
Agriculture of the Sverdlovsk region. Agricultural enterprises, agricultural firms, collective farms

For the Sverdlovsk region, as well as for the entire Ural Federal District, agriculture is not a priority industry. However, crop production and animal husbandry in this region are still quite good. If we talk about the volume of agricultural products supplied to the market, the Sverdlovsk Region is approximately 25th in Russia. This, of course, is not the best, but still a fairly high indicator.

Cattle breeding in the Sverdlovsk region

In actual prices, the proportion of agricultural products sold on the market of this region is approximately 1.5%. That is, the area is actually, to a large extent, industrial. In recent years, per capita agricultural products in the region have amounted to about 15-20 thousand rubles. This is below the average for Russia by about 17 thousand rubles.

Climatic conditions

Of course, agriculture in all areas of the Russian Federation depends on the policies pursued by the state and the amount of funding. However, the climatic conditions of a particular region certainly have an even greater impact on this industry.

Sverdlovsk region in this regard, unfortunately, is not very well located. So, for example, in the region mainly podzolic and mountain-tundra soils prevail. There are practically no chernozems in the region. Humus in the earth in the region contains on average no more than 5.13%. Moreover, the coefficient of its return after removal from the harvest is only about 30%.

Arable land in the Sverdlovsk region accounts for no more than 14% of all areas. Moreover, every year the agricultural land in the region is becoming less and less. The area of ​​arable land is declining, while uncultivated pastures and hayfields are increasing.

Grain cultivation in the Sverdlovsk region

Summer in the Sverdlovsk region is cold and short. There are very few sunny days per year in the region. And this, of course, also negatively affects the development of crops.

Agricultural areas of the Sverdlovsk region

The best livestock and crop production in this region is developed in:

  • Irbit district.

  • Rzhevsky.

  • Beloyarsky.

  • Kamensky.

  • Sysersky.

  • Alapaevsky.

  • Sukholozhsky.

It is here that the largest agricultural enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region operate.

Priority Industries

Oriented agriculture of the region mainly on livestock. This specialization has more than 60% of agricultural enterprises in the region. Moreover, most of the region - a little more than 55% of all agricultural products - produces poultry meat. Also quite well developed in the region:

  • pig breeding (about 29%);

  • cattle breeding (15%);

  • breeding of small cattle (0.5%).

Growth in agricultural production in the Sverdlovsk region has been observed since about 2012. At the same time, most actively developing in the region today are enterprises of its priority livestock sector - poultry. The last 8 years, the production volumes of such farms are steadily increasing.

Poultry complexes of the Sverdlovsk region

Pig-breeding complexes are developing quite actively in the region at the moment. But at the same time, the number of cattle in the Sverdlovsk region is increasing, unfortunately, not too intensively. In previous years, in this regard, even a decrease in indicators was noted several times.The livestock of IFAs in the region, unfortunately, has declined completely in recent years.

Plant growing

This agricultural sector in the region is represented mainly by the cultivation of cereals and potatoes. Also at a relatively high level in the region is the production of rapeseed. In addition, some farms in the region are growing:

  • legumes;

  • vegetables in open and protected ground.

Of the cereals in the Sverdlovsk region, barley is most grown - about 16% of the sown area. In second place is wheat - 15%, and in third oats - 6%. Rye, tirticale, millet, and buckwheat are also grown in the region. Rapeseed accounts for 2.5% of the cultivated area, and potato - 2%. Of the legumes in the region, only peas are grown.

Types of agricultural enterprises

Thus, the specializations of the farms of the Sverdlovsk region are quite diverse. Of course, agricultural enterprises of various forms of ownership are registered in the territory of this region. In the field work:

  1. Agricultural production cooperatives. Examples of such farms are the SEC “Kilachevsky”, “Testament of Ilyich”, “Glinsky”.

