
How to make money in Odnoklassniki? Proven methods, recommendations

How to make money in Odnoklassniki? This question is of interest to many users. In general, there are several options that may suit you. True, it is often not worth hoping for good payouts. It really hurts a lot to work to achieve maximum results. What methods can you try? How to make money in Odnoklassniki? And what amounts should be expected?
how to make money in classmates

About earnings

To begin with, let's talk a little about how much money you can extract on average from a social network. In the best case scenario, one can only hope for 10-15 thousand rubles. And this is provided that you choose a completely non-standard method of earning. About him a little later.

If you implement more mundane and familiar approaches, as well as think about how to make money in Odnoklassniki without investments, you can count on 2-3 thousand. And nothing more. After all, often all types of "amateur" profit from social networks are not so highly paid. Nevertheless, it’s worth a try. But is it really possible to earn money in Odnoklassniki? Or is it just a fairy tale for novice users?

Myth or reality?

In fact, you should not be skeptical about making money on social networks. This is not a myth, but a reality. Yes, you won’t get much from such an activity, but you will not deal with yet another fraud or scammers. So, if you are thinking about how you can make money at Odnoklassniki, boldly study this issue.
how to make money on classes in classmates

Most importantly, do not pay much attention to offers that promise you a high and quick income. This is precisely the real deception. Golden Mountains is available only to web developers, and it will take a lot of effort. And ordinary users have to be content with the small. So, how to make money in Odnoklassniki?


The simplest is making money on likes. Perhaps this option is suitable for all novice users. To implement it, you only have to click on the mouse buttons. How to make money on "classes" in "Classmates"? For example, you can perform the corresponding paid task in specialized applications. You can register on special sites, install the appropriate program, and then just take tasks and complete them. On average, for one like ("class") you can get about 30 cents. Not too much, but not too few. Enough for a start. There is usually no shortage of tasks. Now it’s clear how to make money on likes in Odnoklassniki.

how to make money on likes in classmates


Another option that is suitable as a profit from a social network is the implementation of paid tasks. Most often here you will need to add someone to friends, join communities or repost entries, and, of course, like. But this was already discussed.

As for other tasks, the algorithm does not change. Download the appropriate program (for example, VKTarget, despite the name, it is used for most modern social networks), install, log in to your account, take tasks and complete. Nothing difficult.

Here is a more interesting picture. Your earnings will directly depend on the number of completed tasks, as well as on their payment. Like will cost 30 kopecks, repost - 1 ruble, subscription or joining the group - up to 5 rubles. As you can see, by making an effort, you can earn good money. Only not everyone likes this approach.10,000 rubles or more can not be earned with the help of such programs. The maximum that "shines" here is about 3-4 thousand with special efforts.

how to make money in classmates without investment

Group management

How to make money on a group in Odnoklassniki? Now on the Internet there is such a thing as community management. A person is appointed who will lead a group for a fee - to search for new participants, publish news, monitor order and so on. This approach will help you earn large sums.

Why? Earnings here are exactly the same as at official work. On average, the figures reach 15 thousand rubles. Not too little, especially when you consider that this work has a free schedule and allows you to carry out all the functions from home or any other place with Internet access. The competition here is very big. Therefore, you will have to try to find a job as a group administrator in Odnoklassniki. But there is such an opportunity.


How to make money in Odnoklassniki? If you have design and web programming skills, you can try to make money on groups on a social network, helping communities to create a menu, navigation and the "appearance" of pages in general. This is also quite a profitable, but costly task. And it does not suit everyone.

On average, one banner with a menu (graphic, with navigation and links) costs about 150-200 rubles. And such objects are needed by most communities constantly. So you can try to find clients for yourself and start making money on it.

how to make money in classmates


The next approach, which is becoming more and more common, is making money on the promotion of social pages. It doesn’t matter what it is about - the user profile or the whole group. The fact remains - your task is to attract an audience to a particular page on the Internet. In our case, we are talking about "Classmates."

How exactly you will do this, decide for yourself. But keep in mind that page promotion on social networks is expensive. And this method will help to earn decent money. Not everyone can do it. Practice shows that, as a rule, programmers or web developers are engaged in promotion. They win or attract visitors using their own tricks.

You can earn in this way, and 5 thousand, and 25, and 50. It all depends on the amount of work performed, as well as your rates and the number of customers. On average, promotion in social networks (especially in Odnoklassniki and VKontakte) allows you to get about 20,000.


Sometimes you can create a special page or group that will help you run your own business. For example, as a consultant-seller of cosmetics (the same “Oriflame”), it’s enough to form your own online store on the social network, and then attract potential customers to the appropriate page so that they make orders.

This is an indirect income on social networks. But he has been popular lately, especially among freelancers and sales managers. Here the income is unlimited. How many orders will be - so much and earn.

how to make money on a group of classmates

As you can see, there are a lot of options for earning. And each user has the right to independently choose the path to solving the problem. You can start with the implementation of paid tasks, and then develop and take on more serious proposals.

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