
How to get the title "Veteran of Labor"?

Even in Soviet times they did not assign the status of Veteran of Labor. They gave exclusively a medal for many years of work. Since 1995, in the Russian Federation, labor veterans have received the long-awaited title, which gives many advantages. Now we will look at how to get the title of Veteran of Labor, advantages, the procedure for processing documentation, and more.

Who is given the status of Veteran of Labor?

20 years ago this title did not exist. There were only different awards and medals. Now, if a person has worked hard for many years, then he is given an honorary status. He becomes a labor veteran. Who can acquire this honorary title? Read on.

The title "Veteran of Labor" is assigned:

  1. Persons, citizens of the Russian Federation who were awarded orders, diplomas or medals in the USSR. They no longer work, but have a retirement age (while a pension can be assigned not only for old age, but also for length of service).
  2. Persons who have received honorary titles in the Soviet Union or in Russia have seniority for retirement (either by old age or by length of service).
  3. Citizens of Russia who were awarded for good and long work at one enterprise with departmental, breastplates and other signs. This suggests that the employee worked very well in due time. However, they should already be retired.
  4. There are some citizens in Russia who are awarded the title “Veteran of Labor” for their long and good work since childhood. They were forced to work in the Great Patriotic War from an early age. Also, these persons should have seniority (men - forty years old, women - 35).

right to the title of labor veteran

The title "Veteran of Labor" is assigned only when there is evidence in the form of letters, medals, orders, etc. It is even better if they are supported by relevant documents.

Veteran of Labor Medal

Such awards date back to the era of the USSR. Today, a medal is a sign that indicates a person’s distinctive abilities. She is awarded for a long, active work. This medal is called the Veteran of Labor.

rank of labor veteran

Even during the Patriotic War, this award was awarded to children who worked. They worked conscientiously for many years. Also, the medal is given to employees who deserve the award until retirement age.

The citizen was given not only a medal, but also a supporting document. Previously, it was only moral encouragement, but today, thanks to its merit, you can use the help of the state.

In what order are the authorities assigned the status of "Veteran of Labor"

A lot of people engaged in their labor activities for a long time stubbornly and efficiently, for this they were awarded with medals, signs and letters. Today, these citizens have the right to pretend or require to legally consider whether they are entitled to such a title - “Veteran of Labor”.

how to get the title of labor veteran

Where should I go in this case? Of course, in the organs of social. protection of the population. Only you need to go to the place of registration, not residence.

In order to receive the long-awaited title “Veteran of Labor”, it is necessary to collect the following documents (certificates):

  1. Write an appeal to the head of the social body. protect and bring. It is compiled in a form approved by law.
  2. Provide a copy of the passport (usually 1, 2 pages and registration) or another document that can confirm the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Although usually without a passport, an application is not accepted.
  3. A photograph, the same size as the passport - 3 * 4 cm.
  4. Documents and their copies that confirm your receipt of relevant awards.
  5. A work book confirming your long career.

If you received an award in World War II, then you must provide the documents of your work from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945 inclusive. It can also be a certificate issued in childhood. Other than the listed documents, they are not entitled to demand from you.

How to get the status of "Veteran of Labor"?

To know how to get the title “Veteran of Labor”, you need to include all the necessary documents in a social office (see above). After that, a private matter is formed in the bodies. It is subsequently transferred to the Ministry of the region. There, the commission examines the citizen’s case and decides whether he should be assigned this title. They can either refuse or satisfy his application, which is usually considered 14 - 15 working days. Usually the review is faster than expected.

In case of refusal, the commission shall send a written notice to the applicant within five (usually faster) business days. It indicates the reasons and procedure for appeal.

When the application is satisfied, the commission draws up a protocol within three (in some cases faster) working days to assign this status.

A citizen, to whom the commission agreed to this status, comes to the social body. protection of the population, and there under his signature he is given a certificate.

The title "Veteran of Labor" is awarded absolutely free. That is, you do not need to pay for the application or for consideration.

What certificate of the Russian Federation is issued to a citizen?

If government bodies made a positive decision to confer the title of Veteran of Labor, then social. the defense issues this document to a Russian citizen. It confirms the citizen’s right to receive the title “Veteran of Labor” and to some services or benefits, support from the social protection of the population, and various benefits.

Certificate "Veteran of Labor" - a document that gives a citizen the right to some advantages. Therefore, if you have lost it, then you must contact the social security authority to restore the document.

What are the honorary distinctions in work?

