Looking for the original signature, you can come across information that will confuse inexperienced users. In this case, you need to understand what exactly you are looking for and what kind of signature we are talking about.
In its classical sense, a signature is a set of handwritten characters. Usually, design features are used. A signature is needed to identify a person. Therefore, each teenager, waiting for a passport, tries to find the original signature for himself, going for this on the Internet.
In the CIS countries, there are no requirements for a personal signature at the legislative level. In this case, it is only a tool for individualization of citizens. Exactly the same as the name, place of residence, etc.
But some recommendations are nevertheless spelled out in most countries. It is desirable that the signature has several letters of the person’s name or surname. Although this is still just a recommendation.
Interestingly, the original signature, in addition to decorative elements, may contain “mandatory”. Of course, no one will force you to use them all, but, as a rule, with an existing tradition, you can highlight a couple of such features.
So, the most common element is a monogram. It is represented by two uppercase or lowercase letters that have common elements. Most often, it is collected from the initials, which includes the name, surname and middle name. It is believed that the monogram indicates the special aesthetics and exclusivity of the undersigned.
Another common element is the middle part. It always contains lowercase letters, there are no capital letters and a stroke.
The latter, by the way, is also an integral element of many signatures. This is the final part, which is considered a continuation of the last character. So, someone can extend one of the initials with a long curly line. It happens the completion of the last letter of the signature or the connecting element between the lowercase and uppercase characters.
It is believed that the original signature may contain several strokes. They can be optional or final. Usually these are letterless elements. What is their difference is difficult to explain. But usually additional can be at the beginning and in the middle of the signature. But the final is clearly at its end.
It is unlikely that you can find yourself the perfect signature on the Internet. All the same, it should be an individual option that only you will like. But some ideas still come across photos on the Web.
It is believed that there are certain rules for a good signature. It should be endowed with a number of properties. For example, it is important that it is difficult to fake or accidentally repeat it. It is desirable that it could identify a person. That is, it contains the initials, surname or name of the person. Writing should be quick.
Most original signatures are usually created randomly. But this does not mean that yours cannot be such. If you are only on the way to creating your ideal identifier, you can follow some tips.
To get started, try looking at what is already available. Immediately note for yourself what you like and what you want to change. You may be comfortable with the size, but don't like the letters you use. Start with the initials, in the reference version. You need to find the central element. The symbol on which the whole structure will be based.
Consider exactly what you want to convey with your signature. For example, if you are a creative or colorful person, then most likely it will be sweeping and large.Doctors often have a modest and quick signature so they don’t waste time.
It is believed that if the initials are present in the signature, then it is more business and official. If you are a person who works with documentation, it is unlikely that your colleagues will understand excessive decorative elements. If you want to be a writer, then longer and more original signatures in letters are the very thing.
Be sure to look at the signatures of famous people. Perhaps there you will find inspiration and “steal” a couple of ideas for yourself.
But a signature is not only a handwritten element for identifying a person. Many want to find a signature for an email. After all, everyone is already fed up with seeing from the monitor screen “with respect” and other semi-official options.
There are so many options for diversity that it is hard to imagine which option is best suited specifically for you. You should immediately understand why you need a signature. Perhaps you want to use it for personal purposes and cheer your friends. There is an option to create an original signature in the mail for marketing campaigns.
There are no regulatory rules for this. But they were formed by Arthur Dabrowski, looking at the experience of his work in marketing. He believes that the signature should be short and not take more than 3-4 lines.
It is advisable not to apply formatting to the text. It is better to refuse inserts, colors and fonts. If this is a marketing tool, then there is the option to indicate upcoming events and give a little advertising.
The specialist also advises giving links to social networks and maintaining the style of the company. Mention organization name, address and contact information.
Other tips
In addition to those that affect marketing and people's opinions, there are tips that you can apply to your personal original signature in an email. You can leave an indication that the letter was sent from a smartphone. Then you have the legal right to make a mistake in it. The addressee sees the contents and can graciously accept that there will be flaws in it.
There is an option to create a handwritten signature. To do this, you can take a picture of it or create it using other software tools. It looks interesting and original. You can use the contact information in your signature so that you can be contacted in the absence of an Internet connection.
There is an opinion that you can easily get rid of the signature in emails.
Smart quotes
Well, and, of course, continuing this topic, it is worth mentioning the original photo captions. With the active development of services such as "Instagram" there is a huge demand for "smart thoughts" for images.
It all depends on the subject of the photo. Very often there is a complete discrepancy between what we can see on the screen and what is written below. To avoid this, it is important to understand your target audience and what you want to say. If nothing comes to mind, users often use emoticons. This is the most harmless option, since it is better than seeing an inscription devoid of any meaning.
If you want to take a picture of the cup, you can wish the subscribers a good day. If the photo shows the goods sold by you, do not be too lazy to paint its advantages, indicating sizes, parameters, cost, etc.
You need to be creative with your original photo caption. It looks very attractive when the reader is not a solid text, but accompanied by emoticons and symbols. It decorates and somewhat visualizes your thoughts. If you can write poems, try decorating your pictures this way.
The use of quotes is now popular. It was popular earlier on social networks, and now has moved to Instagram. Of course, when this is a successful and high-quality quote, there is nothing wrong with that. But you must understand exactly what you are writing about and what you want to tell the readers.If the author himself does not understand that he quotes Nietzsche under a photograph with a cat, then it is better to leave the text box empty.
In fact, there are a lot of examples of signatures. We are talking about both the signature in the passport and the captions for the photo. As mentioned earlier, if you are working on creating your personal signature, be inspired by what is on the Internet. Here you can find the signatures of famous writers, businessmen, directors. All of them are so original that taking something for yourself is easy, and no one will notice.
If we talk about examples of captions under photos, then look at what is under the photos of the people you follow. Perhaps you will find your style or some idea there. Also read a lot so that thoughts and correct words always arise in the head.