For organizations offering various services, such as repair and construction and wiring, selling certain goods, the opportunity to find a major customer is very attractive. Therefore, the latter hold contests and tenders in order to make a profitable deal. When several organizations are fighting for an order, the customer is given the opportunity to choose offers that are more acceptable to him.
What are tenders?
Tenders between companies conducted by an organization looking for a supplier of goods or a service provider are called tenders. Their more modern designation is tenders. This word comes from the English tender, which translates as "offer."
Tenders are the selection of organizations for the performance of work, the provision of services, and the supply of goods. They provide an opportunity to commit big deal companies.
Let us turn to authoritative sources for a more accurate interpretation of the concept under consideration. The dictionary of unusual words in Russian edited by Yu. V. Alagubina, E. N. Shagalova, L. A. Glinkina gives the following definition of this word. Tender - a competitive form for placing an order (for example, for the purchase of equipment) or for attracting contractors for the construction of complex facilities, etc .; the competition itself with pre-agreed conditions.
It is worth noting that the word in question has another meaning. In the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, it is indicated that the tender is a special carriage connected to the engine for fuel, water, tools or the rear part of the engine adapted for this. So this word has two meanings. However, we are interested in exactly the competitive form of placing an order, which the article is devoted to.
Why are tenders held?
In Russia, such competitions were organized in the 17th century. They were popular because of their effectiveness. However, in Soviet times, tenders were no longer held: enterprises were nationalized. Competitions appeared again in the 80-90s, and today without them it is difficult to imagine the selection of organizations for fulfilling the state order.
Why are they needed? Firstly, the customer can compare offers and choose exactly what suits him according to various characteristics: terms, cost, quality, etc.
Secondly, organizations will be able to make a bargain and increase their reputation. This is also done for transparency, justice, so that there is no corruption, monopoly and illegal actions.
Tenders help save money, get a service or product under pre-agreed conditions. They are beneficial both to customers and to winning participants, if the latter correctly drew up the budget and met it.
Open tenders
Contests come in many forms. Most often found open and closed. Specialized with limited participation are also distinguished.
Open tenders are held when the customer is ready to consider applications from everyone who wants to participate in the competition. He announces bidding in various ways. Places information on the site, sends faxes and letters, calls potential participants, etc.
By attracting a greater number of people wishing to participate in the tender, the customer can receive the most advantageous offers for him.
This variety is found in public procurement. It is characterized by great competition and a considerable number of participants.At the same time, it can take a lot of time to consider all the proposals, so the terms of participation are sometimes extended.
All open official tenders related to state and municipal procurements in the Russian Federation are available on the unified official website of government procurements of the Russian Federation. It is also allowed to duplicate information about competitions in other sources. Such bidding is known as electronic tendering.
Closed Competitions
Consider the following type of bidding. The second type is closed tenders. State purchases and other transactions in this case are carried out during the competition between certain companies. This saves the customer time.
In addition, trusted companies with a good reputation are invited to participate in such a tender. Therefore, organizations collect various information about themselves from the media, work on their website in order to be attractive in the eyes of the customer. They also try to participate in special exhibitions and conferences, send their specialists to training seminars and business trips to show professionalism.
In a closed competition, the list of applicants was not disclosed. This is done so that there is no collusion between companies, which can lead to an increase in the cost of work, services or goods, bribery for the purpose of winning and other illegal fraud.
Specialized tenders with limited participation
They look like a closed type, but have their own characteristics. For example, varying the number of participants, admission to participation only of citizens of the state in which the competition is held, etc.
It is worth noting that the selections can be carried out in several stages, but most often they are one-stage, since two-stage ones take a lot of time. They have their differences. For example, one-stage ones have clear conditions in terms of cost, terms and other characteristics that do not change, and two-stage ones are approximate. More precise conditions are agreed upon upon selection. One-stage tenders are called price tenders, and two-stage tenders are called open decision tenders. In the latter case, the customer evaluates the decisions from the participants. Thus, he can choose those conditions that are most acceptable to him, and at the same time add his own nuances. All this takes a lot of time and brings a lot of trouble to applicants.
It is also worth noting that bidding can be divided into domestic and international.
Their differences are clear by name. Domestic ones take place inside the country itself, while international suppliers and contractors can participate in international ones.
Building tenders
Competitions are held in various fields: medicine, industry, electric power industry. There are selections for repairs of state and municipal institutions, tenders for construction. Let's consider them in more detail.
Tenders for construction work are carried out both by the state and construction companies that are looking for contractors. It happens that a participant in the competition passes the selection, but he does not fulfill the order. He is looking for contractors, smaller organizations that perform work for less cost.
As a result, everyone remains the winner. Both the customer who received the desired at the agreed dates and prices, and the company who won the tender, made a profit and improved their reputation, and small contractors who also received payment for their work and were not left without work.
Construction organizations monitor such competitions. They know how to participate in tenders, are looking for ways to win them in order to receive a large order. This brings them work, employment, employees, company profits, improves their image.
Public Procurement Tenders
Such orders are a tidbit for many companies. Therefore, the issue of how to participate in tenders of this kind is relevant for them. They can be found on the official website of public procurement. In addition to it, information can be placed in other sources.
There are laws governing such tenders.Public procurement and the results of their implementation should be posted on the official website. The procedure is carried out in one step. Participants must comply with the mandatory requirements for the publication of information on ongoing procurement on the network.
How to participate in tenders
Competitions are held in various industries. There is a tender for the supply of equipment, raw materials, materials or any goods; repair and construction work and other services. Entrepreneurs can look for them themselves, or customers turn to them, notifying them of a competition.
In order to qualify for an order, an application for participation in the tender is required. It is a package of documents. Their list is determined by the customer. Participants are given a certain time to prepare and send the application.
Documents for participation in the tender
The list of necessary materials for sending the application may be different. It includes not only a list of the cost of services and goods, but also information about the company and its employees, accounting and tax documents, letters, confirmations, certificates, diplomas, etc. They must be submitted electronically when submitting an electronic application, participation in public procurement.
If the tender is conducted by non-state and municipal institutions, the package of documents can be personally transferred to the commission, which will choose a contractor or supplier.
Correct application design, competitive price offers play a big role in the bidding process. Therefore, the necessary documents must be in a certain place so that their search and collection does not take a lot of time.
Beginners often do not have time to send an application on time due to the fact that they simply do not have time to find and process the necessary materials.
An organization needs a professional to prepare budget estimates. Without it, it is difficult to imagine how to participate in tenders related to repair and construction and electrical installation works.