
CASCO insurance claim without accident

Absolutely every driver on the road can get into trouble. Sometimes it does not depend on the experience of the driver or his skills. Sometimes an emergency can be triggered by a beginner, but it happens that the main cause of the accident are adverse weather conditions.

Regardless of what caused the accident, each of its participants bears, if not material damage, at least moral damage. Most of all the car owner is saddened by the situation when there is a difficulty in receiving the due payments from the insurance company. Let's consider in this article what to do in case of an insurance case under CASCO.

What does CASCO protect against?

When the car owner makes a visit to an insurance company with the aim of concluding a CASCO agreement, he assumes that he will be provided with reliable guarantees, and in case of trouble, he will be able to receive all the compensation that is due to him. But, so that there is no disappointment before concluding an agreement, it is advisable to understand what the CASCO insurance event is and to find out when it occurs.

MTPL is insurance, the purchase of which is mandatory by law, but CASCO is voluntary insurance. This is what causes some possible difficulties. Unfortunately, each insurance company has every right to compile its own list of insured events, and may also stipulate all sorts of nuances. Casco insurance claim

The main list of items on which the insurer establishes the payment of compensation, the bulk are similar in different insurance companies. But often companies compose different insurance packages, and each of them may have a different list of insurance risks.

Two categories of CASCO agreements

Conventionally, all contracts can be divided into two main categories:

  • Contracts of the category "damage".
  • Contracts of the category "hijacking".


What does hijacking mean? This category can directly include the car theft itself, damage that arose as a result of theft, robbery or robbery. It is in this case that you can expect to receive the maximum amount of compensation when applying to the company and obtaining CASCO insurance. Insured events in the category of “damage” are different.

Casco insurance claim without accident

Category “Damage”

It may include:

  • Accident, regardless of complexity, type and consequences.
  • Fire, regardless of the cause of its occurrence. That is, in fact, there is no difference, a fire occurred due to external factors or due to an internal malfunction.
  • Undermining.
  • Disaster caused by the elements. In this case, you will need a certificate from the meteorological service stating that this disaster occurred in a particular area.
  • Damage resulting from icicles, snow masses, shedding tiles or stones.
  • Vandalism, theft of certain parts of the vehicle, damage to the paint layer.
  • Damage caused by wild or domestic animals.

At first glance, it may seem that the CASCO policy will allow you to insure yourself against anything. This cannot but please at first sight. However, upon the occurrence of such an insured event and subsequent appeal to the insurance company, one can be quite upset. Almost every insurance company strives to minimize the amount of compensation provided for in the contract. Most intensively, insurers are trying to reduce payments for CASCO cases not related to road accidents.Therefore, we consider situations that should be taken carefully, and also be prepared for the fact that insurance agents will use all kinds of excuses in order not to make payments.

CASCO insurance claim without accident

Suppose you have studied in detail all the clauses of a concluded insurance contract under CASCO. For example, a situation occurs in which the vehicle is damaged. The case itself can be classified as CASCO insurance. What is the procedure to fully compensate?

Depending on the circumstances that have developed, actions may vary. They also depend on the type of CASCO insured event.

Ingosstrakh Casco insurance case

Compensation deadlines

Indicated in the contract and insurance rules. Each company has its own. Larger pay out within two weeks. Smaller ones pay in a month. Very small and only created damage is reluctant to compensate. Time is often dragged on until the client begins to demand legal compensation. It is better not to trust such firms.

Consider the most common cases.

Vehicle damaged

In a situation where the car was damaged by the actions of hooligans, what should be done and what actions should be avoided?

Initial driver actions:

  1. It is worth paying special attention to inspect a damaged vehicle.
  2. Be sure to photograph all the scratches and dents.
  3. You must make sure that this damage arose as a result of unlawful actions of third parties. That is, this is a CASCO insurance claim without an accident.Casco insurance claim period

It is important to remember that in no case should you try to get rid of the damage by cleaning or wiping the car. It is also not worth removing fragments, if any. The scene of the incident should remain untouched, exactly in the form in which it was originally discovered.

  1. You need to try to find witnesses, maybe someone saw or heard the incident, and ask for their contact information.
  2. You must record the exact location of your vehicle and address.
  3. The final action is to call the police with a brief description of the incident.

While you are waiting for the arrival of the police, it is worth reporting the incident to the insurance company by phone call. The completeness of the CASCO insurance claim payment will depend on this.

When communicating with police officers

When talking with police officers, how you will behave and what you will say is important. General recommendations are as follows:

  1. In no case should it be mentioned that the damage caused is insignificant.
  2. It is also not worth mentioning that the certificate is formal, that you have no claims against third parties. You should also not sign papers that contain a clause stating that you have no complaints.
  3. If a police officer asks you to estimate the damage, it’s better to say that it is very large for you.

