Recently gaining popularity, cryptocurrencies are rapidly becoming even more interesting for those who want to earn their online income. Many are looking for the answer to the question of how to make money on bitcoins on the Internet without much effort and at the same time not to make any investments. Of course, those sites that the search engine issues only lead to some unreliable one-day resources designed for deception and fraud.
In this article we will try to learn more deeply about how to earn bitcoins without investments and whether it is realistic to do it at all. We also find out what pitfalls can wait for those who want to start earning in a similar way, how to get around them.
Cryptocurrency Earnings
Let's start with a description of why making bitcoins is considered a prestigious occupation. The fact is that at the time of its release to the public, this currency was very much depreciated. People passed each other thousands of units without thinking about the real value.
Soon, the benefits of this type of online currency like Bitcoin became known to everyone. People began to buy her, thereby increasing her course. Soon he reached his peak and became simply huge. Those who owned cryptocurrency at that time became fabulously wealthy.
The peculiarity of the described currency is that its emission is limited - there will come a time when new bitcoins simply cannot be released for a technical reason. Those who are looking for where to earn bitcoin expect that at that moment they will have some amount of BTC, which will make them rich.
Now, of course, there are not many places where they pay using this currency. Most often, services have an alternative option - payment in Bitcoin. Those who read this article to know where to earn bitcoins are unlikely to be interested in any trading platforms that pay in cryptocurrency. Most often, people, on the contrary, are looking for some kind of loophole in order to earn money on their own.
Since Bitcoin appears due to the computing power of computers connected to the network, everyone is able to earn bitcoins automatically using special computer software. True, the problem is that such “mining” (or mining in English) is very expensive. A home PC can bring you too little - this is not even enough to cover the cost of electricity.
So-called bitcoin farms are installed around the world. Their owners know how to make money on bitcoins. True, each of them costs thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, depending on the “iron” used in its construction. At its core, all of these computers are true data centers.
If you want to know how to earn 1 bitcoin without investments, this option is not suitable for you. And in general, to be honest, there is little faith in the fact that without the necessary investments, it is actually possible to receive such money. After all, one BTC is approximately 360 dollars.
Currency speculation
If you had at least some start-up capital (say, 50 or 100, 200 dollars), you could start to speculate on exchange rates. As you know, it changes very quickly, entails profit or loss for the trader. Since Bitcoin is also a currency that is available in many exchangers, its prices are constantly changing (depending on the dollar and others).
It should be said that bitcoin itself after a sharp jump (which happened several years ago) no longer repeated any rises or falls that went beyond the usual.
Nevertheless, at the level of daily rate changes, you can also earn. The main thing is to understand why such changes occur, to learn to predict them based on what is happening on the financial market. To do this, as shown in films about traders, you need to study the news, read analytics and do all such operations in order to know what to expect. Of course, this method, if you want to know how to quickly earn bitcoins, it will not work for you. It is designed to initially learn about the foreign exchange market and the events that control it, and only then to make some profit from it.
So, if earning income using investments is not suitable for you, you should think about how to earn bitcoins without investments. We’ll immediately make a warning that a huge number of scammers operate in the field of such income. The scheme of their deception is very simple - they offer you a fairly generous reward for completing some tasks, taking advantage of the fact that you are new to the Internet industry, after which they simply do not pay anything. So be careful and don't waste your time.
How to understand, you really get paid or cheated? Very simple - it’s enough to carefully analyze the site on which you are offered earnings.
When we looked for supporting materials on this topic, we managed to find a lot of articles far from reality with tips and a lot of open fraud. It is noteworthy that all these resources operate on the basis of a free hosting site Ucoz, where on a poorly designed page you are taught the art of making millions.
General settings
Speaking about how to make money on bitcoins, you need to make one installation right away: there are only two more or less real ways to earn this cryptocurrency. The first is investing in the game on the course. You can really make good money on this if you decide on a trading strategy and constantly follow it. This will make it possible to disconnect from certain actions at the level of instinct and work only with a cold mind. This is the first way to earn bitcoins (in Russian). Perhaps the mentality of other nations is different from those attitudes that relate to earnings. The second option from those that tell us how to quickly earn bitcoins is to receive payment for some of their actions. This is exactly what we talked about above.
Freelance Jobs
Most often, Bitcoin pays freelancers for the execution of certain orders. How much we will receive and under what conditions depends solely on our skills.
