What is a cafe? This is an institution where they provide catering and recreation services. It is a bit like a restaurant, but it has slight restrictions on the range. There is a self-service cafe.
The cafe has a rather long history, which has not received any confirmation.
The fact is that this type of catering appeared relatively long ago. Therefore, only the most believable version should be considered.
According to her, in 1554 the first coffee house in the world was opened in Istanbul. It was called the Circle of Thinkers. In America, the first institution of this type was opened only in 1670. It was located in Boston. The first in Europe is considered a cafe in Austria, located in Vienna. This happened after the victory in the war in 1683. If we talk about the Commonwealth, then in Warsaw this type of institution first appeared only in 1724.
Types of cafes are what we will talk about later in the article. However, first you should consider the general characteristics and varieties.
If we talk about the assortment of products, then the institution is divided into a confectionery, coffee shop, ice cream parlor, grill, bar, Internet cafe.
Classification also takes place by location. There are stationary and street cafes. It should be noted that this type of catering can be located in a separate building, but often, unlike a large number of restaurants, it is located inside a building on the ground floor and can also exist as an extension.
Another type of cafe is a roadside. Often, they are located near some institutions on the roads that have either local or federal significance. At the moment, seasonal cafes have become common. We are talking about those buildings located near the seashore or river, which were opened mainly only in the warm period. If we talk about ski resorts, on the contrary, such a cafe will work in the winter.
In countries where a temperate climate prevails, often all establishments function outdoors in the warm season.
If divided by contingent, then there are art cafes, that is, clubs, children’s, youth clubs, the so-called gay-friendly, as well as others. It should also be noted that in addition to coffee houses there are tea establishments and cafes. Thus, by type of activity, cafes can be divided into a large number of different options.
Standard Cafe
If we talk about the main activity of the cafe, it should be noted that there are universal institutions. Consider what it is.
Speaking about cafes that work with self-service, it should be noted that they use transparent broths for first courses. The rest of the range consists of popular and simple options. Often these are scrambled eggs, sausages, sausages, as well as spring rolls.
If we talk about a cafe with waiters, then special specialties are served, however, as a rule, we are talking about those that can be quickly prepared. The menu is made up of hot drinks, while there should be at least 10 according to GOST, followed by cold ones. Confectionery is required, there are also about 10 options. Next are cold and hot dishes.
In general, a universal cafe is suitable for visitors to relax, which is why the trading floor should be decorated with special decorative elements, you need to take care of the lighting, as well as the calorific value of the establishment. The microclimate must be maintained by exhaust ventilation. Furniture items should be standard, their design is often lightweight. Tables should be coated with a special coating.Dining utensils should ideally be either glass or stainless steel or other materials.
Such an establishment often has a lobby, wardrobe, and toilet rooms. Considering the main activity of the cafe, it should be noted that the room should consist of a hall and a utility room. Sandwiches and hot drinks need to be prepared directly in the kitchen, while the rest of the products often come ready-made. The area of one seat in a cafe should be at least 1.6 square meta.
coffee house
In short, the so-called institution that sells coffee and coffee drinks. If we consider it broadly, then this is a gastronomic type room, which can be called a place for personal meetings or just communication. Here, by order of the consumer, they can serve coffee, cake, ice cream, teas of different varieties, juices, as well as alcoholic or carbonated drinks. Often in the countries of the East and Asia, coffee shops sell hookah and flavored tobacco.
Coffee houses in the world
In the Russian Federation, a coffee house first appeared during the reign of Peter I. These establishments existed until the creation of the Soviet Union. After its formation, all coffee houses were closed. In the early nineties, their work was revived. It should be noted that according to statistics, almost half of the residents of each major city of the Federation now go to such an institution at least once a week.
Separately, a Viennese coffee house. This is a company that provides catering directly in Vienna. Now in the capital of Austria, such institutions play a huge role in the development of culture and traditions. It should be noted that this type of cafe activity for the Austrians is quite important, according to their tradition, a person should order a drink in it and, sitting at a table, read newspapers offered by the institution. This is a hallmark of any Viennese establishment.
In the Netherlands, where the sale of cannabis, better known as hemp, is legalized, most stores where it is sold are called coffee houses.
If we talk about the Middle East, then this institution is a social place where men gather. As for other people, they come to coffee houses in order to read books, watch TV, listen to music, that is, eating is not the main and authoritative one when visiting such an institution. In addition, in the countries of the Middle East in all coffee houses they sell hookah. This service is considered traditional.
Coffee shop features
According to statistics, more than 70% of people are considered regular customers of coffee houses after at least once in their life they visited such an institution on the recommendation of their friends. At the moment, the largest coffee company is Starbucks. It is distributed throughout the world. Its cafes are open in 58 countries, and if we talk about the number of branches, the network has more than 19 thousand establishments. They function as the main activity of the cafe - universal.
Many historians know what Boston tea is. This is a protest that was launched by the colonists in 1773. The preparation of this rebellion was held in a coffee shop. At that time, it was called the Green Dragon.
