
How to make money on an affiliate program. Ways to make money on affiliate programs

Hundreds of different affiliate programs are successfully operating on the Internet. All of them form the basis of online commerce, offering participants a high income from attracting users to various advertising tools. If the question of how to make money with an affiliate program remains a mystery to you, we offer you an article on this subject. In it, we, firstly, consider what affiliate programs are like; and secondly, we learn how you can earn money with affiliate programs and what you need to do to do this. Of course, in the context of this issue, we will also raise the topic of how much you can earn. Read this article, and you yourself will learn a lot of useful and interesting of what is needed to create your own business on affiliate programs.

General concept

how to make money on an affiliate program

We begin, naturally, with a description of what affiliate programs are and why they are needed. So, as the name of this category implies, we are talking about special services that are designed to provide partnership services on the Internet. These companies can cooperate with anyone who would like to work in a particular niche. Due to this, affiliate programs offer favorable conditions for webmasters and at the same time provide quality services to advertisers. Affiliate programs work on the Internet, and the subject of their mediation is online advertising (in various forms), as well as sales and services.

The affiliate program is very simple. The advertiser contacts her and pays for displays of her products in one form or another (for example, by creating a CPA offer). The second point is the implementation of this “order”. Depending on the type of advertising in question, the webmaster provides the affiliate with the required number of impressions, receiving his payment. It looks simple, doesn't it?

To this simplest scheme, add some more features: the type of affiliate program (what exactly it works with: clicks, performing paid actions, selling links, etc.); control of the traffic carried out by the affiliate program (monitoring the quality of visitors, sources, carrying out all the necessary actions aimed at improving the received visitors). This is how earnings on the Internet look at affiliate programs.

contextual advertising

best affiliate programs

Now I would like to return to what types of programs operate on the network. The most popular, perhaps, are click affiliate programs. Such, for example, include the largest players in the field of Internet business: Google Adsense and Yandex.Direct. They pay website owners that they bring additional clicks on advertising materials. For example, visitors are paid for clicks on an advertising banner or contextual ad. The earnings received by the site owner (webmaster) on affiliate programs in this case depend on which country visitors click from, on the cost of a click on an advertisement (on the subject of the latter), on the ratio of the number of completed conversions to the total number of visitors and other parameters. It turns out that in order to generate income, it is enough for the webmaster to place the advertising code of his partners on the site and just watch how visitors click on his ads.

Action pay

Another interesting type of affiliate programs are companies with payment for completed actions. They are also called CPA affiliate programs (and earning them, if you analyze the search queries of users, is a very interesting topic for many).CPA in this case is an acronym for the phrase “Cost per action”, which means payment for each action performed by a site visitor. Even if you are far from Internet commerce, you have repeatedly been asked to perform such actions. This could be, for example, filling out an application for a loan, sending your contact information to participate in any survey, registering in an online game, and much more.

earnings on affiliate programs

The principle by which you can earn money on affiliate programs of this type is to "force" your visitor (as a webmaster) to perform the necessary action. You need to do this in such a way that a person becomes interested in it (because, as you know, you can’t do it by force, as the owner of the website).

The cost of each action varies depending on its complexity and the subject of the offer (offer). Accordingly, the final earnings on affiliate programs of this type are very different. You can always see how much other webmasters get, in the “Top” tabs, which are often present in such programs to motivate other participants.

Product Affiliate

affiliate earnings reviews

Another category of affiliate programs in demand is the so-called “commodity” affiliate programs. Their essence lies in the same mediation between the traffic seller (site owner) and, in fact, the visitor of this resource. Since a huge number of various goods are sold on the Internet (from brands to apartments), you, as the owner of the site, can be offered to work with any product. The main thing is that you are able to deliver such visitors who will make real purchases. For this you will be offered a certain percentage of the amount of their order. Again, the income of webmasters in such cases depends on how large the volume of traffic delivered by them is; as well as what product the partner is working with. It’s one thing, say, to sell electronic books for 200 rubles; and another - medicines or modern smartphones, the cost of which can reach hundreds of dollars.

In this niche, I would like to especially distinguish the affiliate program of the largest online store from China. You probably already understood that you mean earnings on the affiliate program Aliexpress. Given the variety of products on this platform, you can always find for yourself and your site some interesting solution on which you can make money. Ultimately, the resource will pay you for each sale a percentage of the total transaction amount.

SMS affiliate

way to make money on affiliate programs

Today they are not so common, but earlier affiliate programs of this type were in great demand among webmasters. Their job was to create special advertising sites (the so-called "payers") for a particular type of traffic. For example, for owners of adult sites such programs offered online resources with a “strawberry”. Visitors who wanted to see such content could send SMS and get access. The partner who sent such visitors received a certain percentage of deductions.

Another example is sites with diets, horoscopes, and the "secret surname", which were also very popular at the time. A person who wanted to know more about his last name had to send a message. As you might imagine, the revenue from this was shared between SMS billing, an affiliate program, and, of course, the webmaster that delivered such traffic.

Programs for any solution

earnings on affiliate programs in Yandex direct

In fact, there are a lot of affiliate programs today. Almost all services that offer their services for a fee on the Internet make it possible to earn money by supplying them with customers. Therefore, even if you have some very narrow site, you can monetize it anyway. The main thing is to take care of the “quality” of traffic that comes to it, and its quantity.

