
How to choose a laminate for an apartment? How to choose a substrate for a laminate?

Laminate is one of the most popular floor coverings not only in our country, but also abroad. The essence of this prevalence is that it is not only beautiful, but at the same time quite affordable. Many types of this material may well be compared with parquet in their beauty, but they only cost tens of times cheaper.

how to choose a laminate for an apartment

Therefore, today we’ll talk about how to choose a laminate for an apartment or office. This is a rather responsible matter, since not only the appearance of your apartment depends on the correct choice, but also the period for which you no longer have to part with the money for a new repair of your home.

So how to choose a laminate? Well, this is not so easy. It should be noted that not only beauty depends on the weightedness and validity of this choice, but also the advisability of using this flooring in your home.

Laminate selection by class

The main characteristic of this flooring is its strength. The strength characteristics of these products are assigned only when the product successfully passes the passage of as many as 18 tests, which pass in accordance with the European standard EN 13329. This norm implies the division of the entire laminate into two large groups - intended for home use and office.

Only from this it can be understood that the flooring from these groups differs significantly in its strength characteristics. However, no one forbids the use of office laminate at home: in this case, you can forget about replacing it for many years. So how to choose a laminate class?

What kind of coverage is used in offices

For office use, products are manufactured under class designations from 31 to 34. The first, 31st grade is the cheapest, least durable. His term of service, even in not the largest companies, is no more than two to three years. If we discuss the 32nd class, then it is intended for intensively used rooms, and its service life is about 5 years. Grade 33, in general, differs little from 32, but its service life is about a year longer - 6 years.

Finally, grade 34, titanium among the laminate. Its service life is up to 15 years, and despite the fact that its use is expected in common areas, which more than one thousand people pass per day. All this is good, but how to choose a laminate for an apartment? Now we’ll talk about this.

What laminate is used at home

At home, a coating is used with classes from 21 to 23. The twenty-first class of the laminate is used very rarely due to the fact that its strength characteristics are extremely low, and it can be used, for example, only in pantries, where they rarely go. Twenty-second class is often used, for example, in dressing rooms. The service life of these two types did not exceed a couple of years. In our country, 23 types of laminate were often used, the service life of which ranged from 4-6 years. But the popularity of these classes, due to the short service life, was so small that they were soon removed from production altogether.

However, to this day, some enterprising comrades continue to produce such floor coverings, often passing them off as more “class” ones. A distinctive feature of such products is the extremely low price, which a really high-quality laminate can not be. The average cost of really high-quality coverage is 290 rubles for 31 classes.For the 33rd class, the price of 600-700 rubles is considered quite normal.

Here's how to choose a laminate for an apartment.

Using Office Laminate at Home

laminate which company to choose

As we have already mentioned, no one will forbid you to use flooring at home, theoretically designed for public places. As you might guess, even the cheapest of them will last several times longer than in a commercial building.

For example, if you use 31 classes in the pantry, then he can serve there for about 30 years.

By the way, what thickness should a laminate be chosen if it is supposed to be used at home? As a rule, varieties from six to twelve millimeters are used. When it comes to home conditions, eight millimeters is enough. In office conditions, it is preferable to choose the maximum thickness. As you can understand, this is due to increased loads on the material. The thicker it is, the greater the chances of its long service.

However, many varieties of expensive laminate have a large thickness due to the quality basis: as a rule, ordinary stamped cardboard is used as such for inexpensive varieties, which cannot be distinguished by its special durability in principle.

Class 32 is popular today at home and in the office. After all, if it is used even in those home rooms that are constantly subjected to intense stress (living room, for example), its service life will be at least 15 years.

For the 33rd class of laminate, some cunning developers generally give a lifetime guarantee if it is located in residential premises. But do not flatter yourself, thinking that such a gender will also serve your grandchildren. Most likely, its service life will be approximately 20 years. But a laminate of class 34 at home can lie for 30 years without any particular problems.

Naturally, the cost of flooring directly depends on its strength characteristics. The most optimal ratio of price and quality for a laminate of class 32. Here's how to choose a laminate for an apartment, if you want to achieve maximum durability, reliability and beauty from the flooring. That's all with classes. But which company should choose the laminate in order to get all this?


The products of this company have been known since the middle of the last century. The company produces not only a banal laminate, but also a high-quality board, which even the “strengths of the world” do not hesitate to cover their homes. The company's policy is that its production is located exclusively in those regions where there are a lot of high-quality and affordable raw materials. This is what allows you to market products with excellent quality at a very reasonable price.

how to choose a laminate

Still wondering which laminate to choose? Reviews clearly indicate that Aberhof is a great choice. Buyers testify that the products of this company are distinguished by exceptional consumer qualities. What is the reason for this? With special production technology.


