
How to choose equipment for the production of screws. The best machine for manufacturing self-tapping screws

Surely, many entrepreneurs thought about how to establish their own production of self-tapping screws. And really - why not? Capital investments are relatively small, and the production line itself is uncomplicated.

But here you need to be able to choose the right equipment for the production of self-tapping screws, because not only product quality, but also many other factors depend on this. Let's deal with everything in detail.

equipment for the production of screws

A bit about technology

Of course, the demand for construction products is constantly growing, and since self-tapping screws relate to this particular group of products, starting a business in this niche is quite promising. It is highly recommended to produce goods by cold stamping. This is due to the fact that in this way it is possible to achieve the most optimal technical parameters of the product. The technology itself is quite simple and is divided into 2 stages.

A blank is formed on the first. In simple words, then the workpiece. At this time, both the main part and the head with a tip are made. The next step is threading with special tools that are installed on automatic machines. If you plan to gradually develop your business, then you can still add some equipment for the production of self-tapping screws. The technique will allow hardening to increase strength.

self-tapping machine

Equipment for the production of self-tapping screws

Well, now let's talk about the most important thing - the purchase of machine tools and automatic machines. The quality of the finished product, productivity and much more directly depends on how correctly the equipment is chosen. First of all, pay attention to the error that is allowed during threading.

The smaller it is, the better, but such a machine will be quite expensive. You need to understand that if there is a big inaccuracy, then the probability of marriage of the whole lot is high, and this is a big material loss.

The second important indicator is the cutting speed. If your budget is limited, then an inexpensive machine for the production of self-tapping screws with a capacity of 50-60 pieces per minute will cost about $ 3,000. If every 60 seconds produce more than 200 units of products, then the price will increase to 10,000 dollars and above. Of course, you will need to buy not only a machine, but a whole line of equipment. Let's talk about this.

self-tapping line

Line for the production of self-tapping screws

It should be noted right away that the technological chain may include various equipment, but we will talk about the basic one. That is, about without which it will not be possible to make products. Firstly, this includes a cold heading machine. He performs the formation of the head and body.

In addition, it is necessary to install a thread rolling unit, which actually applies thread. Despite the fact that the device of this equipment is quite complex, to understand it is not difficult. The main thing is to configure it correctly. As noted above, the price range depends on performance.

As you can see, these two machines are only needed. Of course, it makes sense to install a quenching furnace (automatic), after which the finished screws go to the sink. It is worth paying attention that the last stage, that is, cleaning, also does not require human participation.

What should be the raw material?

raw materials for the production of self-tapping screws

Of course, many will say that it should be of high quality. And in part this is the correct answer. But the whole point is that there is the opportunity to use different metals, depending on what you need to get at the output. For example, self-tapping screws of different hardness, thickness, length, and also cost.In general, materials such as brass or high carbon or stainless steel are suitable.

It is worth noting that the wire for the production of self-tapping screws, delivered in bobbins, is preferable due to technical considerations. In principle, it is necessary to be guided by the types of goods produced. If these are stainless screws, then use the appropriate material. When you expand your business, you can make self-tapping screws from different materials. Again, everything depends on the price, but you need to consider the features of the installed equipment.

What else to look for

self-tapping wire

It is difficult to say which machine for the production of self-tapping screws can be considered the best. Currently, there are a sufficient number of worthy manufacturers whose products are in demand. Among them are domestic companies. As for the sale of products, this is also a rather important point.

It is necessary to focus on hardware stores, as well as large construction companies. The leader among thread rolling machines is IC 6 X75. This sample can produce about 180 ready-made screws per minute. But the equipment is quite large and has a mass of about 2 tons. The diameter of the finished product is about 6 millimeters.

You can also turn your attention to the IC 6 X80. Its features are that, unlike its predecessor, the diameter of the screws is increased to 8 millimeters, but due to this, the dimensions have become slightly larger and the performance is lower. Weight is 3.1 tons with the possibility of releasing 110 products per minute.


