Every time Mother’s Day draws near, it’s important to think about how we can honor our mothers and this should not be just a gift certificate for online purchases. As Anna Jarvis once said: “A printed card does not mean anything except that you are too lazy to write to a woman who has done more for you than anyone else in the world.”
Interview with the boss
A few years ago, a Facebook user shared a beautiful story that reminds us all of the true meaning of Mother's Day. The story begins with a bright young man who was interviewed for a leadership position in a large company.
After passing the first round of interviews, the young man reached a meeting with a large boss. The director looked at his resume and saw that he worked hard and excelled at school. When the director asked how the young man managed to finance such an expensive education, he said that after the death of his father, when he was very young, his mother became more active and paid for everything. Having a modest laundry job, she provided him with everything. The director asked: "Have you ever helped mom wash clothes before?"
After that, the director did what surprised the young man even more. He asked to show his hands. What he saw was a clean and soft pair of hands, one that could have been with a person who had never worked in hard work. Upon learning that the young man had studied all his life, he said: “I have a request. When you get home today, go and wash your mother’s hands, and then come tomorrow morning. ” The young man was sure that this was the best job for him, so he went and did as requested.
What happened next?
Returning home, he told his mother about the interview and asked her to clean her hands. What he saw shocked him. He never bothered to look carefully at those withered and worn hands that washed other people's clothes so that her son could live the life of his dreams. He never thought how tedious and physically difficult her work was. The young man went and finished the rest of her laundry, that day he returned to the company with another person.
When he saw the director again, he shared his lesson: “Now I know what gratitude is. Without my mother, I would not be who I am today. ” The director told him that he had a job and that he had just learned everything he needed to know as the manager of a large company on how to value the hard work of others. On Mother's Day, take the time to thank your mother for everything she gave you.