  2. SKHPK - “Pervouralsky”, “Bitimsky”.

  3. Limited liability companies - Agribusiness Irbitskaya, Derney, Agrofirm Uralskaya.

  4. COMPANY. Examples of such farms in the Sverdlovsk region are AK Belorechensky, Agrofirm Patrushi, Novopyshminsky.

  5. PAO - Pamenskoye.
Farms of the Sverdlovsk region

Peasant farms

Thus, in the region there are agricultural enterprises of all forms of ownership. Even collective and state farms have survived here. For example, there is a collective farm in the Sverdlovsk region. Lenin. It is located in the village of Yakshino, Irbitsky district, and its chairman is T. V. Potapova. There are other similar farms in the region.

However, as in other regions of Russia, in Sverdlovskaya not only various agricultural holdings, agricultural LLCs and ZAO, cooperatives and state farms, but also individual farming enterprises are developing. There are quite a lot of peasant farms in the region today - about 400. At the same time, farmers show very good results. For example, in the same 2016 peasant farms of the Sverdlovsk region were recognized as the best in Russia.

The farmers in the region work very well. However, like peasant farms in other regions of the country, at the moment they are experiencing significant difficulties in the development of their farms. This is due to insufficient state support, competition from larger agricultural enterprises, etc.


Responsible for the development of agriculture in the Sverdlovsk region, as in other regions of the country, is the Ministry of Agriculture. Its head for 2018 is Dmitry Sergeyevich Degtyarev.

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Sverdlovsk Region considers, of course, the fundamental goal of its activity to ensure the sustainable position of the region’s agricultural sector.

In addition, it:

  • provides free legal assistance to citizens;

  • implements anti-corruption programs;

  • considers appeals of citizens;

  • monitors the development of competition in the region, etc.

Collective farms in the Sverdlovsk region

The management of agriculture in the Sverdlovsk region is really a difficult matter. The climatic conditions for the development of crop and even livestock complexes are not particularly good here. Nevertheless, the leadership of the region is doing everything possible to ensure that enterprises of this specialization exist and successfully develop on its territory.


The priority agricultural sector in the Sverdlovsk region today is, therefore, animal husbandry. With regard to the increase in livestock and the production of beef and pork, the situation in the region can be called good. But, unfortunately, the region is still experiencing rather serious difficulties in terms of the technical equipment of such industries.Among other things, the Ministry of Agriculture of the region has to solve a lot of problems associated with the harmful effects of agriculture on the environment.

Most of the livestock complexes of the region are located along the banks of rivers and lakes. Moreover, such farms most often have inefficient and outdated treatment facilities. The discharge of untreated sewage containing manure leads to the mass death of fish and the withdrawal of water from economic use.

A small percentage of humus return in crop production contributes to soil depletion. At the same time, many farms in the region use pesticides when growing grain and other crops. And this, in turn, also leads to pollution of the soil and water bodies.

Breeding chickens in the Sverdlovsk region


In its work, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Sverdlovsk Region primarily focuses, of course, on the federal program for the development of agriculture in Russia for 2013-2020. Particular attention is paid to:

  • updating the technical base of agricultural production;

  • creating conditions for attracting qualified personnel to the village.

Kolkhoz them. Lenin, other similar enterprises of the region, cooperatives and agricultural holdings, of course, make a huge contribution to the development of agriculture in the region. But the leadership of the region, within the framework of the implementation of the program for the development of livestock and crop production in the country, is, of course, conducting activities aimed at increasing the number of farms.

Agriculture of the Sverdlovsk region

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, due to climatic features, the development of agriculture in the Sverdlovsk region does not proceed as fast as we would like. But in recent years, the government has nevertheless begun to develop programs to support livestock and crop production. Due to this, the pace of agricultural development has increased, including in the Sverdlovsk region. Perhaps farmers and even large agricultural holdings in the region today are still experiencing any difficulties. However, at the moment, agriculture in the region is certainly at a revival stage.

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