Probably, every person in our country has met with disposable tableware. And it doesn’t matter at all what it was made of: paper or plastic. Before you find out what equipment for the production of disposable tableware should be purchased, we will understand why this is worth doing.
The advantages of the presented products
So, among the advantages, we can distinguish the following:
- ease of use;
- very low cost;
- environmental Safety;
- convenience;
- high demand.
Naturally, equipment for the production of disposable tableware cannot be called simple, since it is capable of performing dozens of different operations. However, the value of the possible income completely covers any disadvantages.
What is cookware made of?
Naturally, to stamp products, it is necessary to purchase raw materials first. For production, you can use both paper and polyethylene. And in the second case, manufacturing is cheaper. However, paper utensils are safer.
Raw materials should be purchased from several trusted suppliers. In addition, recyclable materials are excellent for such production, the cost of which is quite small. If you decide to choose polyethylene, then keep in mind that making dishes from it is quite difficult. However, the products are more durable and can be used for a microwave oven.
What equipment is necessary for work?
In order to organize your own workshop, you need to know what equipment for the production of disposable tableware should be purchased. So you will need:
- injection molding machine (designed to work with polypropylene and polystyrene);
- thermoforming apparatus;
- extruder - thanks to him, flat sheets can be obtained from polyethylene granules;
- packing table;
- crusher - used to grind recyclables;
- chiller - this machine for the production of disposable tableware provides cooling of workpieces;
- compressor.
In principle, this equipment is enough to start a business. Then you can expand and buy more powerful and functional cars.
How to choose the right equipment?
This question is not too complicated. First you need to decide on the parameters of the machines, and then look for a suitable model. For example, for starters, you will have more than enough low-power equipment with average performance.
However, even it is not so cheap. Therefore, for starters, it is quite possible to use second-hand machines. Naturally, they should be in good condition, and not break every week. But then how lucky.
If you decide to purchase a new line, then keep in mind that ordering a machine for the production of disposable tableware should only be done by a trusted manufacturer who enjoys a positive reputation.
During the selection, try to carefully consider all the devices. The seller must provide you with all the necessary accompanying certificates.
Features of the production of plastic dishes
It is cheaper both in production and in the market. The manufacturing process of such material is quite complicated. It consists of such stages:
1. First, the sorted raw materials in the form of granules are thrown into an extruder, where, under the influence of high temperature, it turns into a homogeneous semi-liquid mass.Mixing inside the hopper is carried out using a screw.
2. The resulting mass is squeezed out through a thin slit. The result is a long and wide sheet, the thickness of which varies within a few millimeters. It all depends on how the shafts are set up, and they should work accurately and correctly. If you have a functional extruder, then with its help you can get a multilayer film. In any case, its thickness should be the same over the entire length
3. Next, a thermoforming machine for the production of disposable tableware comes into operation. It is here that blanks for plates and cups are made. Then they will just need to be cut out from a solid sheet.
As you can see, the manufacturing process is quite complicated. Work with machines must be experienced operators who can control the automatic system using the remote control. Naturally, during operation, strict safety rules should be observed.
Features of manufacturing tableware from laminated cardboard
First of all, it should be noted that equipment for the production of disposable paper utensils is produced only abroad. The fact is that in our country such a business is not very popular, due to the rather high cost of primary raw materials. However, if you still decide to do this, then look for German, American, Korean or Chinese devices.
On the standard line, you can perform the following actions:
- serve the blanks of the sides of the glass;
- shape the cups themselves;
- oil the surface of the cardboard, solder the sides to the workpieces;
- cut down and roll the bottom.
If you want to use one machine for the production of different types of products, then you will have to purchase some add-ons. For example, moldings that are intended for wrapping paper. That is, they serve as a form for future dishes. If you will make exclusive cups, then you may need printing equipment, with which you can put a logo on the surface of the cardboard.
As for the production itself, the raw material for work is laminated cardboard, the density of which is from 130 to 280 grams / sq. m. In this case, the thickness of the laminate layer ranges from 10 to 20 microns. To connect the seams on the cups, the thermal or ultrasonic method is used. The first is cheaper, but the second is more reliable.
That's all. Such a mini-production of disposable tableware can bring you considerable income. Unless, of course, it is correctly advertised and find reliable partners. So go for it!