The "chip" of the manufacturer is the use of DLP technology, which provides the soldering of all layers of the laminate in one sheet in just one pass. This allows you to achieve excellent strength characteristics, and also guarantees high durability of the coating. Among other things, the floor covering from this manufacturer perfectly resists fading in the sun and high temperatures. As for the last point, this laminate is able to withstand even short-term contact with an open flame.

In addition, a high-quality antistatic agent, which greatly facilitates the process of coating care, gives reason to recommend this laminate for rooms with a high number of visits (offices). What type of flooring should I choose if you are not comfortable with the characteristics of this manufacturer?


Another representative of European industry, which is respected and trusted not only within the EU, but throughout the world. Unlike other similar companies, the manufacturer has all conceivable and inconceivable certificates of conformity and quality, the receipt of which is extremely difficult.

Among other things, the “highlight” of the company is a unique lock, which has long been patented by the manufacturer, SAFE-LOCK AUTOMATIC CLICK. Thanks to the unique technology, it is possible to connect at a minimum angle, and the possibility of formation of gaps is practically excluded. If you use glue during assembly, the floor will easily lie for more than a dozen years. Of course, if the owner will not drop irons or something like that on the cover.

In general, it is worth remembering one thing once and for all. The fact is that almost all varieties of laminate, regardless of the characteristics declared by the manufacturer, really strong and hard mechanical effects can not withstand. Expensive varieties are resistant to abrasion; they can survive dragging furniture or cigarette ash without much damage. But nothing more!

Another remarkable feature is the Aqua-Proof technology, which provides powerful protection against moisture not only the surface layer, but also all structural parts of the coating. This manufacturer, as recognized by all buyers, has the richest selection of a wide variety of textures and patterns.

Still wondering which firm to choose laminate flooring for? Reviews indicate that in this field pedantic Germans have not changed their best national traditions.


German company (known for more than one laminate). No matter how trite this expression may seem, but all over the world the company's products are valued precisely for the notorious "German quality". In fact, this is the first European manufacturer to receive all possible quality certificates. Among other things, it is Vitex that is part of the European Union of Floor Covering Manufacturers, which ensures that all products of this type that are present on the European market comply with the highest norms and standards.

In addition, this is the first of the manufacturers that began to include a soundproof layer in the composition of its laminate.

The "highlight" of the company is the use of corundum. This substance with the highest hardness, being included in the surface layer of the laminate, provides excellent strength characteristics. In addition, special impregnations are used in the production, which increase the sound insulation several times. All this makes the company's products an excellent choice not only for the home, but also for the public place. In a word, it is this laminate that we recommend to all picky customers. What type of coating to choose if you like sterile cleanliness? Well, even for such a case, there is a variety.


This company is part of the renowned production group Krono, which is known worldwide for zealously monitoring the environmental safety of all raw materials intended for the production of its products. It is a recognized leader in the number of environmental compliance standards available. Due to the fact that silver compounds are part of the upper layer, the laminate of this company has an antibacterial effect. It is not surprising that it can often be seen in the wards of world famous clinics.

By the way, which company is the best laminate, if you are interested in maximum noise protection?


Another world famous German manufacturer. It has many factories that are located not only in Germany itself, but also in other EU countries. Pretty “young”, since the first production was launched only in 1996. Provides a chic guarantee, which can last a quarter of a century! Among the nice bonuses is the special Silenzio backing, which effectively dampens the sound of steps on the laminate.Quen-Stopp, which protected all layers of flooring from this manufacturer, was not without its patented protection against moisture.

And which laminate is better to choose, if we talk about the maximum strength of the castle joints?

Quick Step

This company is an almost unconditional global leader in business. laminate production the highest quality. The direct manufacturer is the Belgian company Unilin flooring, and the Quick Step brand was officially issued back in 1989. Like Vitex, the company is part of the European Union of Laminate Manufacturers, which is why its products can automatically be considered a quality standard.

By the way, it is to the Quick Step engineers that we owe modern laminate locks that allow installation without glue. It is not surprising that the castle joints of this company are officially recognized as the best in their class.

If you still doubt which laminate is better to choose, reviews will help you: it is Quick Step that customers like in our country and abroad most often.