By quality we mean the motive of these visitors (why did they switch to your resource: to purchase goods or just as an entertainment), country of origin (the cost of advertising for traffic from the USA or Canada can be tens of times the price for Russia and India); as well as the source from which visitors were received (search engines in this case are valued above all).

But we repeat again, no matter what your traffic is, earnings on affiliate programs are always available for you. The reviews show that the only difference is the reward that the webmaster who owns such traffic will receive.

How to earn?

quick money on affiliate programs

You already realized that the network has many programs, with each of which (practically) you can start to earn income. A logical question arises of how to do this and where to start in order to improve our financial situation through affiliate programs. The answer is both simple and very complex.

Its simplicity lies in the fact that in order to generate income on the network you need to supply your partners with high-quality traffic of relevant topics. You need to take visitors from somewhere who will click on ads, perform actions, send SMS or buy products - it all depends on what topic you are working with.

A completely different question (more complicated) is where to get these same visitors. How to find people who would be interested to click on an ad on your site and thus bring you some amount of money? In this vein, there is no single answer, since there are a huge number of ways to get Internet traffic. Let's look at the most common options so that you more clearly understand what is meant.

Search engines

On the Internet, the most popular sites are search engines. These are primarily giants of online businesses such as Google, Yahoo, Bing and Yandex. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that anyone can fill them with information (relatively speaking). If you create a high-quality site, begin to develop it and fill it with interesting content, search engines will index it in a fairly short time, add it to your “registry” and show it to users making queries that match your resource.

For example, having made a website about cats, you will receive traffic consisting of users who are interested in these animals. Therefore, you can produce different types of content: from fun videos to tips on treating and caring for animals. Advertising in such cases will vary significantly, depending on which category your resource will be assigned to. However, the cost of clicks in the "veterinary" section will be much higher than the cost of the transition in the "entertainment". This should be considered if you are thinking about which resource you want to run.

On the other hand, do not forget about competition. In financial matters, the cost of advertising can reach several dollars per click; but the whole difficulty for the webmaster from this section is just to get such traffic. With high competition in search results, this is not so simple.

But if you are able to promote your site, you will be happy to see the best affiliate programs from the niche in which you work. This is determined by the high quality of traffic, its thematic nature, and the country of origin of visitors. Your earnings will be, respectively, higher. And the conditions offered by the best affiliate programs, as a rule, are also better than those of less successful projects on the market.

Social Network Traffic

In addition to the search engine, social networks can serve as another source of traffic. In them we spend several hours of our time daily, reading the news, leafing through some pictures and watching videos. By creating interesting content, you can lure visitors to your resource.This, in turn, will allow you to monetize them, earn money by displaying promotional materials, selling goods or paid actions. With social networks, you can even make quick money on affiliate programs (because in this case you do not need to promote the site, gradually filling it with content and investing in optimization: it’s enough to place an affiliate link).

Of course, not all affiliate programs accept traffic from social networks, so in this case, you will also need to learn more about the programs with which you plan to work. On the other hand, this way of earning money at affiliate programs may seem easier for those who are familiar with the basics of promotion in networks and know how to attract the attention of users.

Purchase advertisement

In addition to social networks and search traffic, if we are talking about affiliate programs for the sale of goods or CPA, we can also talk about purchased traffic. In this case, we must act as advertisers in the same Google Adsense and other click sponsors. The same applies to earnings on affiliate programs at Yandex.Direct (which acts as Google’s main competitor in the domestic Internet market). The principle of working with purchased traffic is quite simple: you need to acquire visitors who will be interested in completing an action or buying goods from click partners in order to profitably “sell” them to other programs. You can read more about how to make money on an affiliate program in the traffic arbitration guides (we will not pay attention to this, since this is a very extensive topic). Let us just say that this way thousands of people receive income; in some cases, they manage to achieve very good results by constantly testing different methods of buying traffic and its further monetization.

Other types of traffic

If you think carefully, each of us may recall other sources of visitors with which you can get additional traffic. For example, take at least the same YouTube. Thousands of users earn money through video ads and product sales. The amounts that they manage to help out in such a simple way are simply huge. And what is most surprising - such people themselves figured out how to make money on an affiliate program and independently came up with whole schemes for obtaining such income. So why can't you do something like that?


So, we examined the information on how to make money on an affiliate program and what needs to be done for this. Of course, no one will post in the public domain any specific, step-by-step techniques (unless they imply a large degree of independence from the user or simply do not stop working). In order to know the real working methodology for earning income from affiliate programs, you first need to think through an algorithm of your actions: where you are going to get traffic, what method you plan to use and what traffic volumes you expect. Then register in the program, get the appropriate tools and start earning!

And to the question of how much you can earn on affiliate programs, of course, there is no single answer. As the examples of other people working in this field show, your earnings are limited only by your imagination. After all, there are those who manage to get a few thousand dollars a day. Impressive, isn't it?

The main thing is not to rely on some wonderful formula and universal button, clicking on which you can instantly start to receive a huge amount of money. Internet business is very dynamic, you should always try to predict the development of the situation ahead and calculate the most likely outcomes of an event. If, for example, you buy a certain amount of traffic, you should understand how to filter out users who are not interested in your advertising, what to do with them and where to direct them.

Such trifles in the first place allow you to develop the habit of carefully analyzing information in your work and being careful where it is needed. And being a judicious and accurate webmaster / arbitrageur, you can always earn yourself a living. The main thing is to learn from both your own and those of others, and to gain experience in an industry that is interesting to you.

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