
Business plan of an electrical installation company: necessary documents and equipment. The structure of the electrical organization

business plan of an electrical installation companyElectrical work is one of the most popular services to date. They are important in our time.

After all, the population regularly uses electricity. As a result of this, many citizens turn to specialists in this field. When constructing residential buildings and other premises, the services of a wizard working with wiring and the appropriate tool are always relevant and sometimes simply priceless.

As a result, wiring as a business is gaining immense popularity. This is important in this case. Therefore, some entrepreneurs have a question about how to open a company for electrical work. And if you decide that engaging in these activities is exactly what you could and would like to do seriously, then this article will help you understand and specifically decide on the task.

In order for this type of activity to function successfully and consistently make a profit, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for an electrical installation company. This is the very first and most important step that will protect the specified business from unjustified risk and become the key to success and stability in the future.

The main areas of the electrical business

The priorities in this activity are:

  • Repair and maintenance of existing electrical systems for domestic use. This is one of the important processes.
  • Conducting the development, implementation and maintenance of the electrification systems of individual facilities.

So, with the direction of activity decided. Next, we draw up a business plan for the electrical installation company and proceed to further actions.

Legal form selection

This action is very important. As a rule, this choice is not difficult - to register as an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company (LLC). There is no special work here. Registration as an LLC will be preferable.

After all, according to some unspoken rules, if you have to participate in tenders, then the priority is given to limited liability companies. Most likely, you will have to take part in such elections for the purchase of electrical work, and more than once, and this will provide you with good volumes of work and decent income.

Documents required for opening an LLC

For this action, you should draw up the following materials:

  • company charter;
  • minutes of the meeting of the founders;
  • agreement on approval of a limited liability company;
  • document on the presence of a legal address;
  • application for registration of an enterprise (in the form of Р11001);
  • order to appoint the general director;
  • state duty receipt.

A prerequisite will be the presence of authorized capital in the amount of $ 350. Samples of all necessary documents are on the Internet and are available to everyone. Electrical work is recorded under the OKVED code - 45.31.

Registration of your own business is a responsible task, and, of course, you will have to work hard. However, you can significantly save your strength and precious time by contacting special organizations that provide services of this kind.

how much does it cost for electrical work

Self-regulatory organization of builders (SRO)

Let's consider this association in more detail. Permission to carry out all construction work is issued by the SRO. This is important to remember.This organization also regulates construction in the state. To obtain access to electrical work, entry into the SRO is sufficient. This makes life easier for builders, whose activities were previously controlled by Rostekhnadzor.

To enter the SRO, you will need a considerable amount of money, but it's worth it. It provides the introduction of uniform standards for all construction organizations. It also eliminates the manifestation of corruption and helps to avoid many troubles. It should be remembered that not all SROs issue permits for the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of technically dangerous and complex facilities. Large organizations have such powers, for joining which you need to pay about 10 thousand dollars. They also have the right to conduct advanced training courses and seminars for members of their association.

Personnel with special qualifications and work permits are the main requirements for the organization. This is important in this case. If you wish, you can find any intermediary organization that provides services for joining the SRO. This can be done in one day, and even with installment payment, there would be a desire.

Package of documents for entry into SRO:

  • copy of the charter of the enterprise;
  • documents on assignment of TIN and PSRN.

As a rule, an entrance fee to the specified organization is not made, however, money is paid into the compensation fund, and a monthly payment of about $ 165 is also set. There is still a safety deposit once a year.

The amount that is paid to the compensation fund varies by region. For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg it is about 5 thousand dollars, in Rostov-on-Don about 1300 dollars. You need to know how much SRO costs for electrical work in your area.

You must also keep in mind that the admission of the specified organization is needed only for work with objects in capital construction. However, there are electrical work for minor repairs of the premises. Tolerance in this case is not needed. Therefore, a small wiring organization does well without joining an SRO.