I would like to say a few more words about cold heading machines. They must be correctly selected. The fact is that, for example, the ID 5 X85 model allows you to release a self-tapping screw with a maximum diameter of 5 mm. Therefore, it is irrational to use an IC 6 X80 thread cutting machine with it. The same applies to performance - it should be the same.

Thus, you can clearly establish your production line. It is necessary to timely supply the raw materials for the production of self-tapping screws, since downtime results in material losses, which is not very good for you. Perhaps this is all that can be said on this topic.

As you can see, the most important point is how correctly you select the machines. Equipment for the production of self-tapping screws must be new, so do not buy used ones, because you do not receive any guarantees, and tomorrow something may break, and major repairs will take a few days at a minimum, and this is a big loss.

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Good day. I am interested in the line for the production of self-tapping screws: cold heading, thread rolling, incandescent furnace and galvanic baths. The entire line for production and prices for all this equipment. Production Russia, Taiwan 100 - 160 pcs. per minute
Thank you
Good day! Can I get a price list for self-tapping machines? Or where can I buy? ak_40@mail.ru
Good day. I am interested in the line for the production of self-tapping screws: cold heading, thread rolling, incandescent furnace and galvanic baths. The entire line for production and prices for all this equipment. Production Russia, Taiwan 100 - 160 pcs. per minute.
Can I get a price for Russian-made self-tapping machines? Where can I buy? Write your answer to my mail rishat.info@gmail.com
Will there be enough two machines to start, without hardening and electroplating? Thank you in advance.

1. Is there enough for the beginning of two machines (cold heading and thread rolling) to produce self-tapping screws, for example, "wood"?

2. For the production of which self-tapping screws are needed incandescent furnaces and galvanic baths?

3. How much is the equipment of domestic and foreign production?

4. How much does the material cost in tons (brass, high carbon and stainless)?

5. Do different dies come with the kit?

6. How much will delivery to Dagestan cost?

Thank you in advance.

1. Is there enough for the beginning of two machines (cold heading and thread rolling) to produce self-tapping screws, for example, "wood"?

2. For the production of which self-tapping screws are needed incandescent furnaces and galvanic baths?

3. How much is the equipment of domestic and foreign production?

4. How much does the material cost in tons (brass, high carbon and stainless)?

5. Do different dies come with the kit?

6. How much will delivery to Bashkiria cost?
7. What is the space requirement?

Thank you in advance.
Please tell me the combinatorics of production lines, for example, which Cold heading equipment to purchase with a thread rolling machine with a capacity of 1. 50-60 pcs / min., 2 100-150 pcs / min. If possible, indicate the model of equipment manufacturers, the manufacturer is interested in Taiwan.
a few years ago they began to manufacture self-tapping screws. First pecked at the price and bought Chinese machine tools. Exactly six months they worked like clockwork, then gradually began to break loose. Had to adjust for a long time before each setting. As a result, it took a lot of time to set up the machine. Later, having accumulated capital, we decided to try adding the Odessa machine tool. Bought by advertisement, a machine of 1992, with a performance less than Chinese. After working with him for some time, we realized that we were right)) If you definitely decided to do just that, then my advice is: take a Russian manufacturer. There are no problems with spare parts and consumables. The machine is reliable and can be adjusted much more quickly to a different product size. Only here are the new ones expensive, but there are practically no used ones on sale. We now have two Odessa machines and two Chinese ones. I can say for sure that the Chinese are more idle than working. And yet, look for sales in advance. With good sales, machines will pay off in less than a year. I say right away that my interest in imposing certain machines is not. I do not sell or buy anything. Just real advice to newbies. The price of Chinese machine tools is certainly very attractive, but the quality is lame. Thank you all for reading, I studied all the forums myself, I hope my advice will help you! Good luck in your endeavors!
Good day. I am interested in the line for the production of self-tapping screws: cold heading, thread rolling, incandescent furnace and galvanic baths. The entire line for production and prices for all this equipment. Production Russia, Taiwan 100 - 160 pcs. per minute.


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