
How to choose equipment for the production of laminate flooring. Laminate production from A to Z

Today, more and more often in our country there are various mini-enterprises. More and more people are looking for their happiness in starting their own business. In this article, we will consider the business idea of ​​creating our own laminate plant.

laminate flooring equipment

What is such a production?

This is a rather complex process consisting of several stages.

  1. Production of high strength fiberboard.
  2. Impregnation of its upper layers.
  3. Facing the slab.
  4. Sawing followed by milling panels.
  5. Packaging.

choose a machine for the production of laminate

Laminate Materials

The basis for the manufacture of these products are HDF boards (fiberboard). The higher the density of the manufactured semi-finished product, the greater the mechanical strength and moisture resistance of the material. The minimum value for this parameter should be 800 kg / cu. The raw material for the production of the slab is wood. It is cleaned of bark and, using a special machine, chopped into wood chips.

For the manufacture of this finishing material, you will need to purchase equipment for the production of laminate flooring, namely a production line that includes a double-sided profile machine, a packaging machine, automatic cleaning, a feed / load line and stacking. The capacity of the mini-plant is approximately 15 million m2/year.

Business payback

According to preliminary estimates, the profitability of such a business is quite high and can reach 30 percent. However, it is necessary to invest a lot in it, because even in order to purchase the simplest equipment for the production of laminate, it will take about 25 million rubles.

In addition, it will be necessary to add to this amount the cost of renting the workshop, the area of ​​which should be at least 2.5 thousand m2, warehouses (heated and dry, because this material does not tolerate high humidity and temperature changes) for finished products and raw materials, as well as wages for workers (at least 25 people). In addition, it should be borne in mind that materials for the production of laminate flooring will also constitute a significant expense item.

Unfortunately, in our country, the lack of high-quality domestic components impedes the development of the full cycle of this business. Therefore, fiberboards will have to be purchased abroad. If you plan to produce economy class materials, then you can use the services of Russian manufacturers.

laminate flooring machine Price

Product Specifications

If you decide to start this business, then you should find out all the requirements for a laminate. In our country, the rules for these finishing materials have not yet been spelled out, so it is recommended to adhere to the standards of other countries.

Meanwhile, the technology for the production of laminate involves very strict compliance with environmental requirements for the material, because in the manufacturing process harmful phenol-formaldehyde resins contained in particleboard boards are used. According to European standards, the content of this substance in the finished product should not exceed 0.01 mg / m3and phenol - 0.003 mg / m3.

As already mentioned, there is no Russian GOST for this material yet, therefore, the imported laminate is certified according to “Wood-fiber boards” - GOST 4598-86. But domestic products are manufactured according to the specifications of each individual manufacturing plant. In addition, your materials must have hygiene certificate. And depending on the class of the product, the manufacturer must provide a guarantee for a period of 5 to 15 years.

What room is needed for the production workshop

The manufacturing process of this finishing material is very complex, it includes quite specific and large-sized equipment for the production of laminate. Therefore, the room must be chosen spacious, not less than 2500 m2. In addition, it is necessary to provide such necessary conditions in the workshop as: low humidity, constant temperature, ventilation, convenient entrances for freight vehicles. The cost of renting such a premises can be 1-5 US dollars per 1 m2.

technology for laminate flooring

Equipment selection

As mentioned above, the manufacture of this product takes place in several stages. It follows that it is not enough just to choose a machine for the production of laminate, it is also necessary to purchase auxiliary equipment: a drying chamber, a cleaning machine, a packaging machine. In addition, you will need the organization of an office space with all the necessary office equipment and accessories.

Before proceeding with the search and selection of the necessary equipment, it is necessary to clearly determine whether it is worthwhile to purchase used plants or not. Of course, if finances allow you, it is better to take a new machine for the production of laminate, the price of such a product will be much higher than for a used one, but the hassle with it will be less.

This is primarily due to depreciation of equipment, which will certainly affect the quality of the finished product. You need to understand that no seller will tell you the truth about the installation status. In this regard, you should think about buying a new line.

Key parameters to consider

On the Russian market today you can purchase any necessary equipment. In order not to get lost in a huge assortment, a number of parameters should be taken into account:

  • availability of technical documentation (drawings and certificates);
  • the seller must demonstrate the operation of the installation;
  • training should be provided;
  • samples of finished products must be available;
  • equipment must be accompanied by service and warranty services;
  • the opportunity to purchase spare parts and mechanisms directly from the manufacturer’s warehouse.

The cost of equipment for the production of laminate flooring and other investments in the workshop

Investments in this business will be from 520 thousand US dollars, excluding the cost of buying raw materials. Its volume will depend on the frequency of receipt of orders and the breadth of the market. So, equipment can cost at least 500-510 thousand, workshop rental - from $ 2500 per month, marketing - $ 800, payroll - $ 11,000.

In addition, the costs associated with product certification should also be considered. In Russia there are companies that produce the necessary product analyzes, and in the event of a positive result, they issue certified documentation.

The necessary staff for the production of laminate

Directly for the organization of production you will need to hire at least fifteen employees with experience in such activities. The salary of such a worker will be approximately five hundred dollars. To deliver the finished product, you need to hire several drivers, you can with your own car (if not, then buy a car yourself), wages will be from four hundred dollars, plus depreciation of the car.

To ensure the order / delivery process, two to three operators and four loaders will be needed. The salary of such personnel will be about four hundred dollars. For operators, you can develop a motivational program that will include the accrual of bonuses depending on the implementation of each of them.

This will add interest in quality customer service. In addition, you will need an accountant to record the conduct of production and fill out reporting documentation.The salary of such a specialist will be from $ 800.

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