
What threatens for beating a person and what article is provided?

What threatens for beating a person in Russia? Honestly, it is very difficult to answer here. After all, there are quite a few different situations. Sometimes you can avoid punishment in principle, but it is extremely difficult to do. Almost impossible. Therefore, it is worth knowing what to prepare yourself for if you are going to give up your hands. Or when they themselves became a victim of violence. What threatens for beating a person in a particular case?what threatens for beating a person


As already mentioned, the whole picture of the situation has a huge influence on the choice of punishment. And therefore, every nuance will be taken into account here. The thing is that when a person is beaten, the causes of the attack, as well as the age and condition of the participants in the event, are considered.

Of course, the nature of the beatings also plays a role. And the main one. It is for the outcome of the battle that a citizen will be punished. Sometimes on all participants in the incident, and not just on the attacker. I wonder what punishment threatens to beat a person? Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides several articles that relate to this topic. And they clearly spelled out all the consequences.

Single beatings

Without fail, after beating, you will have to conduct a medical examination and assess the degree of damage. When it is almost absent or has a mild character (abrasions, scratches, bruises, and so on), which does not harm the health in general, such an event can be interpreted as beatings. But not beating.

Here, Article 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation comes into force. And the culprit of the event receives a fine. Its size varies, but the maximum is 40,000 rubles. Or a citizen is paid a payment in the form of any income for 3 months.

Required correctional work, usually also have a place to be. What threatens for beating a person in the case under consideration (beatings)? Work of any nature lasting no more than six months. Arrest up to 3 months is sometimes possible. But practice shows that they rarely arrest for beating for such a long period. What is the deadline for beating a person? Usually cost 15 days for educational purposes.what period threatens for beating a person

Hooliganism and ideology

True, the situations, as already mentioned, are different. Therefore, article 116 also provides for punishment for beatings caused as a result of acts of hooliganism, as well as due to ideological and racial differences. In this case, the usual fine will not help here. Only imprisonment.

Punishment may be presented in the form of compulsory and corrective labor. In the first case, the period will be 300 hours, in the second - up to a year. Restriction of freedom also takes place. And just in such cases, this particular measure comes into force. Duration - up to 2 years. Imprisonment is similar. A 6-month arrest is another punishment applied for beating a person, interpreted as hooliganism or ideological (religious) proceedings.

Slight harm

Go ahead. Now it is worth paying attention to more serious cases. What threatens for beating a person? Article 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for penalties for minor harm to health. Again, not life-threatening.

It is interpreted as "intentional infliction of slight harm to health." In principle, the degree of punishment here is somewhat similar to the previous options. All the same fines, corrective, mandatory and forced labor as well as arrest.

Again, it all depends on the overall situation. What threatens for beating a person, resulting in minor harm to health? You can pay a fine of up to 100,000 rubles or "lose" income for three months.Yes, and 480 hours of compulsory labor or correctional work for a year is quite an ordinary matter. Arrest, as already mentioned, also has a place to be. The term is up to 4 months. But such a measure is not too common. Usually everything is decided by paying fines, as well as any type of work on the part of the culprit.what punishment threatens to beat a person


What is the penalty for beating a person who caused minor harm to health, but the reasons for which were hooliganism or ethnic / religious strife? Everything here is much more serious than it might seem at first glance. By the way, this paragraph is provided for in many articles of the Criminal Code. To harm a citizen is one thing. And to do the same, but because of some differences - is completely different. They also attribute the use of objects under kind of weapon.

Therefore, for causing minor harm to health in these situations, a fine is not provided. So easy to get off will not work. Usually, for such kind of actions, compulsory labor is required for a period of up to 360 hours (correctional labor - up to a year, forced labor - up to 2 years) or a maximum of 24 months of freedom. If a decision was made about the arrest, please note: it cannot exceed six months. But they can imprison for a maximum of 2 years.

Moderate severity

What threatens for beating a person while intoxicated? Or in general in any, but given the fact that moderate damage was inflicted? Everything is much more serious here than in all previous cases. The penalty is already losing its relevance. But there remain different types of work, as well as arrest. It is a worthy punishment for the beatings.what threatens for severe beating of a person

For moderate injuries, an arrest may be applied. Its term, as in most cases, is 6 months. Deprivation of liberty (restriction) and forced labor in this situation, as a rule, are assigned individually, but not more than 3 years. Keep in mind that drunkenness is only an aggravating circumstance. And then you can be punished even more seriously. In addition, as practice shows, the culprit will be detained by law enforcement agencies for 15 days.

