entity statement through the Internet?
This service is provided by many organizations. For example, commercial structures. Relevant documentation can be obtained on the official websites of the tax service. Information received by the organization in this way is informative and exploratory in nature.
Interested parties are entitled to receive an electronic extract from the register. Currently, individual entrepreneurs or legal entities, upon request through the Network, can receive information only about their own organizations. This procedure was established by the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. The application is subject to certain restrictions. The following individuals are entitled to receive a statement by remote request:
- Individual entrepreneurs. It is supposed to receive extracts from the registry in relation to themselves.
- Having reason to act on behalf of other legal entities without a power of attorney. It is supposed to receive extracts from the registry in relation to this organization.
- Heads of peasant farms. It is supposed to receive extracts from the registry in relation to peasant farms.
The above individuals must provide a signature key certificate. Its issuance is carried out by a certification center, which is accredited by the Ministry of Communications of the country. To obtain an extract, this key must be specified.
Making a request
In order to receive an extract, you must create a new application. It needs to be filled. To do this, use the option "generate a new application". It should indicate the following points:
- The main state registration number of the legal entity or KFH OGRNIP, information about which is required to be obtained.
- The way to apply.
An extract can be provided in the following options:
- Electronically. Implies sending over the Internet.
- Paper. It is provided personally to the applicant if he applied to the tax authority. Also, paper can be delivered by mail.
You can get information about the progress of the application. To do this, use the special option. It provides information on previously submitted applications.
Electronic view
In this option, information is provided to the applicant immediately after he has registered the application. In this case, you must specify the appropriate link. The document is generated as an Excel file. The extract contains exclusively publicly available and open information. Accordingly, the following information will not be indicated there:
- Passport data.
- Addresses of individuals.
- Information about the state of bank accounts.
An extract will be provided to the applicant if he clicks on the specified link. It is valid for five business days after the corresponding application has been registered. It should be noted that when the deadline expires, access to the data from the generated statement is closed. Up to this point, the applicant can repeatedly read the information that was provided by the specified link.
Paper carrier
In this option, the extract will be provided by the tax authorities in which the registration information about the individual entrepreneur or legal entity is located, in accordance with the requested data. The document is generated in the prescribed manner. The extract is first stitched, then numbered, and then it is signed by an authorized official in the relevant bodies. This takes into account the method of issuance that was specified in the process of registering the application via the Internet. Documentation in full is provided on time.
Data contained in the register on legal entities
- Short and full name in Russian. If necessary, it can be issued in a foreign language.
- The location of the current executive body of the company. It can also be data about the person who performs his functions.
- Form of incorporation.
- Way of education.
- Information about registries. Only joint stock companies are implied.
- Information about the founders.
- Information about representative offices and branches.
- The method of termination of activity.
- Information about the person who has every reason to act on behalf of the organization without a power of attorney.
- The size of the authorized capital. Information about him is contained in the constituent documents of commercial organizations.
- Information about the liquidation process.
- An identification number. The reason and date of registration with the tax service.
- Copies of constituent documents (notarized). Original papers may also be kept.
- Date of registration of changes that are present in the constituent documents. There are other cases established by law. Then the date of receipt of the corresponding notification about the changes that were made to the constituent documents by the registration authorities is provided.
- Succession Information. In this case, we mean legal entities that were created during the reorganization of other firms. The constituent documents are amended accordingly. This also applies to those legal entities that have ceased to carry out their activities due to the reorganization process.
- Information that the legal entity is reducing its authorized capital. Applies only to business entities.
- Information about the reorganization process.
- Date and registration number as policyholder:
18.1 In the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.
18.2 At the local authority of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.