
Accounting programs: review, reviews

Accounting programs - this is the kind of software with which the employees of the corresponding structural unit can effectively and efficiently keep records of property and calculate the budget. The requirements for such products are set very accurately and strictly, just as the costing should be carried out in serious companies. Any errors are unacceptable, which means that accounting programs of insufficiently high rank can be safely dismissed. This article will consider only the best software.

accounting programs

Program "1C: Accounting"

"1C" is considered the most popular and very high-quality program. In the list of requirements for a specialist for hiring, knowledge of this software is required. Reviews about him are the best.


"1C: Accounting", in fact, is one of the applied solutions that allows you to keep all the records in one program. This is understood as a program of accounting for several enterprises at once (if necessary), there is also the possibility of choosing different taxation systems. For ease of use and in order to simplify the lives of accountants, all complex processes in 1C are automated. The program "1C: Accounting" is fully consistent with the law when processing with its help various reports and forms. In addition, official software support by developers allows you to comfortably work with it anywhere, anytime, without worrying about possible problems.

"Accounting" is included in the totality of applied solutions from "1C: Enterprise". If desired, other large programs can be purchased for a large corporation, such as Salary and Personnel, Logistics, etc. It should be noted that they are not all free, but the developer allows you to order a demo version.

accounting program 1s

IT Co.: The Boss

This is a personnel system developed by the domestic manufacturer IT Co. An irreplaceable solution for workflow automation under the full name "Boss-Referent" becomes the right hand for its owner, qualitatively performing the following functions:

  • Allows you to process everything types of documents. This accounting program stores data of almost any format and controls it.
  • Assigns a unique number to each document (and it can be stored in both fully electronic and scanned form).
  • It works with text files using a specially built-in processor similar to the usual Word. Implemented the functions of working with other office documents, for example, ex-plates.
  • Using links to existing nodes creates links between documents.
  • Directly knows how to work with database management systems (relational, which include Microsoft "Access" and the more advanced Oracle MySQL - working with the same query language in the database).
  • In addition to relational databases, it also recognizes a hierarchically constructed data structure.
  • It scales.
  • Organizes a powerful system of information protection in the form of access control to documents.

accounting program"Sail"

A free accounting program, an alternative to the popular "1C", the "Sail" system is somewhat similar to "Accounting", but with some differences. We will consider them. Of course, both main accounting programs carry out automated multi-level accounting records, but in “Sail” all the results and operations are displayed in ex-plate format.

Who is it suitable for?

Considering the reviews about Sail, we can safely say that it is much more suitable for medium and small companies than 1C: the assertion that the latter was written for programmers, and the former directly for accountants, is more than true.This, incidentally, is a double-edged weapon: as it is sometimes difficult for an accounting specialist to understand the "1C" settings, so the encoder will not be able to carry out the necessary operations on the "Sail" correctly, and this is not a program error, but the specifics of the profession.

free accounting software


Accounting computer programs often need to be sharpened for multi-level, but the Galaxy has gone even further - it covers the full range of categorization - both external and internal activities. In fact, this is expressed in the fact that, unlike all the software products described above, it is a complete solution. While accounting programs usually automate accounting itself, Galaxy automates management, that is, the activities of all links. The structure of this software is expressed in contours - specialized elements, a set of modules designed to perform certain tasks of the same kind.

In total, there are four circuits in the Galaxy that can be used individually or combined.main accounting programs


The trading system "BEST" is, nevertheless, a development successfully applied in the field of accounting. Using it you can:

  • keep current accounts;
  • control cash desk and settlements with accountable persons;
  • keep records of supplies and profits;
  • keep calculation and control the payment of salaries.

All these functions, as noted in the reviews, allow you to fully automate the activities of the enterprise, in addition, the interface is organized in such a way that an ordinary user can easily understand it without the help of developers of a specialized profile.

Advantages and disadvantages

"BEST" does not have open source code and is completely closed to the user, however, the system is beautifully designed, so usually this is not necessary.

If the need arises to change the software to the needs of a particular enterprise, you have to turn to the manufacturers for the appropriate built-in modules, which is an expensive operation. This can be called the main disadvantage of the BEST program.accounting computer programs

On the other hand, after the system is configured to work with certain operations and it will be tailored to the activities of the particular company for which this was done, BEST will become an indispensable assistant.


The market of domestic manufacturers provides a wide selection of quality products for accounting. But still it’s hard to argue with the fact that almost all of them lose 1C in popularity. Important note: in popularity, but not necessarily in quality. A peculiar fashion, however, dictates its own, so the accounting specialist has, first of all, to deal with this particular software. If the company decides to choose the products that are optimal in quality, it should definitely consider Parus, the Galaxy, and BEST with the Boss Resident.

The choice of a specific program should be made based on the requirements for it:

  • it is ideal for small companies to install “Sail” - a functional system similar in properties to “1C”, but not as large-scale;
  • for companies with a narrow profile and the need for quick automation of their activities, "BEST" is well suited, because you can configure it "for yourself";
  • Absolute control over all parts of the enterprise, as well as external and internal activity, can be done with the help of the Galaxy - it will perfectly suit experienced specialists (using its four circuits individually and combining them, you can achieve high-quality accounting and audit results);
  • large-scale enterprises with a large staff and numerous operations can safely choose the demanded "1C", acquiring at once the whole package of its applied solutions.

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