
Vending: massage chairs as a business. How much can you earn on one massage chair

Vending is the promotion of services and goods through vending machines. Each of us has seen such devices selling sandwiches, tea, coffee, as well as accepting various types of payments. In any business related to vending, the main factor that affects revenue is the machine installation area. The same situation is with newfangled massage chairs. The more you place a relaxing seat in a more crowded place, the more profit it will bring to you.

massage chairs as a business

Massage chairs as a business

Entrepreneurs most often promote this type of activity in the following places: rest homes and boarding houses, large shopping and entertainment centers. Motels and hotels, saunas and baths are also popular.

In such a case, it is very important to draw up the right business plan. Massage chairs almost do not require unwinding. When located in a walkable and visible place, they peerlessly advertise themselves. But if you want to increase the number of daily landings, it is recommended to follow the basic rules:

  • Place vending chairs in pairs (this is especially true for shopping and entertainment complexes and boarding houses). People, as a rule, walk together and then it is easier for them to decide on a tempting vacation.
  • An advertising stand should be installed next to the seats, which gives basic information about the seats, and tells what functions they have available. Due to the fact that this service is still quite new for our regions, such a shield will increase the number of customers by an average of fifteen to twenty percent.

vending armchairs


Vending chairs are very primitive in operation. For their work requires only one ordinary outlet. Electricity consumption in this case is minimal. This is the main advantage of seats over vending machines selling hot drinks. In addition, in the latter it is necessary to constantly replenish the supplies of coffee, tea, water, granulated sugar, spoons, cups, as well as cream and other ingredients, which requires regular considerable expenses.

Therefore, one person can build a business on a massage chair, while easily serving a network of fifty to eighty seats. Going around sources of revenue and collecting revenue will be required only once every two to three weeks. Do not forget to regularly wipe the chairs with wet wipes or arrange with the landlord for cleaning. Clean seats always delight visitors.

Now let's figure out who is attracted to massage chairs for business.

Experienced players

These are those entrepreneurs who have seriously and for a long time come to the topic of vending. They are called "coffee makers", "terminal workers", "sandwiches" and so on. This group of businessmen has extensive experience in finding the right places, organizing logistics and the like, so they can easily be taken for a new profitable business.

Employed people as extra income

For example, the director of a boarding house or hotel can buy several armchairs and arrange them on its territory. In this case, he doubles his salary, frankly, without doing anything.

business plan massage chairs

Caring husbands and / or fathers

Recently, it has become popular with wealthy people to buy a business for their beloved wives or promising children of student age (SPA, tanning salons, small themed shops, as well as hairdressing salons).

For a teenager, massage chairs as a business is a great school. On the one hand, such a thing is not very distracting from studying at the university.On the other hand, there is a complete set of questions of any business. This is marketing (how and where to most effectively arrange seats), and cold calls (they help to find a suitable installation area), and the skill of conducting business negotiations (in the same place you can either put a relaxing seat for a high rent, or arrange it for free, having managed to convince the owner of the room that the new-fangled chairs are stylish, attractive and will work well on a set of services and the image of the institution).

Mini Investors

Not everyone will be able to start their own business, initially having three or four thousand dollars and without depriving themselves of the main source of profit. The way out is massage chairs as a business. Get them, scamper for a week or two to resolve all organizational issues, then come back from time to time to collect. Everything is working properly, and the situation is under control.

Professional investors

You can also find a capital investor who will not refuse to consider investing in a business with the following parameters:

  1. Payback - up to one year (in most cases, chairs recover costs even after six months).
  2. The amount of investment in this case is any. The big plus is that it can be increased gradually by regularly tracking confirmation of business forecasts.
  3. There is virtually no competition on the market.
  4. Expensive operational advertising is not required, as the seats are always focused exclusively on visitors to establishments with relaxing seats.
  5. Massage chairs as a business are an indispensable assistant in advertising any other business, as the client, due to being in one place, will be required to listen or read everything that you offer him.

Calculation of revenue

Suppose that a massage chair installed in a certain place will work thirty days a month (seven days a week).

To determine the cost of landing, we focus on the average price in the market: one hundred rubles in ten minutes. It should also be noted that in small cities with a low level of salaries, the cost of the service can be reduced to fifty rubles.

Bill acceptors on vending massage chairs work to receive banknotes in denominations of fifty and one hundred rubles.

Thus, the monthly revenue under this condition will be approximately fifteen thousand rubles.

chair vending

Cost calculation

The costs are usually as follows:

  1. The cost of placement of massage chairs. For calculations, we take the average price of three thousand rubles per chair per month. It should also be borne in mind that in large shopping and entertainment centers the cost of accommodation is much higher. It is from five to ten thousand. However, this significantly increases the number of landings per month.
  2. Collection and maintenance of vending machines. An operator in a million-plus city in a passenger car can easily serve more than fifty vending massage chairs arranged in two or four units at one point. Collection is recommended at least once a week.
  3. Taxation.
  4. Repair of vending armchairs. After-sales care for massage seats is provided during routine maintenance. The supplier provides various warranty periods on the seats. The manufacturer also has a warehouse of spare parts. This information is useful if you are planning to order something quickly from the manufacturer.
  5. Also, a large share of the expenses is spent on management, mobile communications, office rental (not always required), salaries to management personnel.

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