For many, going to the market is a kind of ritual. Here you can walk along long rows with products, choose the right product of suitable quality and even bargain. This is not to say that fish markets in Moscow are represented in large numbers. Delivery of fresh fish and seafood from remote areas of the country is very problematic. But you can still find decent places to sell. The lack of markets is offset by specialized fish shops where you can always buy fresh produce. Where is the fish market in Moscow? We’ll talk about this.
Market advantages
Grocery, and in particular fish, Markets in Moscow deserve special attention. This area of trade is still in demand among buyers. Fans of supermarkets and large stores who even appreciated fresh and high-quality products, which may not differ in the beauty of the packaging, even drop in here.
Even large restaurateurs often shop in food markets. Here you will be offered a huge range of products and flexible pricing. The cost of fish will depend on the location of the market: the closer to the center, the more expensive.
Fish markets
Most of the segment in this area of trade is wholesale. These are large companies that sell goods to retail outlets and restaurants. Fresh or frozen fish can be found in small quantities in each market, but not everywhere you will be offered a rich assortment and really high-quality products. Therefore, you need to know where in Moscow there is a fish market that meets the highest requirements.
Cheryomushki market
This market combines three positive qualities. Firstly, it is a service that attracts many visitors here. Secondly, it is the quality of products that always stays on top. Thirdly, this is the price. The cost of products in this market remains highly acceptable. But the main advantage of this place is the rows with fish and crayfish. Here you will be offered only fresh and high-quality product, as well as delicious dried fish. But it is worth noting that you should not come here for seafood delicacies. Their choice here is not very rich. The market is located on the street. Vavilova, 64/1, near the metro station "Profsoyuznaya".
"Rogozhsky ranks"
The Rogozhsky Ryady market, which was transformed into a shopping center in 2000, offers its visitors a wide selection of quality products. In the Black Pearl specialized store you can buy inexpensive fresh fish, the assortment of which is quite good. The market is located on Rogozhsky Val street, 5, p. 1. All of it is divided into pavilions in which you can find goods for every taste.
Fish Shops "La Mare"
This is where you can buy truly fresh seafood delicacies. These are small retail areas that offer a rich assortment of products from 20 countries. Fresh fish and seafood are presented to customers in large aquariums and on shining white ice chips in the windows. Products are delivered to stores in 3-4 hours by plane. Therefore, consumers are offered only high-quality fish, which still smells of the sea. Many inhabitants of the deep sea (spiny lobsters, crabs, lobsters) are brought alive. The product range is huge. These are traditional varieties, exotic and marine delicacies. On the shelves you can find sea bass, dorado, monkfish, red mullet, swordfish, turbo, Australian baramundi, crabs, lobsters, lobsters, octopuses, sea urchins, mussels, more than ten varieties of oysters and several types of shrimp. Shop staff can clean, cut and slice purchased fish.They also tell you how to better prepare the product. Shops "La Mare" are the best representatives of the fish trading market in Moscow. The fish shops are located on M. Gruzinskaya street, d. 23, on Rublevsko-Uspenskoye highway, on the street. Petrovka, d28 / 2, in Flowing Lane, d.7.
Eco Bazaar
This market fully lives up to its name. Here you can find only quality products that meet the highest environmental requirements. If you prefer delicious healthy food, then this is the place for you. They offer a wide range of products, among which a special place is occupied by fish rows. Fresh, fresh-frozen fish is always on this market.
Fish Market on Rublevka
In many countries that are leaders in the extraction of marine delicacies, visiting fish markets is a must for tourists. But many of them are designed for wholesale buyers and start working very early. Moscow also has a place where you can buy fresh and high-quality seafood. This is the fish shop of the Porto Maltese restaurant chain. All fish and seafood are delivered to the capital by plane. Not all fish markets in Moscow boast such an assortment. Here you will be offered more than 20 types of chilled fish, live crabs, snails, oysters, lobsters, sea urchins, scallops, octopuses, cuttlefish, squid and shellfish. The assortment of the fish shop also includes smoked delicacies from the Royal Smokehouse in Sweden. The mini fish market is low prices combined with high quality.
Wholesale market
The wholesale fish market in Moscow is very well developed. It includes about 150 companies that are constantly engaged in wholesale trade. Among them, we can distinguish the largest sellers who have the greatest influence on this area. These are Prodservice, Three Whales, Santa Fish, Glavryba, Axiom Fish, Taleks Fish, Pollock and Trawl. Most of the popular fish varieties are brought to Moscow from the Pacific and Baltic regions. More expensive and delicious fish are brought from the North. Such popular varieties as salmon and trout are supplied by Finland, Norway, Denmark and Sweden.
These companies supply products to smaller wholesalers, retail and fish markets in Moscow, where ordinary customers can purchase them. Among the wholesalers of a smaller scale, one can distinguish LLC Rybny Dom, located at ul. Dubininskaya, 71, LLC “Seafood” on Kuskovskaya street, 12 and LLC TD “Gifts of the ocean” on Ogorodny passage, 16/1. However, it is worth remembering that the sales volume in these trading organizations is calculated at least in packages and boxes, so you should go to the retail market or to specialized stores for a kilogram of fish. Moscow fish markets, the addresses of which are proposed in this article, are the most sought-after outlets, both among retail and wholesale buyers.
Market "Teply Stan"
This is perhaps one of the few markets that has excellent fish ranks. It is located near the metro with the same name and has long been popular among residents of Moscow, and especially the surrounding areas. As a result of recent reconstruction, the market has acquired a modern look. Him retail space were expanded, and old stalls were replaced by modern small shops. Both indoor and outdoor pavilions are located on its territory. Here is the largest fish market in Moscow. Teply Stan offers its visitors a wide range of seafood. These are traditional varieties of fish, such as pollock, capelin, hake and others. Here you can also get more delicious marine inhabitants. Many visitors come here specially to buy high-quality salmon or trout. By the way, many products can be bought in bulk at a lower price. Market address: metro station Teply Stan, shaft 1B, Article 6, district of South-West Administrative Okrug.
Night fish market
You can buy fresh fish at a lower price at the night market. This improvised outlet is located in front of Panin's house (in front of the spectrum, the entrance is from Profsoyuznaya Street). Here you can buy a great product after 19-00.They trade directly from cars with various varieties of popular fish, such as crucian carp, perch, pike, catfish, pike perch. Freshest crayfish are also brought here for sale. All products are sold in small and large wholesale. By visiting the night fish market in Moscow, you can save up to 50% of the cost of fish in ordinary stores.
There is no specialized fish market in Moscow. But there are many outlets where you can buy a fresh product at affordable prices. In each market there are malls where they offer customers fresh goods, but their range is not always rich. The largest selling point of this product can be considered Teply Stan. Here you can find both traditional and gourmet varieties. But if you need a specific product, then it can be found in fish shops. Only the freshest goods will be offered there. Reviews about these markets are more positive, but in order not to make health problems, it is better to always be interested in product documents and be able to choose the right fish.