The petroleum product sales manager is the head of a department whose primary function is direct sales. This position is taken by people who are able to independently make difficult decisions, who have the ability to quickly and adequately assess the situation and professionally respond to it. The duties and other functions of an employee depend on the size of the company and the preferences of superiors in choosing business methods. Despite the fact that most specialists with higher education create competition in this field, the profession still remains very popular.
General Provisions
The petroleum product sales manager is the manager. To get this profession, the applicant must receive an appropriate higher education in the economic sphere, undergo training and advanced training, and also work in the corresponding position from one to five years. Mostly, employers require a long experience if the sales department, trusted by the employee, has a high turnover and contains a considerable amount of human resources.
The job description of a sales manager implies that he must have special knowledge when entering work. The employee is required to familiarize himself with all the regulations and laws relating to commercial and entrepreneurial activities. He must know the basics of a market economy, doing business, market conditions and entrepreneurship. In addition, he must understand what kind of product he sells, know his assortment, classification, purpose of the product and its characteristics. He must be familiar with the methods, strategies and tactics of pricing. It is imperative to understand the concept of marketing and managerial strategies, methods of market promotion and ways to study the trend of sale.
Other knowledge
Among other knowledge of a petroleum product sales manager, one should highlight the pattern of demand and development of market relations, theoretical knowledge in management, microeconomics, macroeconomics, as well as the basics of business administration. In addition, the employee must understand the methods and forms of advertising campaigns, how the development of a business plan and commercial agreements, contracts and agreements. To know the principles and psychology of trade, the system of motivating customers, the ethics of business communication, establishing business contacts, sociology, the principle of motivation for work. Some organizations also require knowledge of foreign languages. An employee is often expected to be able to search and process information using modern technologies. It is worth considering this information when compiling a resume for a petroleum product sales manager.
Among the main functions of the employee accepted for this position, it is worth highlighting the development of forms, schemes, methods and technologies for selling products, and their advertising on the market. He thinks through and conducts pre-sale events, creating the conditions in which the product will be sold according to a pre-built plan and will be able to fully satisfy the actual needs of customers. He oversees the development of contracts, business plans and other agreements, assessing the likely risks. The duties of the manager for the sale of petroleum products include the constant study of the market, to assess the demand for manufactured products and what proposals are put forward by the company's competitors.Carry out analytical measures to increase sales efficiency, ensure the availability of a petroleum product distribution network, and establish relationships for retail and wholesale. Such an employee is engaged in identifying potential customers, establishing business contacts with them. He is engaged in negotiations, tells clients about the characteristics and properties of the goods that his company offers.
The fuel and petroleum products sales manager should participate in price formation, while at the same time working on the psychological aspects of the agreements on favorable prices for his company, look for the justification of the options he proposed, do all the necessary calculations, if necessary, think over and implement a policy of discounts on products. In addition, the employee organizes pre-contractual events and actually concludes agreements with customers and other partners of the company. He is obliged to manage the delivery of products to points of sale or directly to the buyer, to control all financial relations of the company. In addition, the work of a petroleum product sales manager includes organizing the collection of data on the preferred quality and characteristics of the products offered, analyzes all reviews regarding the product, ensures that the company always has up-to-date information about all customers, including details, addresses and things like that.
Other duties
The head must constantly maintain contact with regular customers, in case of expiration of the contract, engage in its renegotiation and reporting on why it is beneficial to work with his company. He is engaged in analytical work and provides top management with all the necessary information. He should organize and supervise the implementation of procedures and activities aimed at generating demand for the company's products on the market, stimulate sales, coordinate coordination of advertising campaigns, participate in exhibitions and fairs, if possible. The duties of this employee also include the selection of personnel in the company, his training, introduction to the course of work and ensuring normal working conditions for him, fixing the qualifications of employees and their work experience. A petroleum product sales manager may also have additional responsibilities assigned to him by his immediate superiors, depending on which company he works for.
The rights
The head of this position has the right to determine the forms of sales and establish business relations at his discretion. He has the right to endorse and sign documentation that falls within his competence. In addition, he can familiarize himself with any documentation directly related to his labor activity or the duties of his subordinates. Request any information or documents that he needs to work, in person or through his boss. Require the top management to create all technical and organizational conditions, as well as the preparation of the necessary documents. In addition, he is entitled to submit proposals for improving the efficiency of the sales department to the management of the company.
A responsibility
The job description of the sales manager assumes that the employee is responsible for the performance of his duties, as well as the quality and timeliness of the tasks and functions of his subordinates. He can also be held accountable for any offenses that he committed during his work in accordance with administrative, criminal and labor law. He may be punished for causing the company material damage by his actions and mistakes in the performance of work.
A fairly well-paid and promising position as an oil product sales manager attracts many, but to cope with this work, you need to be able to soberly assess the situation, make quick decisions regarding big money and generally be a stress-resistant, smart, responsible specialist. It should be borne in mind that the privileges of this profession also have a downside, namely a great responsibility for their actions and permanent employment. Despite the fact that there are many graduates of prestigious universities in the labor market who have received the appropriate education, it is quite difficult to find a truly competent employee for this job, and many company leaders, realizing this, put forward higher demands on applicants.