This article will explain in detail how to transfer money from Motive to Motive. Methods that are significantly different from each other will be presented. We advise you to read the article to the end in order to decide on your own which of the presented options is most suitable for you.
Transfer up to 100 rubles without commission
This method explains how to transfer money from "Motive" to "Motive". It is perfect for those users who are going to transfer a small amount, since there is a limit of up to 100 rubles, but they will not be charged a commission.
There are two ways to use this method: using SMS and a USSD request. We will analyze each in turn.
If you want to send money using SMS, then you need to create a message with the text, which will first indicate the number of the recipient, and then the amount that you are going to send him from your account. It is important that there is a space between these variables. Here is an example of such a message: 9506311111 100. This text must be sent to number 1080. After all the actions have been completed, you will receive a message in response to the mobile device in which a report on the transaction will be presented. So you have learned the first way how to transfer money from “Motive” to “Motive”. However, he is far from the last.
USSD request
If for some reason you do not want to send an SMS message, you can use the USSD request. In it, first dial * 104 * 108 *, then enter the recipient's number, put an asterisk (*) and indicate the amount. In the end, do not forget to put the grill (#). After pressing the call button, a notification will soon come that the funds have been delivered to the recipient's number. So we found out how to transfer money from "Motive" to "Motive" using a USSD request.
Transfer up to 999 rubles with commission
If you need to send a person more than 100 rubles to the account, then the previous method will not suit you. Now we will consider how to transfer money from "Motive" to "Motive" in the amount of up to 999 rubles. However, it is worth clarifying that this option involves the removal of the commission.
So, to send funds you need to put a pound sign (#) in the message text and then indicate the amount of funds transferred and the word "ruble" through a space. All this you must send to the recipient's number. If we consider an example, then it looks like this:
- The text in the message: "# 999 rubles."
- Recipient number: +71111111111.
After sending funds, an SMS will be sent to your number from the subscriber with number 1023, it says that you need to confirm the transfer. To do this, send back the number 1. After that, the money sent by you will come to the recipient.