Annually in law enforcement recruiting more than one hundred volunteers. This work is quite prestigious and well paid. And besides, the prospect of early retirement beckons people a lot. Indeed, according to the law, it is enough to serve only 25 years in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to go on a well-deserved rest. Given this, it is not surprising that many seek to find work in the police.
But it is not so simple. In order to get a place in law enforcement, you should go through a series of checks and tests. And although there is nothing complicated in them, most candidates still fail. Therefore, to understand how difficult it is to get a job in the police, let's take a closer look at all the features of this process.
First of all, you should remember one important point before getting into the police. Work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is associated with great risk, frequent physical exertion and stress, and this will sooner or later affect health. Many realize the complexity of this profession only after working for several years, after which, unable to withstand the loads, they leave it. Therefore, before getting a job in the police, you should carefully reflect on the question: "Do I really want this?"
And only after all the pros and cons are well balanced, we should begin preparations for entering the service.
Who can apply for a policeman
Based on the laws of the Russian Federation, only a Russian citizen from 18 to 35 years old can become a policeman. He must have a good command of the Russian language and have a complete secondary education. It should be noted right away that candidates with higher education are more likely to get a place in the police. In addition, for some posts and ranks, higher education is a mandatory requirement.
As for race, faith and political views, they do not affect how to get a job in the police. Requirements and restrictions can be slightly changed for girls and women, and then in order to protect them from heavy loads.
How to get a girl to work in the police
As for women, there are some restrictions on the choice of posts for them. For example, the weaker sex will not be able to get into the quick response team or the interception group. The reason for this is a high threshold of physical fitness, a frequent risk to life and the need for great stamina.
Otherwise, girls can apply for the same vacancies as men. Although most ladies still seek the work of an investigator or the department for working with minors. In the first case, you need to have a higher legal education, and in the second - a teacher’s diploma.
Where to go first
In order to get a job in the police, you should contact the nearest personnel department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They will talk in detail about existing vacancies, requirements for candidates and, if necessary, help determine the choice. By the way, many people think that to work in the police it is necessary to first serve in the regular army - this is not entirely true. It’s just that during the selection, the former military are more likely to get a promising position.
After all the questions in the personnel department have been resolved, the candidate receives a list of documents that must be collected to get the job. This includes: a passport, certificates of mental and physical health, a military ID (if any) and documents on graduation from school or institute.
Features of the examination in the hospital
To get a job in the police, you need to have excellent health.Therefore, the first thing candidates are sent to the hospital to undergo a medical commission. One thing to understand is that internal organs closely monitor future employees, so you should not look for workarounds and try to bribe doctors in order to speed up this process or hide congenital diseases.
In general, with an average congestion of patients, the passage of the medical commission takes no more than 2-3 days. As for those health problems that can block the path to the desired profession, their list can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Also, the hospital will need to take a blood test for the presence of alcohol or drugs.
Psychological suitability
If we talk about how to get a job in the police, we cannot but mention the psychological test. It would seem that complicated in simple tests? But in practice, almost a third of the candidates are eliminated at this stage. Therefore, it is very important to take this test very seriously, otherwise you can forget about working in the police.
Examples of questions can, of course, be found, but it is impossible to find out which of them will be asked in this case. After all, only by the most conservative estimates, there are approximately 600 variations of entrance tests.
The last step is the interview
When all the tests and tests have been passed, the last step remains - the interview. On it, the contestant is tested on the ability to get along with people, they learn how seriously he is configured, as well as his reaction to various stressful situations.
It is important to remember that the interviewers are skilled psychologists. It is almost impossible to deceive or outwit them, therefore, the most reasonable solution would be to honestly answer the questions posed and try to behave relaxedly.
If everything goes well at the interview, then soon it will be possible to start the service. True, the first 5-6 months will have to live in the shoes of the trainee, these are the rules. In addition, a seasoned mentor is always assigned to young fighters who can show in all their glory the features of the chosen profession.
A special item when entering the service in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
In the end, I want to note one important point - the taboo on the work of those who have a criminal record. If a person in the past had leads to the court, then he can forget about the position in the police. An exception may be small administrative penalties.
Also, persons whose relatives have a criminal record or are serving a term in prison are not allowed to work in internal organs.