For example, a company from the USA finds a qualified programmer from Russia and agrees to pay in bitcoins. In the future, naturally, this specialist will be involved in the work process. Even receiving income in cryptocurrency, he will be able to earn on its possible increase. However, there is another category - people who simply refuse to cooperate through Bitcoin. Again, it all depends on how valuable you are.
Click Sponsors
A simpler path to Bitcoin is the old click model. It all starts with user registration on the appropriate platform and receiving tasks. For each of them, a person is given a miniature reward, which in the future can be sent to his wallet.
By their device, such sites with clicks are no different from many others. They, as before, are used, for example, to increase the number of downloads of the application or to increase the attendance counter on the site. The person who performs the simplest actions (click, reading a sales letter, watching a video), accumulates a small reward. Some in this way can earn bitcoins on the machine. However, given the simplicity of this method, you should not rely on high income.
In addition to click sites, there is another category of similar resources.They also provide the opportunity to earn bitcoins without investment on the machine. These are the sites giving out bonuses.
The meaning of their work can be different - some offer you to solve the captcha and get some compensation for it, while others mean a simple click on the button. Such bonus bitcoins are given very little, so many users work with several such sites at the same time. The downside of such resources, however, is their short life - the site is created, pays its bonuses for a certain time, and then closes. If we indicate the addresses directly here, then most likely they will already be irrelevant by the time you read this article.
True, it is worth emphasizing that on bonus offers you should not hope to earn bitcoins (quickly and a lot - that's for sure). Here they pay from a tenth of a cent to a cent - the choice is made randomly. Think about how much you need to do to get at least a dollar in this way. Most likely, this effort is not worth it.
There is another category of projects: those that promise much more. For example, here you are lured by a visitor with the opportunity to receive cryptocurrencies for $ 80-100 just for creating an account. Although we all perfectly understand that in fact a simple registration on a project cannot bring so much.
Bring people
Perhaps the more serious income for you will be attracting referrals to the projects described above. This implies advertising sites with bonuses and clicks among the audience, potentially interested in this. For example, students would love to try such a job. The same applies to individual representatives of the IT sector.
Your task, therefore, will convince them to register and work. In this case, you will receive a percentage of their earnings. The more referrals you attract, the higher your income. Again, even if for each earned dollar your partner will pay 5%, that is, 5 cents, you need to wait a long enough time until these users can withdraw and receive their money. In addition, you will need to find more than a dozen people before you can make a serious profit.
The network has a category of projects that deal with the distribution of BTC based on randomly generated numbers. In fact, this is a gamble in which a person in any case wins some small amount of money. It may be a tenth of a cent, but, nevertheless, it is somehow pleasant to receive such a gift.
All sites work according to one scheme - a person must either win his bonus or receive it after he enters a captcha or clicks on an advertising link.
No less risky topic for earnings are investment projects. Surely we all saw sites promising a huge income of 120% per year. Everyone wonders how this is possible. Due to what is this company “afloat”? But the conditions here are "sweet" enough to take a chance and try for yourself! They also pay in bitcoins - why not business?
In reality, the state of affairs in the HYIPs is really deplorable. Yes, companies are closing, and investors are simply losing their money. And yes, such projects do not have any real earnings - they simply redistribute funds without increasing them. Therefore, do not expect that by putting a dollar today, you can pick up about 150 or more in a year. Such programs live only a couple of days or months.
In fact, the answer to the question of how to make money on bitcoins is similar to how to make money on the Internet. A single approach to this does not exist - everyone can come up with some kind of tactics, mechanism or strategy to achieve certain results.
How much you can earn varies depending on what exactly you are trying to organize.For example, click sponsors pay very little - but a small child will also cope with the tasks set here. Therefore, it is better to look for some more serious approaches to Internet earning.
For example, you can receive cryptocurrency using a simpler method, such as freelance or selling some goods and asking a client (if he has bitcoins) to pay you in this way. With this approach, working, you can get much more. And most importantly - you do not have to deal with any unreliable projects that are in doubt.
Trying yourself in different ways of such a business, you can find one that makes it possible to earn bitcoins quickly and a lot. And this is clearly a plan that is not so widely known today.
Try to come up with something of your own. The fact that someone is now making good profit is likely to be revealed only after a year or two - and by that time it will not be of any value. So you need to look for ways and come up with options for making money yourself, without expecting that there is a site ready to pay one hundred dollars per click. Only by your own efforts can any significant results be achieved.
“Money loves silence” - these words perfectly illustrate the current state of e-commerce. Those who do something more secretive, more inaccessible to most people, ultimately have more benefits than those specialists whose work is more universal and widespread.