A few years ago, the son of a 94-year-old sick old man decided to sell some of the antique furniture they owned. This would give him the opportunity to spend more money on caring for his elderly father. But the sale of an antique secretary unexpectedly brought a lot more money.
Buying a unique secretary
An antique piece of furniture was auctioned in Holbrook, Massachusetts for just $ 40. It was believed that the classic secretary table once belonged to Governor Winthrop.
Phil Leclerc, who was present at the auction, understood that the opportunity to acquire such a secretary should not be missed. The man was lucky to win his purchase at auction. When the unique table was brought home to the new owner, Phil began to study it carefully.
The fact is that such secretaries have always had many hidden drawers and compartments, which the owners used as caches for jewelry and secret papers. Having examined his purchase from all sides, Phil pressed the button that opened the secret compartment. Seeing the contents, the man even held his breath.
Unexpected find
From a secret compartment, Phil pulled out a stack of old bonds worth $ 127,000. Of course, everyone would be pleased to add a decent amount of profit to the purchase of a rare secretary.
But Leclerc could not keep the securities he found. After hesitating, he phoned the auction house to find out how to contact the former owners of antiques.
The man managed to contact the son of the man who owned the antique table. So he found out that the family for a long time tried unsuccessfully to find these bonds, as he really needed money.
Phil, without hesitation, transferred the bonds to their rightful owners. He himself does not regret his action at all. After all, his find helped him make this family a little happier.