The excessive use of profanity is today one of the main problems of modern society. There are a number of trends that have caused its massive use in everyday life.
What is it
What is profanity? This is a certain segment of vocabulary, which includes vulgar, rude and obscene language, expressing in most cases a spontaneous reaction to an unpleasant and unexpected situation. This includes swearing, slang words.
Words of this kind are also called obscene, from the Latin obscenus - obscene, dirty, shameless. One of the varieties of obscene words is the Russian mat. Russian obscene language consists of three main groups of words, meaning:
- Male genitalia.
- Female genitalia.
- Directly sexual intercourse.
Profanity can be considered a form of verbal, linguistic aggression against anyone. Using obscene words and expressions, the person compares the object of his attention with something obscene. Using a mat, a person transcends the existing moral standards of society.
Who is characteristic?
The use of profanity is typical for people who have a low level of culture or a pronounced negativity in relation to the world.
According to statistics, students of vocational schools and technical schools, people without education, most often use profanity. Often, adolescents and young people believe that the use of profanity is acceptable among friends and good acquaintances, which is fundamentally wrong.
In some cases, highly educated people who know well what profanity is and why it should not be used can use obscene language. In such a situation, the use of the mat allows you to express your feelings, throw out the negative with the help of a bright language gesture.
Negative and positive sides
The use of foul language has two sides.
The negative aspects of using profanity include the following:
- Mat inhibits the development of a person’s personal culture and at the same time lowers it.
- It does not contribute to the increase or the emergence of a positive mood, but rather contributes to the strengthening of the negative around.
Speaking about the positive aspects: some practicing psychologists believe that using the words of profanity allows you to relieve stress and throw out accumulated negativity.
The use of obscene expressions is sometimes justified in the literature, especially in dialogs, when setting the characterization of a character.
The reasons
The reasons for the widespread use of obscene and abusive expressions lie in the presence of freedom of speech and the absence of censorship. This led to the penetration of foul language in print and on television screens.
Struggle with the problem
Every year on February 3 is the day of the fight against profanity. This day spend days of courtesy, events aimed at improving the language culture.
In the USSR, the Penal Code provided for 15 days of arrest for using profanity in public places.
The current Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation also provides for punishment for using abuse in public places - administrative arrest for up to 15 days or a fine in the amount of 500 to 1,000 rubles.
How to get rid?
There is no single way to solve the problem. It all depends on the willpower of a person who wants to rid his speech of weeds. But there are several suggestions:
- If someone from the environment swears, it is necessary to explain to him what profanity is and why it should not be used, set a good example in the future and do not use obscene language.
- If you are guilty, you should set aside a certain amount of money for each obscene word. For example, 10 rubles for each word. Deferred funds must be spent on charity - give to orphanages, shelters, and not spend on yourself or your family.
- Replace the swear word with any other. For example, the name of the flowers, a funny phrase.
- Put a rubber band on your hand and every time a swear word is pronounced, punish yourself by pulling and releasing the rubber band.
Try not to forget what profanity is and what harm it brings to you and your environment, and most importantly, that its use undermines the level of culture of both the individual and the nation as a whole.