
How to get a TIN for an individual and a legal entity - legal advice

TIN is a chain of numbers encoded in a special way. They contain the necessary data of taxpayers of the Russian Federation (legal entities and individuals), necessary for the subsequent streamlining of tax accounting. At the same time, the TIN in Russia is the same for all types of fees and taxes.

how to get inn

Brief description of TIN

The taxpayer identification number in Russia keeps records of legal entities or individuals, paying taxes. Legal organizations began to receive such a certificate in the Russian Federation in 1993. In 1997, individual entrepreneurs were also subject to mandatory taxation. In addition, after 2 years, any citizen has the opportunity to get a certificate with an identification number. Today, many people want to know how to get a TIN in Moscow or in any other Russian city. In the article we will find out.

There are 4 groups of TIN:

  • legal entity number;
  • physical certificate persons;
  • also IP certificate;
  • TIN for foreign organizations.

An ordinary citizen has 12 Arabic numerals in the TIN code, indicating the number of the subject of the Russian Federation, a taxpayer record at the place of registration, and also control values. When registering an IP, an individual is given a number that is a TIN. If the entrepreneur already has a certificate for an individual, then this number will be assigned to him in the future.

For Russian organizations, the code uses 10 digits. It should be noted that the decryption of the code here is the same as that of an individual. But in foreign companies, the number always starts with the numbers 9909, followed by 6 values ​​that indicate the check digit and code of the foreign organization. Below we will analyze how to get a TIN in tax.

how to get tax inn

Mandatory documents

What is a TIN? Today, every citizen, upon receipt of a birth certificate at the registry office, is assigned a tax number by the TIN. At the same time, receiving it for individuals is not a prerequisite, although when applying for a new job in accounting, it is mainly required.

By the way, today many appreciated the convenience of obtaining various documents, such as a passport, using the State Services service. To obtain a TIN, wishing to register here, it is necessary - it will need to be entered at the initial filling of the questionnaire. Then, after checking it, you will already have access to the functionality of the service.

Now find out how to get a TIN. It is issued at the place of registration, location or residence of law firms and citizens in the tax office. In fact, you need to go to the tax office, write a statement there and pick up the certificate in a couple of days.

In this case, certain documents are needed in each case. So, an individual needs to grab a statement to the tax office, as well as a copy and the original of all pages of the passport. If you do not know how to get a TIN for a child, then the following information will also be useful to you. You need to bring a birth certificate, in addition, documents that confirm your kinship.

So how to get a TIN certificate? At the time of registration of the company, a legal entity should submit an application for a certificate to the tax office. Attach the registration certificate to the form, in addition, all the constituent documents of the owner of the organization.

get a tin to a foreign citizen

Individual application form

You need to understand that the application for the TIN includes the following columns:

  • In the address bar - the name of the tax service.
  • General information about the individual, including: name, place and date of birth, gender.
  • Passport data.
  • Citizenship.
  • Address of residence (you can get the TIN at the place of registration).
  • A document that confirms the authenticity of residence at this address, if another is indicated in the passport.
  • Address of previous residence.
  • Date of registration.
  • The reason for obtaining the TIN (here you must note one of the points that most accurately describes your circumstances).

The application is filled out with a regular ballpoint pen (blue or black). All data must be filled in the lines allotted for this. The shooter, postscripts, abbreviations, footnotes that do not correspond to the Russian language should not be.

TIN per child

A child does not need it as much as a able-bodied adult, but at the same time its presence can be an indispensable condition for a number of domestic or social events. For example, some tour operators, schools, kindergartens require it. But it is necessary to pay attention that no body has the right to demand the indispensable availability of this document.

So how to get a TIN per child? At present, the tax service provides the opportunity to obtain a certificate by the child’s parents at the place of registration in the regional branch of the Federal Tax Service. To do this, the parent must present a passport, as well as a copy of it, which will show the registration in the Russian Federation and the list of children, registration of the child, birth certificate, a copy of it, in addition, an application in the form of No. 2-2 registration. If the application is issued immediately for two or more children, then the number of copies of documents must be equal to the number of declared individual tax numbers. A child’s TIN certificate is issued within 5 days, while the state duty is not levied.

How to get a TIN IP and legal entity

In order to obtain an individual tax number, you need to contact the Federal Tax Service. It does not take much time. But not everyone understands where you can get the TIN. To do this, you need to go to the tax office at the place of your registration. The documents that you need to have with you are a passport with a copy of it, in addition, an application, the form of which can be filled in place.

how to get a inn for a child

Since the legislation dictates the registration of IP in a 5-day period, during this time it is assigned a TIN (if it was not previously), about which a certificate is issued. If an individual registering a TIN registering an individual has already received a TIN certificate, then it should be attached to the documents necessary for registering an individual entrepreneur.

The legal entity, which is each organization registered and operating in the Russian territory on the basis of the charter in accordance with the legislation, receives a TIN from the tax office at the place of registration of that person. Unlike the 12-character code of individuals, organizations have a number that consists of ten digits. Since the presence of a tax number is the main condition of the taxation system of organizations, obtaining a TIN is considered mandatory when registering a company. By the way, a legal entity cannot be registered and registered without it.

