The study and analysis of handwriting is the science of graphology. It is used by forensic experts and psychologists in order to determine the nature and state of the personality psyche. Handwriting is a reflection of the inner world, a kind of information code that can tell about a person much more than it seems.
What does poor handwriting mean?
Scientists believe that the movement and reaction of the muscles of the arm are affected by the nervous system. Also, the anatomical features of the hands affect the handwriting.
With a change in physical and psychological characteristics, the style also changes. At different periods of life, it may differ. Bad handwriting has various justifications.
A person who writes inaudibly may be in a state of intense emotional overstrain. Perhaps he is puzzled by the solution of an important problem or the search for stability, which is reflected in the style of writing.
In some cases, poor handwriting indicates low self-esteem or that a person does not feel safe. Sometimes this indicates a reluctance to comply with generally accepted standards.
The slope of the letters also matters: if they look in different directions, perhaps the person is not able to control his emotions. Indiscriminately write secretive individuals who find it difficult to open up.
Also, handwriting resembling scribbles may be a sign:
- imbalance, short temper;
- inability to drive oneself into a certain framework;
- of a conflict character and inability to maintain normal relations;
- hyperactivity, inability to concentrate;
- weaknesses;
- immaturity of personality.
Pros of people with poor handwriting
Bad handwriting is always individualistic, indicating that a person has independent thinking. Such people do not always meet the expectations of society. Bad writing is often combined with creativity, and sometimes with eccentricity.
But a beautifully written text can be a sign that a person is very dependent on other people's opinions and does not have his own point of view.
Celebrities with bad handwriting
If you have a bad handwriting, don't be upset. Many famous people wrote disgustingly. Scientists say that people with high intelligence write ugly. The speed of thinking does not give them the opportunity to lose time on accurate writing of the text.
The great violinist Paganini, an eccentric and creative person, belonged to the category of people who wrote ugly and illegible. Napoleon had a bad handwriting, moreover, it changed throughout his life and the further he got, the more confused and illegible he became. Beethoven also wrote illegibly, which is why his Ninth Symphony was printed only 2 years after it was written. The scribes had difficulty recognizing the handwriting of a genius.
Lermontov’s handwriting often changed. The efforts to write beautifully and exactly did not lead to anything, the letters strove in different directions. Some graphologists considered the writer's handwriting a sign of a neurotic personality.
Irregular and inaccurate letters are not a reason to lose confidence in yourself and allow others to make unfounded judgments about you. Of course, the handwriting can be purposefully changed with a strong desire. But it should be borne in mind that changing the style of writing, you will change yourself.