Basic staff requirements

People performing these work must have a special education in this area, as well as an electrical safety group No. 3. This is the main condition. An employee who has received such a level of qualification is required to know the operation and maintenance of various electrical installations, as well as safety precautions, the basic rules for admission to work and be able to provide first aid to victims of current if necessary. Payment for the courses to receive this group is about $ 200, the duration of the courses is 40 hours.

Staff recruitment

This process is quite complicated. The structure of the wiring organization should be well thought out, and the staff is staffed by responsible and competent employees. It’s good if you already have experience in this field or if you have the opportunity to ask someone for advice. If your own skills are not available, then you need to be very careful in this case.

After all, no diploma or recommendations from recruitment agencies guarantee you a responsible employee, whose actions depend a lot, even human lives. It is very important, when drawing up the business plan of the electrical installation company, to find a good and competent accountant, so as not to correct the mistakes that could entail considerable penalties.

Obtaining Energy Supervision Permission

This action is important. If you plan to carry out electrical work not only at small facilities, such as residential apartments, but are also going to electrify various industrial facilities, you will need an energy supervision permit. To do this, you need a working draft of power supply.You can’t do without it in this case.

It’s good if you have a specialist who can develop such a project. But it does not matter if it is not there, professionals can be attracted on the basis of an agreement. Any customer will want to use the services of the company where a complete package of documents and turnkey installation works will be completed for him.

Moreover, on the implementation of design work, you can also make good money, especially if you take the coordination with all the necessary authorities. The customer will be only happy and ready to pay any money, just to not participate in this nightmare process. And for you, who have established warm friendly relations with regulatory authorities, everything will be quite simple.

Choice of premises

Each wiring organization must have a warehouse on which cable coils and tools will be stored. It can be either an ordinary garage or a special rental room. Many companies work without an office, meeting with customers at their facilities, which is very convenient for both parties.

The choice of working vehicles

This action should be taken very seriously. After all, you have to haul the stairs and deliver to the place of work of electricians. A car designed for these purposes should be roomy and have good traffic, since on rainy days at construction sites the roads turn into a real swamp.

The electrical installation business is seasonal. Usually, all construction sites take place in the warm seasons, in winter it can be simple. For firms working with large facilities, this may not be reflected.

Advertising information

Of course, there is no way to do without this process nowadays. You can advertise on your own working car, as well as on sites and in newspapers in your city and surrounding regions. In new buildings, you can put the appropriate flyers and flyers directly into mailboxes. For this important task, you can hire students who are always in need of a side job.

Thus, you will not only enable the young generation to taste the sweet fruits of their own earnings, but also ensure yourself responsible task performance! It would be nice to advertise in the objects of trade in construction and electrical goods. It can also be posted on online forums. But the best advertising is grateful customers. For the sake of this, it is sometimes worthwhile to endure their whims.


A big problem for beginning electrical installation companies can be dishonest customers. After all, the organization is just starting to work and is happy to go to any conditions of the client, takes a small advance payment and does the work, and the principal amount may not wait. It may disappear from sight and may not even answer calls. Do not take orders from people who have a bad reputation in the repayment of debts, more expensive for yourself.

It is better to look for another responsible and honest customer. There is another situation when some entrepreneurs are faced with financial problems and are not able to timely pay for the work done, then they will have to wait several months to pay. Despite its high profitability, electrical work can be very unprofitable in the first months.

The business plan in this case also provides for this circumstance, which means that you must be prepared for this as well. But this is temporary, and it is better to start a business at the beginning of the calendar year, then at the time of payment of mandatory taxes everything will be fine. After that, you will begin to receive a steady income.

The budget laid down in the business plan of the installation company


  • rental of premises - about 25 000 r .;
  • salary - about 120,000 p .;
  • tools and equipment - about 400,000 p .;
  • office equipment - about 80,000 p .;
  • advertising - about 120,000 p.

The payback of this organization occurs in about six months of work, and the profit can be about 200 000 r. per month.


After analyzing the foregoing, each interested entrepreneur can draw the appropriate conclusions and create a company that carries out electrical work. The business plan of this organization, as already mentioned, having the appropriate skills, is not so difficult to draw up.

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