Distinctive features

A feature and exceptional “highlight” of this laminate is the truly unique Scratch Guard technology, which reliably protects the top layer of the coating from damage even under strong mechanical stresses. Such outstanding strength characteristics are associated with the fact that during the production a special sintering technique is used, when the molecular bonds in the coating are shortened, making the material much more stable.

laminate what to choose

Before choosing a laminate for the kitchen, take a look at the products of this company: since in this room the flooring constantly risks being damaged, it makes sense to choose the most durable and reliable varieties of it.

The lock connection uses Uniclic technology. Unlike the decisions of competing companies, such a lock can connect at almost any angle. Simply put, such a laminate can be successfully laid even in the most unsuccessful and difficult places. Those of you who are planning a renovation in an old apartment, which is full of uneven walls and corners, will surely appreciate this quality. Here is which laminate is best for the most demanding customers.

In addition, the top layer of this laminate includes a powerful antistatic agent, which greatly facilitates the care of the coating, and any household cleaning too. The decorative coating was developed by the best designers of the company, it can imitate more than one and a half hundred types of natural and artificial materials and textures. A bonus to the kit to the laminate are skirting boards of the corresponding color, as well as all other accessories.

We hope that you learned about which laminate flooring which company to choose. Money when choosing a flooring is better not to spare. However, in the end it is worth mentioning what color to choose a laminate. It all depends on your taste, as well as on the characteristics of housing.

So, in cramped and dark rooms it is extremely undesirable to use a dark flooring. In bright and large rooms, it is not worth laying a light floor, as it can visually enlarge an already spacious room, making it uncomfortable and cold.

Choose a substrate for the laminate

A substrate is a special insulating material on which the laminate itself is laid directly. As you can understand, it provides both insulation from moisture and additional sound insulation. So what to choose a substrate for a laminate for your home or office?

which laminate is better to choose

The choice of substrate can not always be relevant, the fact is that some manufacturers produce a laminate with an already existing lining. Most often, this option can be found in 32-33 laminate classes, however, it should be remembered that the floor covering belonging to such classes is not only expensive in itself, but also acquires an additional 20-30% of the wrapping in this case.

However, before choosing a laminate for a bedroom, we recommend that you pay attention to the latter option, since this natural material provides an ideal level of noise protection.

What is the backing

The pads are divided into groups depending on the material that was used in their manufacture.

Polyethylene foam substrates:

  • Foam-type substrates that are chemically cross-linked or gas-filled polyethylene foam.
  • Physically crosslinked polyethylene foam can also be used.

Cork substrates:

  • natural crumb bark of cork oak (very expensive);
  • cork with rubber;
  • crumb with the addition of bitumen.

Polyethylene foam backings

They have gained immense popularity all over the world. Due to the fact that the material that went into their production is not natural, it is not affected by rodents, woodworms, and no colonies of molds or fungi appear on it. Such substrates have a high water-repellent ability, do not rot, and their noise-insulating properties are also excellent. When working with them, little waste is obtained, and the process itself is convenient. Many of these materials may have an additional protective layer of aluminum foil. They are quite cheap.

But there are disadvantages to such substrates. The fact is that over time they can subside, in addition, they are very sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. We should not forget about their increased flammability, so do not lay laminate on them in those rooms where many people can be at the same time, because of the danger of poisoning by combustion products in case of emergency.

Cork variety

There are both in the form of sheets, and in whole rolls. Ideal for arranging a floating floor. Excellent thermal insulation and immunity to mold and rot. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that condensation can often form under it, since such a substrate does not let air through. However, the last statement is quite true for those types of linings that are made of synthetic materials.

A very good option is a kraft paper substrate on which there is a layer of bitumen and rubber crumb. Excellent sound insulation and water resistance are its distinguishing features. As already mentioned, cork is not cheap, so using it for inexpensive laminates is simply pointless.

Other useful options

In addition, manufacturers can produce special types of substrates that have specific, predefined properties. They can with high efficiency reduce the noise from walking on a laminated floor, give the laminate additional protection against moisture, due to the special coating letting condensate pass through. In addition, such linings can greatly save time, which is important for professional builders.

Their only drawback is the cost, because of which the cork is rarely used at home. However, it is worth remembering that a high-quality substrate can significantly increase the life of your laminate. In the case when you purchased a really high-quality or expensive flooring, it makes sense to think about it.

how to choose a laminate for a bedroom

So which substrate to choose for the laminate? Briefly summarizing all of the above, then everything is quite simple: if you purchased a relatively inexpensive laminate, you can even use a regular isolon (preferably with a layer of foil). Other options allow the use of an expensive cork lining.

Here's how to choose the laminate flooring and other related products.

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