Signs and customs for any nation is a whole cultural heritage, the accumulated experience of many generations. Today, signs are not given much importance, and after all, many do not even think about what chain of events is behind this or that custom. Signs and signs appeared in ancient times, when a person had to grasp the connections between individual phenomena in order to survive. After all, how else do people know that the harbinger of rain is a swallow flying low above the water, and a cat carefully hiding its nose is a sign of approaching frosts. People looked closely at natural phenomena, animals, found signs of use in everyday life and relationships. Money was no exception.
To believe or not to believe?
Today, not everyone follows the signs concerning material wealth, considering them pure superstitions. Or follow signs mechanically, acting out of habit. Meanwhile, signs and customs are the results of observations and conclusions of our ancestors about the world around us. People have followed many omens for hundreds of years, which means that they can make our existence easier and more enjoyable. Moreover, the signs associated with money are aimed only at ways of exaggerating them.
How to properly lend money without observing the signs, not a single mistress in Russia imagined. Believing money or not believing today is a personal matter for every person. However, to know some of them is not harmful at all, especially since, according to Einstein, the information imprinted in the brain can materialize and bring good luck even to those who do not believe in it.
The most important signs and customs regarding wealth are related to debt. Indeed, in order to increase your wealth or not to lose it, you need to learn how to behave with money courteously, not to scatter it. Otherwise, they will not stay with a person for a long time, his condition will go to debtors or be wasted on trifles. Then how to lend money? Signs associated with debts and their repayment, accumulated for centuries.
Rules for saving money
Consider the most popular cash signs. Even modern grandmothers do not know how to give and borrow money properly, not observing these customs and omens. These traditions have been followed for several hundred years, and perhaps many future generations will follow.
- With their right hand they give money, with their left they take it.
- When lending money, it is better not to put them on the table.
- Money borrowed on Sunday will not be returned.
- If you lend on Monday, then the returned money will be wasted on trifles.
- How to lend money on Tuesday? Best of all - do not give at all. If you lend on Tuesday, you can spend your whole life in debt.
- Taking the debt, with your left hand you need to squeeze the fig in your pocket or behind your back.
- It’s better not to lend or borrow, money should be put on the floor.
- You can not borrow money on the 13th or 31st of any month.
- How to lend money a large bill? Borrowing a banknote, the debtor should be warned so that the debt is paid back with banknotes not smaller, but of the same value.
- Do not borrow money for Christmas or Easter.
- If a beggar asked for money, then you must give him, and you need to say: "Moths of Christ, he will give more."
- You can’t give paper bills to a beggar, he is supposed to give only small coins so that he himself does not become rich only in trifles.
What to do in the evening with debts
One of the most common monetary signs is to avoid any money manipulation in the evening.But often there are hopeless situations that baffle particularly superstitious people who find it difficult not to follow customs. For such cases, there are also rules. How to lend money in the evening?
Very simple, the main thing is not to hand them over. Better put on the floor or pedestal. But not at the dining table! Although, if you delve into the study of folk customs, it was not customary to lend money not just in the evening, but at sunset. It was believed that this would lead to a decrease in wealth and impoverishment. For the same reasons, it was not recommended to give salt or bread in the evening.
When wondering how to lend money correctly, it is important to remember the main rule - to give with a pure heart. It is better to wish a person good luck and hope that this money will benefit him or help. Otherwise, negative emotions to the borrower will return a hundredfold, and money will be wasted, or even not returned at all.
How to lend money correctly in terms of astrology
It turns out that cash flows are subject not only to magic, but also to astrology. This science also assumes the presence of strong energy in material wealth, so astrologers have come up with some algorithms that, if followed, will allow you to not lose your wealth.
First of all, in order to know when and how to lend money correctly, you need to choose the appropriate days. According to astrology, certain phases of the moon affect the movement of energy financial flows. The days of the waning moon are not suitable for lending money - there is a big risk of being left without a return.
Astrologers do not recommend taking money on a rising moon. As the luminary grows, so will the debt. As for the days of the week, Monday and Tuesday are the least suitable for cash loans. The remaining days are considered neutral and in no way affect the return of debts or their accumulation.
To give or not to give?
A proverb says: "To give in debt - to lose friendship." Most often, money is loaned to close enough people, those who are familiar. It can be relatives, friends, colleagues. But not always the debt comes back. The reason for this is unforeseen circumstances. Financial difficulties due to dismissal from work, a serious illness can delay the repayment of the loan. Sometimes money is borrowed for too long and just forget about it. It often becomes difficult for someone who has to return the money to part with them, because they occupy someone else's, and they have to give their own.
That is why some financial advisers advise borrowing the exact amount that you don’t mind leaving. It is possible to mentally determine in advance the threshold that is not a pity to give to this particular asking person. Only then, in case of unpleasant circumstances, will it be easier to part with this amount and not to be too upset. And to the one who has not returned the debt, one can sincerely wish good luck and material success. And no longer make such transactions with this person.
It is better to lend without a receipt only to those people to whom you can give money irrevocably and not remember them after that with an unkind word. Otherwise, you should not be too lazy and do everything according to the rules. This rule becomes a new sign: when borrowing money, you should take a receipt.
How to lend money on receipt? A receipt is a document confirming receipt of funds to those who are given a loan. The receipt has the same effect as a debt loan agreement and can serve as a supporting document in court if matters take a serious turn.
So very often when borrowing money, both parties do not make a full-fledged contract, but are limited to a receipt. This is a one-sided document in which the borrower confirms the fact of receiving money on hand. There are no clear rules regarding the contents of the receipt and the rules for its execution.However, there are still points to keep in order to avoid unpleasant situations.
How to do it right
The first thing to consider is the way you write a receipt. Only someone who takes money writes it, and always with his own hand. Computer or typewritten text is not allowed, because if it comes to court, then the authorship of the document will be required. By one signature, it is not always possible for the debtor to determine the fact of writing the receipt precisely.
Data on receipt
So, the borrower writes a text with his own hand, which must necessarily contain the following points:
- Personal data of both parties, including full name, address of registration and residence, passport data.
- Date and place of transfer of funds.
- The total loan amount in figures and words. This is a prerequisite, as there is always a risk for the borrower when extra zeros are added to his receipt. Sometimes the amounts are indicated in equivalent to foreign currencies.
- If a loan is issued with interest, it is necessary to accurately describe the procedure for calculating interest and the conditions for their payment.
- Debt repayment period.
- Conditions for calculating penalties for failure to return on time (at the request of the borrower).
- The receipt is fixed by the signature of the borrower, followed by a full transcript.
It will be useful to involve witnesses in the preparation of the receipt. They can also record their presence by signature at the end of the document. Their testimony will be useful in litigation if necessary.
How to lend money correctly: conclusion
Still, you need to try to avoid situations in which you have to lend. Money is not favored by the owners, who distribute them from right to left, they can be offended and go to another. It is quite difficult to answer the question of how to lend money correctly, because situations can be different. Therefore, it is better to borrow the closest people and in really necessary cases, or draw up a debt receipt.
An even better option is not to keep large amounts of money at home. They do not have a place under a pillow or in a closet, they should not lie dead weight. Today there are many investment instruments that can increase invested funds. Make the money work, and they will surely help your thrifty and enterprising owner.