By the way, for causing moderate damage to health (intentional) they can also be imprisoned for 5 years. This measure is used for hooliganism, manifestations of nationalism, racism, the use of official position, as well as for beatings against several persons or by conspiracy by a group of persons. If a weapon or items replacing it were involved in the incident, it is also supposed to be imprisoned for 5 years. Such measures are provided for in the Penal Code (article 112).

Grievous harm

And what threatens for severe beating of a person? Here, perhaps, any circumstances in the form of racism, a drunken appearance and so on will be recognized as aggravating. In this case, it is worth referring to article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It is here that all the punishments that are relied upon in such a situation are spelled out.

As a rule, for especially severe damage, you can "sit" for 15 years. Only this measure is rarely used. Usually when death follows a beating of a person. Or a near-death state. But most often for such acts provided for imprisonment for 8 years.

If there were any motives (the same hooliganism, racial differences, and so on), you can count on a similar punishment, the period of which will increase by 2 years. In addition, restriction of freedom may also be added. For a maximum of 24 months. As you can see, everything is pretty serious. It doesn’t matter exactly when the fight happened - during working hours or not. The fact remains - when causing serious harm to the state of health, any type of restriction of the freedom of the culprit is mandatory.what threatens for beating a person by a group of persons


What threatens for beating a group of people? Or, when the same citizen caused multiple harm to several people? Here, too, it is necessary to turn to article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Why? Its third part provides punishment just for these actions. The culprits will be imprisoned for 12 years and limited to 2 years. You can do without the last point, and this practice is common. It’s enough to just “plant” the culprit.

As you can see, everything is very serious. Only on this article and punishment do not end there. What if the fight occurred at work? Or if violence is used against minor children? All this also needs to be taken into account. Indeed, it is often children who become victims of abuse by adults and suffer some kind of beatings. Consider both options.


What threatens for beating a person in the workplace? Firstly, it is worth determining the nature and motive of the damage. And be guided in certain cases by the relevant articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Plus, as a rule, an employee pays a fine to the employer, followed by dismissal "under the article." Of one’s own will, leaving in such a situation will not work.

If the employee is a victim, then there will be no punishment (in the absence of provocation). Only relevant payments laid down as sick leave and compensation. And nothing more. If someone provokes someone, the whole situation will be considered. Practice shows that in this case, most often the court takes the side of the one who provoked.what threatens for beating a person article


What threatens for beating a person in Belarus (and the Russian Federation too)? Special punishments are provided when children become victims of violence. Their age, of course, also plays a rather large role. When beating minor teenage children, as a rule, you can get off with a fine or any other form of punishment provided for Articles 111-117 Of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, depending on the nature of the beatings and the injury to health. By the way, this rule applies to children from 14 years old.

And how are things with minors, that is, children under the age of 14? Fines are inappropriate here. But criminal liability in the form of imprisonment is quite an ordinary matter. In case of torture, they should be “imprisoned” for a maximum of 7 years, for moderate beatings - for 5 years, and for severe beatings - for 10.

In addition, litigation with the possibility of deprivation of parental rights will follow. And legal capacity in general. It is worth noting that any violation of the rights of a child and a threat to his safety in the Russian Federation are punished quite seriously. Therefore, it is worth several times to think before raising your hand to a person, especially a baby. In no case will you escape punishment. Even if you think that the child provoked you, this is not a reason to use violence against him.what threatens for beating a person in rb


Now it’s clear what punishment threatens to beat a person in a particular case. But, as has been repeatedly said, much depends on the situation as a whole. Most often, a fine is prescribed for such actions, in addition, the culprit can be imprisoned (arrested) for a period of time.

Thus, "dissolving hands" in Russia is punished quite seriously. It’s almost impossible to go unpunished. Only if you can prove that:

  • You were provoked intentionally;
  • you were defending yourself;
  • defended the family, relatives and other citizens.

The question of beating itself is very difficult. The court decides the full sentence. In any case, it should be remembered that a person guilty of the deed may either receive a huge fine, or be imprisoned.

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So they will kill soon and there will be no punishment at all. If now they will take him to a monkey for beating and two hours later release him again, and they don’t care what he scares the child and makes me a nervous breakdown all the time, although we don’t live together for a long time
How interesting everything is described here. Everything seems to be lawful and fair.But my acquaintance has been regularly beaten by my ex-husband for half a year. Waiting from work and beating. Fractures, fortunately not, but with bruises walks constantly. Once a week, or even more often, submits an application to the police to the former. He will be fined - 500 rubles (!!!) - then there is no serious damage! He pays and goes on to beat. Not life is a fairy tale.


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