The hiring of employees, regardless of the form of ownership of the enterprise, company or firm, is accompanied by the familiarization of the latter with job descriptions. For each specialty in the personnel department job descriptions should be kept. These documents make it possible to inform employees of their rights and obligations.
In many cases, job description is a document that resolves labor disputes regarding the fulfillment of certain tasks by employees, payment of wages, awarding or reprimands.
What is a job description
Job description - a standard personnel document, filed in a folder for storing files, is taken into account as a document of strict reporting, especially if the production activities of the company are connected with areas dangerous to human life.
The contents of the job description informs the person in detail about the future position, his professional duties, work schedule, salary, the procedure for subordination to official executives or department heads, the incentive system for contribution to the development of the enterprise and other merits regarding professional activities.
The job description must be compiled for current working specialties related to work in the shops, with contact with production machines and assemblies, with engineering structures. An exception in this order is not the operation of the turner.
Who draws up job descriptions
Documents for working specialties are prepared by employees of the personnel department in conjunction with an engineer for labor protection. A lawyer can also be connected to joint activities, if this position is provided for in the state.
Who sign job descriptions
This type of documents is approved by signature of the management of the enterprise, company. It is also signed by employees when applying for a job. The signature sheet is stored along with the job description, is a confirmation that the employee is familiar with all the nuances of his position.
A signed job description relieves part of the responsibility from the company's management in cases of unforeseen emergency situations, so you should carefully study this document before signing.
Sample job description turner
If the system of using such documents at the enterprise is an innovation, then personnel officers may have questions regarding their preparation. In particular, we are talking about the job description of the turner. What should it contain?
The job description of the turner is compiled according to the template. The following are points that are required when developing a document, and explanations of what they should describe.
General Provisions
In this paragraph, you need to describe the work of the turner: the appropriate education, the functional responsibilities of the specialist, what he needs to know about professional activities, what skills to possess in order to occupy the specified workplace in his specialization.
In this paragraph, you need to specify the daily duties of a specialist. For example, the turner is obliged to check the machines before starting, prepare the units for work, turn on the machines, comply with the rate of turning work per shift, and monitor the quality of manufactured products. When compiling this paragraph, the categories of turners should be taken into account.
In addition, the turning profession involves working with various materials.Do not forget that the directory of professions contains the following areas of this type of activity:
- depending on the processing material - a turner for wood, metal, universal specialist;
- depending on the machine tool accessories - a boring machine, carousel, revolver.
Specialist Rights
The job description of the turner must necessarily explain to the specialist his legal capabilities within the workplace. For example, a person working behind a machine in the right:
- Demand from a labor protection engineer a quality supply of energy resources;
- make requests to the procurement departments for the purchase of high-quality working materials;
- Refer to higher-level management regarding the improvement of the organization of the work process;
- Follow the indicated instructions, but, if necessary, make independent adjustments.
Also, the employee of the turning workshop has the right to undergo training at the highest level turner.
A responsibility
Work with machine equipment requires strict discipline by employees. This should be described in detail to specialists. In this section you need to write the following items:
- obligatory fulfillment of assigned duties (the latter depend on the rank of specialist: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8);
- compliance with safety regulations in the workplace;
- compliance with the work schedule (shift, hourly);
- a mandatory report to management on situations dangerous to the lives of people working in workshops.
In case of neglect of the established regulations for the implementation of professional activities, an employee may be involved in three types of punishment: administrative, criminal, material. Each of them should be described in detail, indicate the amount of penalties.
The procedure for hiring
This item indicates who conducts the preliminary certification of a specialist before admission to the main place of work. This may be a senior specialist of the workshop, chief engineer, chief technician. The final decision on hiring is made by the management of the enterprise.
The order of dismissal from work
This section should explain the dismissal process. Often, this paragraph indicates the period of development by a specialist after submitting an application for calculation. It is also necessary to specify the procedure for dismissal in non-standard situations.
This section should clearly specify who the turner reports to. Turner discharges affect not only the specialist salary size. Depending on the rank, a subordination system for specialists of one department can be built.
This item is required. Familiarization of a specialist with the amount of expected salary allows motivating an employee with respect to the quality performance of their professional duties. Here you should list the salary + bonus + interest for high-quality work, as well as indicate the turner's salary, depending on the category.
Guided by the approximate contents of the job description, you can without special "troubles" make a job description of the turner. If desired, the content can be supplemented with important points at the discretion of the management of the enterprise, company, company. You can make a job description, generalized for all categories of specialists or separately for each rank of performers.