An electric facility is all electrical installations up to 1000 V that are available on the territory of a company or organization. The responsible person is appointed from among the personnel belonging to the administrative and economic sector. Must have an IV electrical safety group for operation on electrical installations up to 1000 V, for operation on installations above 1000 V - a V group.
In his work is obliged to be guided by legal, as well as regulatory and technical documentation relevant in the field of energy. Testing of knowledge takes place in the relevant bodies of Rostekhnadzor.
Regulatory documents
Each position entrusts the employee with the rights, duties and responsibilities. In order for the employee to clearly understand the range of his tasks, orient himself in the subordination system and know what he will be responsible for in his work, an official description of the responsibilities is created. The job description of the person responsible for the electrical industry is approved by the head of the organization and is submitted for review to the employee when applying for a job. In case of making changes, the employee is obliged to inform about this, as well as familiarize with the amendments.
The model of the job description of the person responsible for the electrical sector should contain items that are suitable for almost every institution.
The duties include:
- maintenance of networks, electrotechnological and electrotechnical equipment in proper working condition;
- ensuring timely and high-quality preventive maintenance, repair, necessary modernization or reconstruction of equipment;
- conducting medical examinations and placement of electrical personnel in positions;
- verification of staff knowledge, identification of discrepancies in the knowledge of employees with regulatory and technological documents;
- the assignment to non-electrical personnel of the first electrical safety group;
- ensuring reliable operation of electrical installations, safe maintenance of installations.
School worker instruction
The job description of the person responsible for the electrical facilities at the school does not differ from that which will be approved at the factory. Key points are always the same, the difference is only in the fundamental points related to the features of the organization. For example, in a school or a preschool educational institution, staff will work with computer equipment, sockets, switches, which have a voltage of 220 V, and in production this parameter can be tens of times higher.
The job description of the person responsible for the electrical facilities at the school lists key points. Among them:
- development of instructions for non-electric personnel;
- implementation of decisions and instructions of higher authorities;
- conducting briefings and classes on the fire-technical minimum, as well as security and fire briefings;
- admission of trained electrical personnel to carry out special work;
- development and approval of the organization’s electricity supply scheme;
- drawing up orders for the purchase of necessary parts, equipment, materials, keeping records of existing and listed property;
- conducting monthly audits of electrical installations in order to identify inappropriate work;
- testing of lightning protection, measuring devices and means for conducting electricity metering;
- supply of energy consumption in an economical mode;
- maintaining energy quality indicators within specified limits;
- Collaboration with the electricity supplying organization;
- preparation of electrical installations in work in the winter.
Worker's instruction in a preschool educational institution
The job description of the person responsible for the electric facilities in the pre-school educational institution includes a list of duties, the implementation of which affects the safety of people in the institution.
The employee must:
- train staff in the rules of initial medical care;
- to carry out campaigning related to the safety of workers when working in electrical installations;
- prepare documents on the operation of equipment and ensuring the safe conduct of work on equipment (draft orders, instructions, lists, lists, magazines);
- to prepare jobs in electrical installations;
- check staffing of workplaces with personal protective equipment, instructions, diagrams, first-aid kit, fire extinguishing means;
- to ensure the restriction of access for employees to electrical installations, the issuance and storage of keys to installations;
- introduce safe modern technologies, working methods and modernized equipment;
- to calculate the energy requirements for the organization, to control its consumption;
- timely carry out labor protection measures provided for by work plans, safety rules;
- review safety instructions for working on equipment, conduct regular briefings;
- to improve the qualifications of personnel who work with equipment (carried out at least 1 time in 5 years).
New versions of instructions
Changes that take place in the legislation practically do not affect the content of job descriptions. If we talk about the fundamental points, they are always listed in detail, and their wording is such that the reference to the law is always very clearly formulated.
The job description of the person responsible for the electrical sector in 2016 or 2017 also contains a list of rights that an employee has.
Employee Rights
The job description of the person responsible for the electrical household claims that the employee has the right:
- decommission equipment and networks that do not comply with the operating rules;
- disconnect equipment that does not meet labor protection standards, as well as fire safety;
- stop the equipment for inspection, repair or inspection. Activities are carried out according to a schedule approved in advance;
- not allow employees who have not completed training and knowledge testing to work on equipment;
- to remove employees who violated the rules of OT or the rules of operation of installations;
- provide the management of the organization with data and suggestions on bringing to justice those responsible for accidents and breakdowns. Penalties can be both administrative penalties and liability;
- to offer the management of the organization to stimulate employees who excelled at work or using safe working methods;
- to file with the organization’s management an appeal against the actions of the management of structural units whose actions lead to excessive energy consumption and failure to fulfill plans;
- heads of departments to give instructions on issues related to installation, repair, commissioning, operation of equipment and maintenance of equipment, as well as on the use of electricity;
- represent your organization in other organizations;
- in accordance with the established procedure, request reporting from the management of divisions, as well as data on energy consumption, repair or operation of installations.
Deputy Responsibilities
The job description of the deputy responsible for the electrical household does not differ much from the job description of the responsible for the electrical household.
Deputy in his work:
- guided by laws, regulations, regulatory acts of the Russian Federation;
- Performs clearly and on time the duties assigned to him;
- reports to the management about the measures taken, inspections, prepares reports;
- on the instructions of the leadership provides briefings, carries out installation and reception of equipment;
- ensures the integrity of the equipment and its proper use.
Electrical safety degree
According to the rules of the PTEEP, the appointment of an electrical safety group occurs according to what equipment must be operated on. Training is carried out in the relevant bodies of Gosenergonazdor.
It is generally accepted that the deputy must have an electrical safety group no lower than that of the head. However, the deputy is allowed to have a higher group. If the deputy's electrical safety group is lower than allowed, then as a result of the checks, the organization and the person responsible for hiring the employee and distributing him to the post will be liable.
Employee responsibility
The job description of the person responsible for the electrical sector, like any other job description, contains a list of mandatory items. Among them - a description of the responsibility that rests with the employees.
The job description of the deputy responsible for the school's electrical facilities involves disciplinary, administrative, material, civil and criminal liability for:
- poor-quality or unskilled, untimely fulfillment of assigned duties;
- violations in the operation of installations that occurred through his fault;
- poor-quality and untimely preparation of calculations, reports, documents, justifications, as well as for the inaccuracy of information provided on the electrical part;
- poor-quality and untimely maintenance of equipment and installations;
- failure to comply with measures and requirements aimed at preventing accidents, as well as the requirements of the State Energy Supervision Agency;
- unsatisfactory production discipline, organization of labor in the unit.
On duty, the employee needs to communicate with various departments of the organization. The job description of the person responsible for the electrical industry will clearly determine the degree of interaction between different departments of the structure with an accountable person.
The person responsible for the electrical part or his deputy interacts with units in accordance with the Charter, staffing and structure of the organization, as well as other documents.
The procedure for resolving working moments and disagreements with the leadership of other departments or divisions is determined by the leadership of the organization (director of the school or DOE).
Relations with employees of other organizations, as well as the degree of authority are determined by approved regulatory documents, as well as technical acts and orders of the school or DOE management.
The job description of the 2016 model responsible for the electrical industry should also contain information on how often it is necessary to carry out re-certification by electrical safety groups.
According to PTEEP re-certification is carried out annually. If the employee did not pass the recertification on time, his responsibilities are transferred to another employee with an acceptable level of energy security.