
The couple bought a house and as a gift received a second one - very tiny: only after a while they learned its purpose

When you acquire real estate, sometimes interesting facts are revealed that are associated with it. This especially happens often if there is a considerable area near the house. On it you can find very unusual and interesting objects. So people bought a house, and then it turned out that next to it there is another building.

Two for the price of one?

An unusual incident occurred with Matt and Anna Jones, who purchased a house in New Jersey. They prepared to become owners of a full-fledged home, but they were also waiting for a small house. Its height is only one and a half meters. But, in addition to the size of the house, people were even more surprised by what they saw inside!

At first glance, you can immediately think that this place is from horror films. All furniture is small in size. In addition, there are rather strange toys in obscure places.

Strange toys and small furniture are more suitable for children. But it's hard to imagine what was happening in this house. The neighbors began to tell the couple that the circus artists were short, so everything is so small.

But then it turned out that the previous owners built this house for children. In 1960, grandfather made it for his grandchildren and equipped it. But the couple still wonders why there is such a strange interior and toys.

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