
Fluorography: how long does the certificate work, how often is it done and how harmful is the study

In this article we will consider how much fluorography works.

The main modern way to detect tuberculosis is a fluorographic examination. This form of diagnosis has become so widespread for a long time, and during this time many human lives have been saved, since the early recognition of such a dangerous disease as tuberculosis and the timely start of its treatment is very important for a successful result.

How much fluorography is valid

The role of diagnostic research in the fight against tuberculosis

There is a stereotype that tuberculosis patients are people who lead an asocial lifestyle. Naturally, the quality of food and living conditions give some impetus to the onset of this disease, but they are not fundamental factors. This is due to the fact that every third person is recognized as the carrier of Koch's wand, and carriers of pathology may not even be aware of this and continue to lead a familiar lifestyle. The amazing survivability of this pathogen and the possibility of infection by contact or airborne droplets put each person at risk. In addition, the early stage of this disease can be completely asymptomatic, which greatly complicates the subsequent treatment. The transition to the active phase threatens the life and health of relatives of the patient.

The main way to determine tuberculosis in people from 15 years of age is fluorography, the results of which can be obtained almost instantly. If there is a deviation from the norm, then a person is prescribed a blood test, after which it is recommended that the study be repeated.

Fluorography results

Is fluorography mandatory?

Many people try to avoid fluorography by giving many reasonable arguments, for example, about the high harmfulness of exposure. However, there is a fictitious danger, and such patients do not even realize how dangerous mycobacteria really is. Regular routine examinations by fluorography are performed for the benefit of people. Early detection is a guarantee of a positive outcome.

The obligation of the population to carry out fluorographic examination is prescribed in legislative acts. For example, the order of the Ministry of Health No. 1011 defines a list of compulsory medical research, including fluorographic research. According to this law, the frequency of this diagnostic procedure should be at least once every two years.

In addition, since 2001, the law "On Preventing the Spread of Tuberculosis in the Russian Federation" entered into force. According to him, an order or order should be drawn up for the passage of planned fluorography by employees of a particular organization or residents of any locality. Enterprises with hazardous production, as well as institutions with a high level of risk, determine the period of its validity, which is usually equal to 6 months or one year. So how much fluorography works? The certificate of the passage of the study is valid for this particular period of time. For other citizens, the validity of the certificate is one year.

How harmful is fluorography?

Can I refuse to conduct a survey?

Despite the orders of the Ministry of Health, the compulsory procedure during this diagnostic and preventive procedure does not work.Therefore, the opportunity to refuse to hold it is provided by law to all citizens, with the exception of legally incapable persons, as well as people living in disadvantaged regions. However, abandoning fluorography is undesirable due to the high risk of the spread of tubercle bacillus.

X-ray Certificate

If a person is studying at an educational institution and is a student, then they are not exempted from fluorographic research, however, the administration has no right to forbid him, for example, from taking a session without the result of fluorography. Refusal to undergo the procedure can lead to other unpleasant consequences, for example, a ban on living in a student hostel, the impossibility of leaving for some resorts, in a sanatorium, suspension from practice, if for the future profession it is necessary to undergo a periodic medical examination. How much fluorography works is interesting to many.

How long are the results of the study relevant, and where may they be required?

We will examine in more detail in this matter. According to the decision of the Ministry of Health, the results of fluorography are valid for two years, and this rule applies to all citizens, except for representatives of certain professions who have a health record (teachers, health workers, educators, cooks and others) and carriers of certain diseases (diabetes, HIV and others ) In polyclinics, hospitals and maternity hospitals, the availability of an actual result by the time of applying for medical care is mandatory.

Along with the standard list of documents (SNILS, passport, MHI policy), the registry may also require an extract on fluorography. How much a document is valid, everyone should know.

How many times a year do fluorography

The certificate is also needed when applying for a job during the medical examination, and people over 18 years of age must present it upon request. This is due to the fact that the adult population is at risk, which cannot be said about minor citizens.

The prescription that the validity period of the results of fluorography is equal to one year is due to the fact that the ionizing radiation that is used in the fluorograph can adversely affect health. The period during which the development of tuberculosis can be observed lasts approximately 3-12 months, therefore a single annual examination is quite enough to identify this dangerous disease in an average Russian citizen.

How many times a year do fluorography?

Once a year are required to undergo a study:

  • employees of the medical and educational sectors, health institutions and additional educational organizations;
  • persons at risk (homeless people, migrants, people from dysfunctional families), as well as employees of mining institutions, enterprises with a high level of harmful substances, including radioactive ones;
  • people suffering from genitourinary and pulmonary diseases, having problems with the digestive organs, as well as undergoing aggressive therapy (radiation therapy, chemotherapy, etc.).
    Routine fluorography

When is the certificate valid for 6 months?

How much fluorography is valid in each case?

There is a circle of people whose health status, social status or profession requires that they undergo a fluorographic examination once every six months. Such citizens include:

  • medical workers of maternity hospitals and tuberculosis dispensaries;
  • military personnel;
  • convicts who are in colonies and after serving their sentences;
  • HIV-infected and people with mental and substance abuse problems.
    How often is fluorography done?

How harmful is fluorography?

According to statistics, the average dose that people receive from natural sources is about 2.2-3.6 mSv, which is many times higher than the equivalent doses received during fluorography.Therefore, this diagnostic study itself, as a way of annual diagnosis, cannot cause significant harm to the body. However, taking into account the radiation background and the need to use other methods of x-ray studies, some risk is still present, but such risks are significantly lower than those due to the occurrence of hidden forms of the pathological process.

How often fluorography is done, we found out. Are there any contraindications?

How much is valid

Contraindications to the procedure

There are no absolute contraindications to fluorography. Relative numbers include:

  • severe condition of the patient or other reasons that do not allow him to stay in an upright position;
  • claustrophobia, feelings of lack of air;
  • pregnancy, especially in the early stages (allowed only after the 20th week);
  • lactation period;
  • age up to 15 years.

In such cases, only a specialist can, after weighing the benefits and risks, determine to conduct this study or abandon it.

We examined how much fluorography is valid and how often it needs to be done.

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