
Strawberry cultivation all year round

Strawberry cultivation all year roundOne of the lucrative businesses is growing strawberries year-round. Since this berry is in great demand among buyers. It is natural to purchase it in the warm season is not difficult, but what about winter, when you especially want fruit? Fortunately, back in Soviet times, scientists created a technology that allows them to grow berries year-round. To this day, many successful businessmen continue and develop this profitable business.

Oddly enough, but this case is not expensive. And you can start this business in your apartment. The technology is not at all complicated and simple, anyone who wants to can grow strawberries, following some tips and directions. With 10 square meters. m of area, it is possible to collect up to 150 kg of crop, spending about 35 dollars on this. Imagine the payback and demand when, with the exception of May and June, there is no strawberry on the market. You can set any price yourself.

Growing strawberries year-round in detail.

The principle of cultivation is bags made of polyethylene, which contain earth and some fertilizers. To start the development of the case you will need:

- a room for growing (the quadrature will depend on the size of the business), in which you can easily install lighting and create the optimal temperature.

- warehouse type, where strawberry seedlings will be stored

- bags made of polyethylene, fertilizers and mineral products.

- and naturally your desire to work and earn!

In each bag, it will be necessary to make incisions so that the air penetrates inside, allowing the substrate to breathe. Bags can be laid on the floor of the room. If the room has high ceilings, this will make it possible to build a second tier, where you can stack even more bags. For each sq.m. can be laid out in 2 or 3 bags. It is also necessary to think over an irrigation system, in which quality, you can use a conventional device with a water content, such as a tube or dropper, through which water can enter a bag of strawberries. This system should work so that up to 2 liters arrive in each bag. water throughout the day.

Advantages of this technique:

- easy to use and affordable

- the ability to grow strawberries all year round

- minimum cash investment

- not a large volume of production

- no pests, in the form of insects

- great demand for strawberries

- the ability to realize the business yourself, without outside help

- the naturalness of the product

- 100% profitability

- 100% payback in the shortest possible time

- good annual income

It is also necessary to think over the correct sales and agree in advance with those who will buy your strawberries. It can be a fruit stall or any supermarket. So, that during the ripening period of the berry, you would not have to rush around and look for a buyer.

This business is very profitable. Since strawberries are in demand in spring and summer, imagine how well it will be bought in winter. Especially at a time when products from GMOs are everywhere, your product will be exclusively natural, useful, and most importantly insanely tasty.

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Reason for complaint
Very good. I grow for myself in the country, but did not learn how to sell. If anything happens, just give it away. And the demand for this berry will always be
I’m healthy.And for how long can I get the berries.
And in the apartment can this be arranged? I would like to know more about this.
A useful business idea, strawberries are always very popular goods.


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