Legal entity statement

It should be borne in mind that for registration with the tax service and receipt of TIN, form No. 12-1-1 is needed. Its completion:

  • In the header you need to indicate the date of the application, in addition, the name of the National Assembly.
  • The text further indicates the necessary information about the legal entity (abbreviated and full name of the company).
  • Addresses of location and registration, which are in the constituent documents.
  • Name of the authority that registered the company.
  • Registration date as well as registration number.
  • The size of the authorized capital (in numbers).
  • The reason for registration.
  • If the organization is a branch, you must register all the data of the main office.
  • The following is information about the chief accountant and manager with all the necessary contacts.
  • Indicate the number of pages of constituent documents that are attached to the application.
  • General information about the applicant filling out the application.

In the application, the third part is intended for the employee of the tax inspectorate.

How to get Inn via the Internet

TIN for foreign citizens

In order to carry out labor activities legally in Russia, to pay income taxes, and also not become a violator of the law, you must obtain a TIN to a foreign citizen. It has some features.

So, a foreign citizen who submits a set of documents must attach to it additionally:

  • Permission to stay in the Russian Federation.
  • Form of arrival in Russia.
  • Residence.

At the same time, persons who have a residence permit, TIN can issue at the place of residence, which is indicated in the document.

How to get a TIN over the Internet

To date, tax authorities have official sites that allow you to fill out a document without leaving your home. You can simply go there and fill out a form that does not differ from the printed sample. After that, receive a few days in paper form or electronic TIN of an individual. Where to get it in the future? In its regional branch of the Federal Tax Service. This is very convenient, considering how many people are usually in inspections.

But there is a condition when filling out such a form, which not everyone can fulfill. This is the presence of an electronic signature, pre-certified. You can get it at certain centers of the Federal Tax Service.

There is another option on how to get a TIN via the Internet: go to any inspection department where electronic terminals are located, after which there you already have to fill out the necessary form. You can get the certificate at the tax office located at the place of residence.

If you cannot personally come, write a letter of attorney to the other person and notarize it. The document can be obtained by mail. It is necessary to write a letter to the tax with a form No. 2-2, although here we also need the program “Taxpayer YL” and an electronic signature.

Receipt by registered mail

If it is not possible to visit the Federal Tax Service authority at the place of registration, while you are thinking about how to get the TIN for an individual, you need to know that it is possible to send the application by mail without forgetting the delivery confirmation.

how to get a tin to an individual

In this case, a copy of the passport of the Russian Federation certified by a notary must be attached to the application. The TIN certificate can also be obtained by the representative of the applicant, but only by proxy certified by a notary.

What is a TIN for?

No legal entity has the right to make transactions without TIN. So why is an individual required an identification number, if it is not involved in business, while taxes are paid from salaries? Obtaining a certificate for ordinary citizens in our country is not a mandatory requirement. Especially considering that each person already has their own identification number assigned in the tax immediately after birth. In this article, we have already figured out where to get the TIN. Now let's deal with another question.

This number allows you to find out about taxes that were paid by an individual:

  • with non-residential and residential real estate;
  • from income (rental of real estate, salary, rent of vehicles, sale of own services, sale of real and movable property);
  • for land;
  • for various vehicles.

Moreover, even tax deductions are reflected in the identification number. All citizens report on expenses and income (form 3-NDFL). Although if you compare this form with the TIN, the last document has more weight in many companies. For example, when applying for a loan at a bank, it is enough to simply present a certificate.

If the data is changed or the certificate is lost

Now let's see what to do if you change your place of residence, lose your certificate, take your husband’s surname. Regardless of whether a legal entity or an individual, the code in the room does not change when the certificate is lost. So, come with the necessary documents and fill out an application for the return of your identification number.

There is no form for returning the TIN, therefore, in free form, write it in the name of the head of the Federal Tax Service.In the application, ask for a duplicate in return for the lost certificate and indicate the number of the certificate that was lost. If you change in the certificate any information (place of residence, name or surname), you can come to the tax office and describe the situation.

Next, bring documents that confirm your words (passport with a residence permit, marriage certificate). In this case, a few days later you will receive a new certificate with your old code, with new data. Tax officers do not insist on changing the taxpayer identification number if you have changed your address or last name.

To restore tin (in case of theft or loss), an individual should apply through a representative or in person to the Federal Tax Service at his place of residence, and also submit documents such as:

  • Passport of the Russian Federation.
  • Application for issuing a duplicate TIN.
  • A document that confirms registration at the place of residence (fifth page of the passport of the Russian Federation).
  • Notarized power of attorney of a representative of an individual.
  • Paid receipt of duty in the amount of 200 or 400 rubles (for urgency).

TIN in the passport

Every Russian citizen can apply to the Federal Tax Service authority located at the place of residence in order to make a note about the TIN on the eighteenth page of the passport. This makes it possible to simplify the confirmation of conformity of information at the time of execution of various transactions and documents.

You need to understand that the mark in the passport indicating the TIN is done at will.

Get Inn at the place of registration


What is a TIN? This is a special code assigned to each person according to the registry office after birth. It is necessary for paying taxes in the Russian Federation. Moreover, it is issued once, and in case of loss, you can get a duplicate. But legal entities TIN must receive after registration of the organization. Individuals receive a certificate of their own free will. The FTS issues the INN certificate within 5-14 days.

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