Once I didn’t understand why my grandmother scolded me for saying some phrases. They seemed completely harmless to me. Having matured, I realized that our words largely shape our consciousness. In our life there are a lot of sayings regarding money. Without hesitation, we pronounce them. Meanwhile, they can have a negative effect on us.
The opinion of psychologists
According to psychologists, you should always be careful with your words and thoughts. You probably noticed that to someone everything in life is very easy. It seems that a person flutters like a butterfly. Other people, in order to achieve financial well-being, have to work hard. Why is this so?
Psychologists believe that there are phrases that prevent us from succeeding. They program us for failures in financial matters. If you do not want to experience material difficulties in life, you need to exclude some expressions from everyday life.
I can not do it!
If you consciously admit to someone or yourself that you are not able to do something, you will not achieve anything, no matter how old you are. Each of us has moments when we cannot do certain tasks, and there is nothing wrong with that. You can say to the interlocutor: "I will not take up this matter for certain reasons." This wording does not harm you. You admit that while you are not going to take on something ... But at the same time there is no hint of your inferiority.
Life is not fair…
Psychologists recommend not complaining about fate. One must be grateful for what fate gives. Only then can you be realized and be successful. Pitying yourself is a thankless task.
I can't get rich
According to experts, it is not necessary to formulate your goal so blurry. What does getting rich mean for you? The understanding of the word "wealth" is different for all people. One is enough to buy an apartment and make repairs, another wants to travel the world, and the third give a billion dollars!
Desires must be specific. The universe understands only exact wishes.
In addition, you should not pre-program yourself to failure. The easiest way to write off your unwillingness to do something to failure. “Just not fate” is the favorite excuse of many of us. To get something, you need to show character and perseverance. Only in this case you can become rich.
To not be ashamed of others ...
And what do you care about completely strangers? Remember that successful individuals never look back at anyone. They are not afraid to challenge the public or do something against the norms. If they paid attention to the opinions of others, they would not have achieved anything.
It is impossible to be good for everyone. Therefore, do not waste your energy on something that does not matter to you.
Money is given to me very hard
Do not be afraid of difficulties. It’s hard to start any business. But just like that, no one will give you money. To make money, you have to make a lot of effort. But this is not a reason to abandon their desires and dreams.
Not enough time
We use this phrase more often than others. Meanwhile, the lack of time often indicates that we are spending it incorrectly. In this case, you need to try to organize your day rationally.
Pay attention to the well-known words that you need to work not a lot, but effectively. It is necessary to take everything to the maximum from every minute lived. Then you will have enough time for everything.
Money can not buy happiness…
It is hard to argue with such a statement. But we are used to similar words to justify laziness and inaction. Therefore, we use such a philosophical saying not in the right direction for us.
Most people see happiness in some kind of material wealth. And to acquire them, you need money. Unfortunately, it is impossible to live in the real world without the latter.
A small salary, but the place is quiet ...
You do not need to program yourself that you have enough small income. A quiet and gray life should not be your end in itself. Strive to earn more and succeed. To live a penny all my life, afraid to change something - this is not what you need.
Give it when you can ...
Borrowing money, we are ashamed to stipulate the exact terms of debt repayment. But at the same time, we ourselves need them. Remember that you don’t need to specify deadlines because of delicacy. After all, a person may think that you are not rushing him and can do without money for now.
Your nobility can play a trick on you. If you do not want to quarrel with a friend and on the basis of finance, accurately formulate the terms for repayment of the debt. Usually we do not take a receipt from acquaintances, because we are afraid to offend a person. However, such a document is at least some guarantee that the money will be returned to you.
If a friend reacted violently to your request to write a receipt on receipt of money, it means that he does not plan to pay off the debt at all.
No money
Be afraid of this phrase, because it zombies our consciousness. If such words are often used in thoughts or conversations, there will be no chance to succeed and stabilize the financial situation. In the end, you just come to terms with this state of things and will live your whole life.
Saving up money for ...
Most often people collect money for a rainy day.
This is fundamentally wrong. You need to save money for something positive and pleasant. For example, you can postpone a trip to France or a vacation at sea, to purchase a yacht or a summer residence. Only positive thoughts should be in your head.
Otherwise, your goal will be to accumulate money for some kind of trouble. With these thoughts you attract only negative.
We didn’t live richly;
A harmless saying hides the fear of change.
In fact, you agree with your current state and do not want to change anything in this life. You must always be prepared for changes, perhaps they will bring success to your life. Doubtful poverty stability is not what you need.