After talking with the police, you should receive a notice that will record the fact of the acts committed against you, as well as a certificate that will be needed for presentation to the insurance company. It is she who is the basis for compensation. It is worth checking the certificate, there should not be a note in it that the damage was caused under unclear circumstances. Such wording will serve as a refusal to pay compensation.

Also, the certificate must necessarily contain accurate information about the owner, model and make of the vehicle, about the place where the incident occurred. From the police officer, you must receive either a copy of the decision to institute criminal proceedings, or a statement indicating the reason for which the institution of the criminal case was refused. Both the one and the other document must be stamped.

What else needs to be done to properly register a CASCO insurance case?Casco insurance accident insurance

Next steps

  1. It is not necessary to evacuate the car without first having agreed with the insurance agent.
  2. Damage should not be repaired before you receive payments.
  3. It is necessary to submit an application to the insurance on time. Failure to meet deadlines may result in denial of compensation.
  4. You should adhere to the form of treatment that is established. It will not be superfluous to make copies of all forms and documents.
  5. It is worth making sure that at registration of the application he was assigned a registration number. Save it to yourself.
  6. If a CASCO insured event occurred without an accident, then it would be useful to clarify the list of documents that will be required.
  7. Follow the deadlines for providing the vehicle for inspection by experts or insurers.
  8. Find out and write down the number under which your insurance business was registered. So it is necessary to behave when a CASCO insured event occurs in Rosgosstrakh.
  9. It is better to submit documents to the office of the insurance company by mail. This will make it easier to get confirmation that your papers were received.
  10. You must make copies of all the documents that you submit to the insurance company.
  11. You should not accept compensation if its amount is lower than stated in the contract. If such a situation arises, it is necessary to draw up a lawsuit, collect documents and apply to the court to resolve the situation.

Vehicle theft actions

The shock that a driver experiences when he cannot find his car in the place where he left it is difficult to compare with anything. In such a situation, much depends on how accurately and coherently the driver and police officers act.

comprehensive insurance

What can be attributed to the first actions that need to be carried out after you have discovered the lack of a car?

  1. It is necessary to deal with panic.
  2. Call the police immediately and let them know what happened. It is required to answer the questions of representatives of law enforcement agencies as accurately and correctly as possible. Working with the police can really help.
  3. If the vehicle is equipped with a satellite anti-theft system, you should immediately contact the dispatcher and also report the theft.
  4. Next, you need to report the incident directly to the insurance company, for example, Ingosstrakh. The CASCO insurance claim must be properly registered.

After the arrival of the police

After the police arrived at the scene, the owner must do the following:

  • Provide information that they managed to collect on their own before their arrival.
  • Try to indicate as accurately as possible the time when the vehicle was stolen.
  • If there is evidence from witnesses, they must be reported.
  • It is worth writing down the data of that police officer who accepted the theft statement (F. I. O., rank, number).
  • It is necessary to ask and save a coupon confirming the fact of acceptance of the application.
  • In the event that the police intend to seize some of your things, for example, car keys or documents for it, you must ask to draw up an act of seizure with a list of things. This is important when a CASCO insured event occurs.

We correctly draw up a statement

Correctly writing a hijacking statement is sometimes problematic. If you follow the general recommendations below, you can do it yourself without resorting to the help of lawyers. Such a statement should contain the following facts:

  1. Full personal information, data on a driver’s license.
  2. Data contained in the vehicle registration certificate.
  3. Title Number
  4. Make, model, state number, as well as distinguishing features of the car, if any.
  5. Speedometer reading.
  6. The approximate amount of fuel that was in the tank of the vehicle.
  7. Complete information on the contract of sale of the car.It will be useful to indicate information about the previous owner, if any.
  8. Information about the organization in which the alarm or anti-theft system was installed.
  9. Detailed information about persons who, along with you, have the right to drive a vehicle. When an insured event occurs under CASCO, documents must be submitted to the insurance company quickly.

Casco insurance claims payments

After submitting the application, together with the police, you can go around the territory adjacent to the place of theft. Often car thieves throw a car nearby.

After resolving issues with the police

After all the nuances with the police have been resolved, you should write a statement and send it to the insurance company. It is better to do this by registered mail with a notification, and you should also make a copy.

For example, in AlfaStrakhovanie in case of a CASCO insurance event, the basis for payment of compensation for theft is a certificate of initiation of criminal proceedings or a certificate that the initiation of such a case is refused. As a rule, police officers provide such documents within two months from the date of application, no later than.

If the car is bought on credit, for which there are still debt obligations, it is not out of place to notify the credit organization.

If the amount of compensation offered by the insurance company is underestimated or the owner is not satisfied, then such a decision can be appealed in court.

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