A citizen who has a reward for conscientious and continuous work with letters, medals, orders, badges and badges, has the right to a certain status.

getting the title of labor veteran

Who should give out these medals and awards?

  1. Russian Government.
  2. Head of ministry or head of department.
  3. Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.
  4. Gos. Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
  5. President of the Constitutional Court RF
  6. Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.
  7. Participants of the Commonwealth of Independent States, provided that the Russian Federation is involved.

If a citizen has a medal or diploma “Honorary Donor of the Russian Federation”, then it is considered as a right to the title “Veteran of Labor”.

What awards do not belong to honorary (departmental) marks?

There are certificates and medals that are awarded to a citizen of the Russian Federation, but according to the law they are not valid:

  1. Any medal or diploma issued as an exhibition of the national economy.
  2. Awards of the Presidium of the Congress of deputies of the Soviet Union.
  3. Diplomas and medals for participating in sports.
  4. Awards for academic title or degree.

All of the above marks, diplomas, medals, diplomas and other awards issued by an enterprise or organization, do not apply to honorary marks giving the right to assign this status.

What work experience do you need to have the status of “Veteran of Labor”?

Many Russian citizens are interested in the question of how many years they need to work conscientiously in order to obtain this status. According to the law, the experience for the title “Veteran of Labor” must be more than 40 years for men, and more than 35 for women. With the condition that at the moment they receive a pension.

There are also preferential terms, there are 2 lists. According to the first, a woman has at least 25 years of experience (and more), and a man has 30 (and more). According to the second list, a woman must work at least 30 years, a man - from 35.

If a citizen is a pensioner (s), awarded in the USSR with the Veteran of Labor medal and is a disabled person of groups 1 and 2, then their experience must be at least 15 years.

What are the benefits of a Veteran of Labor certificate?

Persons who are awarded the title "Veteran of Labor" have certain benefits. They have the right to:

  • For free treatment in state medical institutions at the place of residence or registration.
  • For free dental prosthetics (meaning not valuable metals) in state dental clinics at the place of residence or registration.
  • A labor veteran can receive spa treatment free of charge and out of turn.
  • They have the right to queue for installation of a landline telephone.
  • A labor veteran can ride on any vehicle with a certificate for free.
  • 50% discount on rail and water transport.
  • For telephone service or utility bills, payment will be charged 50% of the cost.

experience for the title of labor veteran

To get all of the above benefits, you will need to go to the appropriate authorities. But then you can use the additional services intended for the veteran of labor.

Final position

If you have only a long experience and there are no awards, then you are not entitled to any benefits and certificates.

If you have been awarded the title “Veteran of Labor of the Russian Federation” at work, you should know that the document has the right to be signed by an official no lower than the minister. The signature of the director or other director of the organization is not valid.

Once you have reached retirement age, you have the right to apply for social services. Of course, if there are awards or relevant documents.

Benefits can be not only in utilities or free travel. Labor veteran may qualify for recalculation of pension. Assistance in cash equivalent once a month is also possible.

If the veteran’s pension is lower than the cost of living, then he is also entitled to recalculate the pension. To do this, you need to go to social security and submit an application.

The conditions for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” are awards, medals, diplomas, which are supported by the length of service.

Today, a very topical issue is how to get this status, which has positive aspects. After all, there is the opportunity to use additional benefits and services.

If you don’t get a status, for example, there are medals, but you have no experience, then you still have the right to rely on encouragement from the state and some benefits. This is another story.

Many pensioners are deprived not only of their pension, but also of their rank. It happens that citizens experience the same, but for some reason the benefits are different. This is usually due to the fact that the law provides for each title separately. Often, retirees accuse social protection of injustice. And it accordingly acts only within the framework of the Charter.

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Good day!
The wife was awarded a letter from the Commander of the Ground Forces and a second letter from the Minister of Defense in 2016 (an employee of a military clinic. The Ministry of Social Policy of the Samara Region refused to receive a Veteran of Labor. But
the future veteran should have departmental insignia, which are medals and orders, honorary titles, diplomas and letters of thanks handed by the Ministries or by the president himself. Tell me my next steps to restore justice.
Please tell me, my husband was awarded signs; “For perfect work in railway transport” - 20 years and “Honorary Worker of the Traction Directorate” from JSC Russian Railways, whether he has the right to receive a veteran of labor. Total experience in transport is 30 years.
whether or not to receive the title of a veteran of labor having experience of more than 40 years but not having awards
it is possible or not to receive the title of a veteran of labor having an experience of more than 40 years, but not having awards


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