Human life in the modern world is associated with constant stress and stress. Office work is very tiring, and constant fatigue over time becomes a cause of depression.
Probably, for this reason, in recent years, many people have been trying to lead the right lifestyle and take care of their health. This trend has made amendments to the sphere of wellness services, and entrepreneurs began to think about how to open a massage room.
This type of business is quite simple to organize and does not require large investments at the start. In addition, the funds invested in the massage room quickly pay off, especially if you hire highly qualified specialists with their own customer base.
Market analysis
Before you open a massage room, you need to determine the main target audience and study the interests of potential customers. You should also consider the possibility of developing a business and carefully consider the list of services, based on the analysis of the market. It’s great if you offer your clients various types of massage. This will allow you to expand the circle of potential audience and, accordingly, increase the profitability of your business.
Business design
Before you open a massage room, you need to prepare the legal basis of the business: register a private enterprise with the tax authorities, obtain permits and a license for the relevant activity. But first you need to decide on the services that you plan to provide.
In accordance with the eastern classification of massage, it can be structured according to the following principle: wellness, sports, healing and cosmetic. The methods of the procedure differ: manual, hardware and combined.
Licensing of a massage room is required only if the list of services includes therapeutic massage. If you have the appropriate certificate, and you will provide massage services to your clients yourself or with the help of hired specialists, then it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. The first organizational form is preferable, as it greatly simplifies the tax system.
Documents for starting a business
In addition, before you open a massage room, you should receive the following documents:
- Permission of SES and fire service authorities.
- Certificate authorizing the provision of massage services to clients.
It is worth noting that the main requirement for obtaining a license is that the applicant has a building or premises on the basis of ownership. In this case, it is allowed to place massage rooms in rooms without natural lighting, if standardized microclimate and air exchange indicators are provided.
Choice of premises
Before you open a massage room, you must find a room. If we talk about its location, then here you need to consider many factors. If an experienced specialist with your own customer base will work for you, then you can choose a room in any convenient place. His regular customers will come to any area of the city. You just have to take care of the availability of a convenient entrance to the building and parking for cars.
If you just have to build up a clientele, then you should give preference to the habitable bedroom area or the area of expensive new buildings. People prefer to visit massage parlors within walking distance. There is another option - the opening of such an office on the basis of the existing fitness or sports club, beauty salon, sauna and so on. Here, your client can be every visitor to the club or salon.
SES requirements for the premises
In order to coordinate all issues with the SES, it is necessary that the premises you choose comply with a number of mandatory requirements, namely:
- The area of the massage room depends on the number of specialists who will work for you. One workplace should have at least 8 square meters. m
- It is necessary to equip a relaxation area where clients can relax after massage treatments.
- All necessary communications must be present in the room: water supply, sewage and a bathroom.
- It is necessary to allocate a zone for the administrator's workplace.
Therefore, to organize a massage room with one specialist, it is enough to purchase a room of 30 square meters. m. If your plans include the provision of diverse services, then you will need an area of at least 70-100 sq. m. In addition, the SES requires that the walls of the room have tiles or washable wallpaper, since once a week in the office it is necessary to carry out preventive maintenance and disinfection. You also need to take care of the availability of clean towels and purchase a washing machine to keep them in proper condition.
Before you open a massage room with a staff of more than 4-5 massage therapists, think about whether it will be cost-effective. If your funds allow, then perhaps the best option would be to open several cabinets of different profiles. Or it’s worth opening several small salons in different areas of the city.
Massage room and its equipment
To equip the massage room you need to purchase special equipment. The main attribute, of course, is a massage couch or a stationary table. The selection of such tables is quite extensive in terms of functionality and appearance. In addition, you will need furniture for the administrator and reception, ionizers, supplies, massage accessories, cosmetic oils, massagers and so on.
Massage room staff
The massage room cannot be established without specialists. To provide massage services to clients, you need to hire massage therapists with a secondary medical education and a certificate that gives the right to engage in this type of activity. This requirement is also mandatory according to SES. It’s certainly profitable to hire specialists who have already taken place with their own customer base, but as a rule, they have private practice and want to receive about 50% of the cost of massage, while the usual income of a massage therapist is 30%.
Customer acquisition
What you need for a massage room, except for the above. Of course, advertising to attract customers. In order for a potential audience to learn about your discovery, you need to advertise in the local media or on the Internet in your region. You can also place an ad in transport or at stops. The building should have a noticeable and stylish sign. But the most important advertisement is reviews of grateful customers. Your reputation is the key to the reliability and profitability of your business.
Cost and profit
To open a massage room with an area of 70 square meters. m. for two tables you need capital in the amount of 300-400 thousand rubles. This amount includes the repair of the premises, the purchase of furniture, equipment and other expenses.
Fixed costs: rental of premises, utilities, etc. are about one hundred thousand rubles.
Masseurs receive a salary in the amount of a percentage of the profits from the services provided, as a rule, it is 30-50% depending on the experience and qualification of a specialist.
In addition to the indicated amount, it is necessary to have available funds in case of unforeseen expenses that may well arise in the first few months
. After all, while the flow of customers to your office becomes stable, some time will pass. You can reduce costs by advertising your business and limit yourself to low-cost options such as customer reviews, signboards, and flyers.
An experienced massage therapist can usually serve seven to eight clients per shift. Beginner - a maximum of four per day. The cost of one massage session ranges from 500-1500 rubles, depending on the type and qualification of the specialist. The profitability of the massage room is estimated at 25-30%. According to experts, the money invested in the organization of a business can pay off in six to seven months of the cabinet’s work.
Therefore, to open a massage room, you must have a capital of 300-400 thousand rubles. The expected profit of the salon will be approximately 60-90 thousand rubles per month. The idea of opening a massage parlor is attractive enough for novice entrepreneurs of the corresponding specialization, since investments are required small, and the payback period with the correct organization of activity is quite short.