
How to write a receipt? Sample receipt in receipt of money and alimony

Drawing up a receipt confirming receipt of funds in the modern world is perhaps the most common phenomenon. However, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation mentions this document only in passing. We will tell you about the legal significance of the receipt and how to draw it up correctly in the article.

Legal force

How to write a receipt.

This issue raises quite controversial reasoning. It’s worth starting with how to write a receipt correctly. You can do this in two ways: simple writing and notarized. If later it becomes necessary to prove that the document was signed by precisely those persons indicated in it, then the second method simplifies the task. In the first case, this legal fact proving is real too, but it may take a little longer.

Turning to article 808 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, we see that the receipt is a document that is provided to confirm the loan agreement, but in no case does it replace it. Its conclusion in the usual written form, without the services of a notary, is an action sufficient to give legal force to the paper.

How to write a receipt?

When compiling this document, attention must be paid to the correctness of filling out information about the lender and the borrower. Be sure to reflect the following data:

  • full name;
  • passport data:
  • date and year of birth;
  • address for registration and actual place of residence.

Then the amount of the loan is indicated, it will be best if you indicate it not only in numbers, but also in words. It is important to mention that if the loan size is indicated in foreign currency (euros, dollars, etc.), it is recommended to prescribe the rate at which the money will be refunded. Be sure to include interest, if any. Information on how to correctly write a receipt in terms of indicating debt will help to avoid misunderstandings and misunderstandings in the future.

How to draw up a receipt.

An important and obligatory clause is the deadline for repaying borrowed money. Indicate the exact date, since from this day onwards the percent of material benefits (using other people's money) will be calculated, as well as the statute of limitations (claim). The latter is important if you have to resolve the dispute as part of a lawsuit.

Issuing a receipt

The document is prepared in a simple form, in writing, it is possible to fill out a standard form in printed form, but this method is not recommended by specialists. This is explained by the fact that when using "live" writing it will then be easier to do handwriting examination. And the signature, as you know, to fake is not difficult or it can change.

Issuance of a receipt by a notary

This option has its advantages and disadvantages:

  • the authenticity of the document will be confirmed by the signature of a notary;
  • the specialist will offer you his sample if you are at a loss to make the document yourself;
  • additional costs for notary fees and time.

Legislation does not need such certification.

Receipt on receipt of a certain amount of money: template

Knowing how to write a receipt correctly (examples hereinafter), you will protect yourself from many troubles. There is no single sample, and you can change individual points and moments depending on the circumstances. We offer only to use the template below as a basis.

How to write a receipt for receiving money.


April 15, 2014

I, Petrova Ulyana Andreevna, born on 02.07.1985, passport data 3697 No. 215864, issued on September 31, 2013 by the FMS department in the Maisky district of the city of Rybinsk, living and registered at the address: Rybinsk, st. Petrovskaya, d. 264, apt. 78, I borrow from Mikhail Zalecki, Leopoldovich, 07/21/1980 year of birth, passport data 5821 No. 367489, issued 01/27/2010 by the FMS department in the Frunzinsky district of the city of Rybinsk, living and registered at the address: Rybinsk, st. Zhukova, d. 25, apt. 251, cash in the amount of 41,000 (forty one thousand) rubles at 3 (three)% per annum. I undertake to return the money and interest on them up to 04/15/2016.

Date of receipt and signature of the borrower.

how to write a receipt correctly: examples.Before writing a receipt for money, carefully weigh the pros and cons, evaluate the conditions and terms. Since a document drawn up even in this form already has legal force. In case of default, he may be submitted to court.

How to write a receipt for child support: a sample

If the divorce between spouses proceeds peacefully with a civilized approach to the situation, then the payment of alimony is assumed to be voluntary. Mainly withholding of earnings and other incomes occurs at the payer's place of employment or by other alternative methods. Sometimes, having agreed, the former spouses pass and receive funds from hand to hand. In this case, it is not possible to take and save the checks, and there is no other option but to draw up the receipt correctly (see the sample below). When writing it, avoid blots, corrections, the handwriting should be even, clear and legible, in order to avoid ambiguous interpretation in the future. Use the samples we offer as a basis.

Example No. 1

I, Anna Evgenievna Gorbunova (passport No. 237815 series 0098, issued by the Dyurtyulinsky police department on April 12, 2007, live in 36 Pushkin St., Petrouralsk), received from Vitaly Andreevich Gorbunov (passport No. 573591 series 0207, issued by the Moscow police department 09/30/2000, living in Sverdlovsk, Aprelskaya St., house 62) against alimony (indicate the data for which payment is usually made for a child) 11550 (eleven thousand five hundred fifty) rubles 50 (fifty) kopecks for September 2014. I have no claims for this period in the amount.

Gorbunova Anna Evgenievna (written in her own hand)

Signature ______

Example No. 2

Examples: writing a receipt.


On receipt of money under the Alimony Agreement

on minor children

Obninsk "__" _______ 2015

I, Golubeva Aida Germanovna, living at: Obninsk, st. Snegovaya, d. 21, apt. 11, in accordance with paragraph 2.2 Alimony Agreements for minor children received from Golubev Peter Ilyich, who lives and is registered at the address: Obninsk, st. Rainy, 51, a sum of money in the amount of 250,700 (two hundred and fifty thousand seven hundred) rubles.

Thus, the lump sum payment from "___" _____ of 20__ provided for in clause 2.2 of the Agreement on the payment of alimony for minors is paid in full. I have no claims for the sum.

Date, month, year, signature.

You should carefully study these examples. Writing a receipt taking into account all the details will help you do everything correctly and correctly from a legal point of view. It is important to take it responsibly. The receipt that you keep is a guarantee of the absence of a conflict situation in the future.

Receipt of documents

It has a slightly different meaning, but much depends on the correctness and literacy of its preparation: the prospect of cooperation with customers, material benefits and a court decision. An established pattern or template does not exist. When writing a receipt, it is necessary to be guided by standard rules in the field of office work, business customs and generally accepted standards.

How to draw up a receipt.

We will tell you how to draw up a receipt on receipt of documents. There are two ways of registration: traditional or in the form of an act of acceptance and transfer.In any case, you must specify the following details:

  • the name of the document being drawn up (acceptance certificate or receipt);
  • information about the recipient (including date of birth, place of residence and registration, passport data);
  • place and date when the documents were transferred;
  • the purpose of the transfer of documents and the timing of their return (in specific cases);
  • the name, number and series of each individual document on the list, indicating the date of their signing and volume (number of sheets);
  • when drawing up the act of acceptance, it is necessary to indicate the data of the person who transfers the documents;
  • if the recipient takes a copy, then it is required to indicate its type (certified by a notary or other person, simple);
  • Signature of the person who accepted the documentation and its decryption

Of the general recommendations on how to correctly write a receipt on the transfer of important securities, it is worth noting two more points. Firstly, a handwritten way of compiling it is preferable to typewriting. Secondly, if any corrections are made, they must be certified by the person who made them, and in the case of the act of acceptance and transfer, by both parties. Thirdly, if the receipt takes several pages, then the signature of the person who compiled it should not appear on a separate sheet.

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