Often, some business women have the idea of opening a beauty salon and spa centers. At the same time, in each case, there are peculiarities and differences from the standard business plan.
Opening a beauty salon - an initial business plan
The organizers of such a business, firstly, can not be taken as a basis for existing analogues.
Each individual beauty studio should have its own zest. Due to the rapid development of the salon business, as well as its characteristic variability, the data available in the media quickly become outdated.
Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly study the opening of a beauty salon. A business plan in this case can be very helpful.
Stages of the organization of the salon business
So it already turns out in practice that the owners of this business are women. Despite the fact that this is the "weak" half of humanity, it is women who precisely understand how to organize a beauty salon.
The first stage, of course, is the deliberation of the idea itself. Basically, it occurs among specialists in this field who are tired of working for someone.
An example is the conflict of a manicurist with the owner of a beauty salon. As a result, the specialist remains without work and is offended by the whole world.
It seems to the master that she is able to carry out the opening of a beauty salon, the business plan of which has even been formed in hypothetical terms.
The second stage is the direct registration of a legal entity. It is very important for yourself to determine the status of a business entity, since it will be very difficult for an individual entrepreneur to obtain a medical license necessary for carrying out activities.
The third stage is the search for a suitable room. It requires the greatest amount of time, since the success of the salon is influenced by its location, namely: it must be at least the first floor of a residential building (better if it is a separate building). What matters is its appearance, design, presence near similar salons, as well as potential customers (in other words, it is very good if the beauty studio is located among residential buildings).
The fourth stage is to document the capacity of water and energy supply. This factor is very important for business. All documents with energy sales organizations, Vodokanal and local utilities should be drawn up in the prescribed manner. At this stage, it is also necessary to provide for paperwork on a possible redevelopment (if necessary) with the mandatory invitation of an BTI expert as a specialist.
The fifth stage is the conduct of a quality advertising campaign with the involvement of relevant specialists. Installation of outdoor advertising is possible in this case. There is such a thing as primary advertising, which must be carried out at least a month before the opening of a beauty salon.
The sixth stage is the purchase of a cash register, the preparation of the necessary package of documents. This may also include the conclusion of an agreement on the connection of a fire alarm.
Recruitment process
This is also quite a time-consuming and painstaking phase of establishing the work of a new beauty salon. The professionalism of the hired specialists determines how rapidly the customer base will expand.
Therefore, often this process is not only time-consuming, but also painful, since the owner of the salon has to repeatedly refuse applicants or dismiss inappropriate.
Those housewives who try the services provided by their specialists on themselves do the right thing. Firstly, they will be confident in their quality. Secondly, they will be able to safely recommend one or another specialist to their friends for their image.
An important role is assigned to the salon administrator. He is obliged to coordinate all the work of the beauty studio, to bring to customers various promotional offers, as well as new items in the hairdressing and cosmetology services provided.
And, of course, an accountant is an indispensable employee. This should be a specialist in accounting and tax accounting.
Equipment must be ordered already when all the necessary documents for the acquisition or rental of premises are completed. Even if this room requires any repair work, all the same, when ordering equipment, a delivery time of up to three months is possible. Upon receipt, it is necessary to check all certificates, warranty and after-sales service agreements. Installation should be carried out only by professional suppliers.
Certification and Licensing
One of the answers to the question: “What is needed to open a beauty salon?” Is the correct execution of all permits. Conventional licensing household services does not exist. However, in order to avoid any misunderstandings in the future, it is necessary to contact this issue with the local administration.
But licensing of medical activities is mandatory and is carried out by the territorial administration of Roszdravnadzor.
Primary printing products
This stage is perhaps the most creative in the entire organizational process. After all, the answer to the question: “How to make a beauty salon profitable?”, To a large extent, lies precisely in the proper design of business cards and booklets. We must not forget about such a necessary document as a price list, which should always be in the lobby and be accessible to visitors. Then they will ask questions only on those positions for the provision of services that are not reflected in the price list.
Purchasing Supplies
By them it is necessary to understand all those little things that are necessary for beauty salon specialists in the implementation of their professional activities.
The effectiveness of beauty salons
As with any enterprise, efficiency is the profitability of beauty salons, which depends on marketing research of the market for these services either by the owners themselves or by specially hired professionals. In connection with the appearance on the market of new types of cosmetics and equipment, the improvement of cosmetology procedures and hairdressing services, the requirements for the organization of a salon business are also increasing.
Then the opening of a beauty salon, the business plan of which is already being prepared taking into account them, will be successful. One of its sections should be mandatory advanced training or special trainings by hairdressers, manicure or cosmetologist services.
The total cost of creating a salon
How much money is needed to open a beauty salon, it is definitely impossible to answer. It largely depends on the location of the cabin. If we are talking about a large city, then the cost of the premises is much higher. But this item of expenses has the largest share in the total cost.
However, in such a city there is the prospect of further expanding the client base and making more profit. At the same time, of course, the requirements of the customers are higher, therefore, highly qualified specialists are needed.
The cost of expenses depends on the structure of the services provided.For example, when it comes to cosmetology services, you should consider the need to purchase expensive equipment and ensure high-quality lighting. However, in this case, you can cheat a little.
For example, if in the salon along with cosmetology services massage services are provided, then for these two types one folding chair-couch is enough. At least for the first time. The main thing is that the administrator should correctly schedule the provision of such services.
Thus, the cost of opening a beauty salon, for example, in Moscow, in a room with a total area of 100 square meters will range from 98 thousand to 165 thousand dollars.
The largest share in costs is: the repair of the premises (50 thousand - 75 thousand dollars) and the purchase of equipment (up to 50 thousand dollars).
Considering the structure of the necessary equipment, you should clearly determine what you need to buy in the first place. So, a hairdressing chair costs from 4 thousand to 12 thousand rubles, and apparatus for body shaping and lymphatic drainage - within 120 thousand rubles.
However, you can not do without the appropriate furniture, the manufacture of which for a small salon will cost from 50 thousand rubles.
So, it should be noted that a beauty studio should be created under the same scrutiny as any other business. Records of income and expenses should be kept at the proper level, and profitability should be constantly monitored. Only in this way will it be possible to timely identify weaknesses in the business and respond to them through the implementation of certain measures.