The circumstances are different. Sometimes finances are urgently needed, and waiting for a salary or other cash receipts is not an option. But if they are foreseen soon, it is recommended to take a loan, under the terms of which early repayment of the loan is allowed. OTP Bank meets its customers and does not take any commissions and fees for premature loan repayment.
Early repayment types
Depending on the circumstances and the availability of funds, payment of debt at this bank can be made in two ways:
- Partial early repayment of a loan at OTP Bank involves the payment of the agreed amount to the current account. In this case, the borrower is given a new payment schedule. A citizen can apply with an unlimited number of times, even if he made a monthly payment of more than 100 rubles.
- Full repayment of debt. In this case, the client is advised to clarify the amount of debt at the time of payment, write a statement, deposit money into the account and wait for SMS to close the contract.
Consumer Commodity Credit
Sometimes the refrigerator breaks down spontaneously or the computer stops working on the eve of the urgent project. If the comfort and well-being of the family directly depends on this, it is recommended to use a loan from OTP Bank. This organization is currently among the leaders in commodity loans.
It has such advantages as the possibility of installments, quick examination of the application. The lender does not request a statement of income, he will be enough data from the words of the client. An additional plus is the fact that such loans are easier to get for people with imperfect credit history.
To make an early repayment of a commodity loan at OTP Bank, you do not need to write an application. It is enough to deposit the remaining amount with interest on the current account. The amount of debt is recommended to clarify on the hotline of the bank. This money should be in the account at the time of writing off the next payment. After payment, you need to call the creditor's hotline and clarify information about the complete closure of the contract. It is important to remember that depending on the method of payment, money can go up to 10 days. This time should be taken into account when repaying a debt in order to prevent delays.
Inappropriate loan in the bank
If a person needs money, then it is necessary to apply for an inappropriate cash loan. It is best to choose a program without collateral. Such a product is limited by the maximum amount, but easier to design. This is important when finances are urgently needed and the borrower plans to close the contract ahead of schedule.
In order to make an early repayment of a loan at OTP Bank received in cash, it is necessary to draw up an application indicating the amount and date when the client wishes to close the contract. It is transferred to the creditor 2 business days before the time of write-off, weekends are not taken into account. The specified amount is required to be entered into the current account opened upon receipt of the loan. It is important that if the funds in the account are insufficient, the contract will not be closed.
If the client wants to partially repay the loan at OTP Bank, he also needs to draw up an application. After debiting, he will be given a new payment schedule.
Early repayment conditions
Not all lenders easily agree to early repayment of a loan, since it is in their interests to get as much profit as possible. It is necessary to carefully read all the points before signing the documents. OTP Bank prescribes early repayment of the loan in the contract, its terms are simple and transparent.
- There are no restrictions on the obligatory loan term; an application can be written the very next day after a loan is issued.
- In any case, the application is submitted 2 business days before the specified closing date. If this day falls on a weekend, the date is transferred to the next weekdays.
- For partial early repayment of a consumer loan at OTP Bank, the payment of any amount is allowed. An employee of a financial institution will still recount.
- When receiving money or a commodity loan, a bank account is opened for the client, it is there that you need to deposit money.
- OTP Bank does not charge any fees or charges for early repayment.
Actions after partial cancellation
If the client wishes to make a partial payment on the loan, the bank employee must provide him with a new payment schedule. Changes will be either in the amount of the monthly payment, or in the term of the contract. Everyone chooses what is more convenient for him. But it is more profitable to shorten the payment period, then the overpayment will be less, and it will not be difficult to pay, since the borrower is already used to paying this amount.
Some people reduce the amount of the payment, confident that they will simply pay less. But it is not as convenient as it seems. First, practice shows that the total amount with interest rarely becomes less. Secondly, for recounting, the borrower will have to write a new statement every month.
Application for early repayment of a loan at OTP Bank
To close a consumer non-target loan ahead of schedule, the client will need to write an application in 2 business days. The organization cannot but accept this document. You can download the sample on the site of OTP Bank, filling in all the data at home and leaving the columns “Sum” and “Date” blank, as it is better to check the actual amount of the debt with a specialist.
The statement will also need to indicate:
- Passport data.
- Loan agreement number indicating the date of conclusion.
- Mark the required item: full or partial repayment of debt.
- If the amount of repaid congestion is greater than or equal to 600 thousand rubles, you will need to indicate the source of origin of the funds.
The lower part of the application is filled in by the responsible employee of the bank. In it, he notes the fact of the adoption of the document and sets the date. Also, the amount of delay and forfeit, if any, is prescribed here.
After writing off the money, the borrower is recommended to visit the bank branch and take a certificate of lack of debt and the closure of the contract.
Repayment methods
At the conclusion of the loan agreement, the client will have a current account, where the funds will be transferred. If the loan is for goods, the borrower will not receive money, but he will also be provided with an account for making monthly payments. The main requirement for the client is a full refund on the maturity date. It is important to consider the rate of enrollment, which sometimes depends on the replenishment method:
- If money is deposited through the terminals of OTP Bank, then they arrive within an hour.
- When depositing funds through an ATM selected by the lender, the crediting period may last up to two days.
- Transfer through the Russian Post branch does not charge a commission, but may take up to a week in time.
- Cash payment is the fastest way.
- Through electronic payment services, money can go within 2 days, but most often payment is made in 1 hour. Commission (up to 2%) depends on the selected system.
- Payment from a card of any bank is convenient for instant crediting of money to an account with a commission of 2%. The procedure can be performed through the OTP Bank mobile application or on the official website.
Reviews on early repayment of a loan at OTP Bank
Despite the fact that all banks leave the possibility of premature repayment to customers, each of them has its own characteristics. Some allow you to pay off the debt only 1 year after the conclusion of the contract, others charge a fee for the service.
Customer feedback on the early repayment of a commodity loan at OTP Bank indicates that not all borrowers are satisfied with the closing procedure, since they have to wait a long time before the next payment is debited. During this time, a person is also forced to pay interest.
When closing an inappropriate loan, you need to wait 2 days or more if this date falls on holidays and weekends. Unlike OTP Bank, some lenders are ready to close the contract immediately on the day of application.
But noting the positive aspects, customers indicate the possibility of writing a closing statement the very next day after signing the contract, while the organization will not take any fees.