The world has the largest insurance market. It is called "London Lloyd", and initially this institution was a coffee shop. After a short period of time, it has grown to unrealistic proportions.
It should also be noted that the stock exchange and the main bank of New York were previously known as coffee houses. They were on Wall Street.
Cabaret, which is also known as cafesantan, is an entertainment provider. Sketches and plays are often held here, any dance numbers are shown, performances by entertainers, songs are sung, and so on.
It should be noted that this type of cafe is of French origin.He was involved in Louis Napoleon, who, as you know, was the emperor of France. The fact is that he forbade singing chanson-style songs in public places, that is, on the street, squares, and so on, so cafesantans or cabarets were founded.
The world's first institution of this type was opened in 1881. It was called Black Cat. Located in Paris. The head of the institution invited talented famous poets and musicians here, so the cabaret has become quite popular. Accordingly, under the influence of fame, after a few years, such institutions arose throughout France.
The first German cabaret was opened in Berlin in 1901.
Red mill
In 1889, a cabaret was opened in Paris, which is currently a classic. It is called the Moulin Rouge. Literally translated into Russian as "Red Mill". Over time, this type of institution has already become better known as a place where frank dances are performed. The glory of the cabaret was brought by artists who danced in the styles of cancan and burlesque.
Ice cream parlor
Consider the types of children's cafes - ice cream parlors. This institution is considered the most democratic and simple, if we talk about leisure activities. By type of activity - cafe-restaurant. All family members, including children, can come here.
If you want to expand the range, then you need to use baking, frozen desserts and so on. Often this type of fast food cafe is located either in a separate building or directly in the premises of a restaurant.
A device is installed that prepares ice cream. Moreover, it should be designed not only for the use of natural products, but also for ready-made mixtures. Accordingly, it is necessary to purchase additional kitchen equipment, it should be stainless steel. We are talking about refrigerators, tables, shelves, shelves and so on. A showcase should be placed on the trading floor, which will directly demonstrate the entire assortment, as well as furniture and appliances in order to make coffee or tea.
The main types of cafes also include a bistro. This is an institution that has the type of restaurant-cafe, where only simple dishes are sold. Previously, this word meant the owner who held such a room. In Russia, a similar term means either a bar or a small restaurant.
If we talk about the origin of the name, then there is a popular version that connects the French word bistro with Russian “fast”. According to this theory, during the occupation of the capital of France in 1814, the Cossacks demanded that local waiters be served much faster. Accordingly, the name of the institution arose where dishes are prepared and served at lightning speed.
However, this version cannot be regarded as reliable. The fact is that the word "bistro" in French was first mentioned no earlier than the 1880s. At this time, the Russian presence in Paris was not noticed. But on the other hand, there are dialects, as well as just slang words, which can mean the owners of the tavern, the names of alcoholic drinks, species dealers and so on.
Internet cafe
This institution can also be called a cafe of a general type. According to GOST, it is understood that people come here who need access to the Internet. Often dishes are served here, you can drink coffee or drinks, chat.
Special institutions also work according to the rule that states that access to the Internet is not paid. In this case, it is simply included in the cost of entry.
Internet cafes will be very convenient for those who are in a foreign city and have no way to access the Network or who do not have a computer at home.
If we talk about history, then there is an opinion that this type of cafe is a branch of the coffee shop. The fact is that the latter is considered an institution where people come to chat, read books, write any notes or letters.
In 2000-2003, Internet cafes reached their peak in Moscow and other regions of the Russian Federation. At that time, there was even a federal program, thanks to which access points were specially established in post offices.
After the mobile network appeared, as well as large tablets became commonplace for ordinary citizens, interest in Internet cafes began to gradually decline. Now this race has been sorted out by institutions that simply have free Wi-Fi access. They are more cost-effective and therefore much more profitable to contain them.
It should also be noted that since 2008 a ban on gambling in the Russian Federation was introduced. That is why since that period illegal cafes have been created with slot machines operating under the guise of Internet establishments. Because of this, all cafes, the types of services of which in some way intersect with computer ones, become very interesting to regulatory authorities.
OKVED: restaurants and cafes
According to Russian law, which has been in force since 2003, this group includes the sale of products outside the enterprise, the provision of food in cars and on ships. The activities of eateries, which are forms of fast food, as well as establishments in the form of self-service (or without it), are also included in this group.
Trade through vending machines is not included in this type of activity (cafe) according to OKVED.
At the moment, there are a huge number of types of cafes, so there is something to choose between. It should be noted that there are more such establishments every year, since they do not lose their popularity, but, on the contrary, only gain.
It should be noted that the most famous among entrepreneurs now is the question of what kind of business a cafe has. When creating such an institution, you need to contact lawyers. They will tell you how to properly organize the device from a legal point of view. The fact is that there are special nuances that are not supported in the Russian Federation and are not included in cafe standards; accordingly, it will be difficult to obtain a license. For a successful creation, just write a business plan or download a ready-made one from the Internet. This will allow you to quickly earn money without any problems.