Work is in second place after home in the amount of time spent there. That is why the atmosphere that prevails there is so important. It depends not only on colleagues, but also on ourselves. We have a huge impact on how we work with others and how we will be perceived.
The foundation of everything is building relationships. If we want to have a good reputation at work and respect others, we need to make contact. Staying in the shade will not help. Rather, it will have the opposite effect. But this does not mean that we should be overly enthusiastic and tell our colleagues the details of our lives.
Specialists point to topics that are best left out in the work environment. These are political views, sexual life (one's own and others), the skills of other employees, willingness to change jobs, opinions about the boss, earnings, attitude to work or the madness of young people. In general, everything related to opinions on sensitive issues, money and shameful situations is better not to mention.
There are specific expressions that should be avoided. They will not create a good opinion of us. They can do much harm, because some will suspect you of insufficient professionalism, while others will decide that you are not mature enough. Which phrases do you mean?
“This is unfair”
This expression is often abused. Often we cannot say whether something is really unfair, because we cannot know all the circumstances of a given situation and the motives that drive someone. None of us are omniscient. Of course, there are events that are clearly unfair, but expressing such an opinion under the influence of emotions will not allow colleagues to take you seriously. Instead of saying “this is unfair,” it’s better to say something like: “I do not understand your decision. Can you explain to me what were the reasons for its adoption? ”
"I can not"
This expression sounds like a spoiled child's speech. The phrase “I can’t” can be understood as “I do not want”. In fact, if we have problems with something, it is better to say openly what is happening and ask for help. There can be many reasons for saying “I can’t”, and this proposal will entail a number of conjectures that should be avoided.
Nothing is impossible, everything is doable if you look at things from the right angle. Are you sure you have considered all the options? Do not be negative and pessimistic in the workplace. Develop a positive attitude. Instead of this phrase, say: “What I can do on this issue is ...”.
“I'll do it in a minute”
If you know well that you don’t invest in the time you promised, never say it. Realistically evaluate how long you will work on the task assigned to you.
A normal leader will be able to quickly assess whether this is possible in such a time or not. Having said that something will happen in a moment, you are misleading it.
Sometimes we pronounce this phrase under the influence of stress, emotions or unconsciously. At work, you should be careful in your statements. Better say that you will try to do the work as quickly as possible or that its implementation will not take much time.
“We always did it differently.”
It is only natural that the employee gets used to a certain way of fulfilling his duties, especially if it lasted for years. However, the phrase mentioned does not make any sense.
The change was made for a specific reason - apparently, it was believed that this would be better.At work - whether we want it or not - we must adapt to the established rules.
Of course, you can always express your doubts. If your manager instructs you to carry out a specific workflow that is different from what you did before, try it before informing your boss that you did it differently and better before. A good leader will certainly appreciate the balance, backed by logical arguments.
"It's not my fault"
Sometimes we get the feeling that we are being accused unfairly, but the phrase “this is not my fault” sounds very infantile. First of all, make sure that it’s not our fault. Maybe you just did not notice the error? Analyze the situation. If you know for sure that you are innocent, report it. Operate with facts, only then you will be perceived as a professional. Avoid phrases like the one mentioned.