
How to grow a banana tree at home?

Do you like bananas? Most people will answer yes. These fruits are highly nutritious and are often used for snacks. This is much more useful than eating a bun. Surely everyone, having heard about the banana tree, imagine a paradise in the ocean, where clusters of ripe fruits hang from tall palm trees, and the monkeys regale them for their pleasure. But did you know that a tree can easily be grown at home. Interested in? Then read on.banana tree

Short description

If you are looking for a plant that can decorate a room and revitalize the interior, be interesting and unusual, then a banana tree is just what you need. A nice bonus is that the plant will also bloom, and also give you a whole bunch of magnificent fruits. Of course, this is not exactly the palm tree that we have so often seen in the movies. The size of a houseplant is much more modest, so you can easily grow it at home, if you study the basic requirements.banana tree photo

What is the correct name

Indeed, a banana tree is rather its nickname, which it received for the outward similarity of the fruits. In fact, the plant is called differently - azimine three-lobed. Despite the exotic, it is not tropical. This is a deciduous tree, which reaches 4-5 meters in height, if not cut. At home, usually does not exceed two meters. Belongs to the anon family. The plant has very interesting leaves - they are very similar to those that grow on a real banana palm. Large, up to 30 cm long, shiny and bright green, they will delight you with their appearance until the fall. With the onset of cold weather, the leaves turn yellow and fall, so it is better to move the plant to a cooler place for relaxation.homemade banana tree

We grow a plant

If you want to grow a banana tree, first think about how many years you are ready to wait until it becomes an adult. If you can’t wait to surprise your friends and relatives, then it is better to buy ready-made processes in the store. But even in this case, you have to wait for home fruits for a very long time. It should be remembered that the seeds available in the fruits may not sprout, since the plant is best propagated by the lateral processes. First of all, a banana tree (the photo we provide in the article) decorates the room with its spectacular leaves, so you need to take care that the crown is healthy and strong. To do this, it is important to comply with the conditions suitable for the green pet. When buying a finished seedling, do not forget to ask whether it is possible to expect fruits from this specimen: the fact is that not all plant varieties bear fruit, there are exclusively decorative species.banana tree plant

Soil preparation

Whatever method of breeding you choose, it is necessary to prepare the soil that is most suitable for your "guest". True, in this regard, the plant is not too whimsical. You can buy a ready-made soil mixture or even prepare ordinary, garden soil. It is advisable to use the topsoil, as it is more nutritious. The soil should be further enriched with humus, sand or wood ash. This is another important nuance that must be taken into account, because this is the only way to grow a beautiful banana tree. The photo displayed on the pages of magazines and on portals of the corresponding subject will inspire anyone to take up garden tools and grow their own miracle.

Thoroughly mixed substrate must be steamed to protect the plant from pests.To do this, you can pour the earth on an iron baking sheet and bake in the oven or pour steep boiling water (you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate). It is very important to take a pot that is large enough for a large plant. Provide a high drainage layer so that the roots do not lack oxygen. It can be stones, broken brick or expanded clay. You need to put a layer of sand on top, and only then fill the ground.banana tree at home

We plant an azimine

Homemade banana tree can be grown from seeds, the most important thing is to buy high-quality seed. The plant has quite large bones, they look like persimmon kernels. Before sowing, you should remember where this plant came from. Banana tree is a child of the subtropical zone, which means that it is necessary to subject the seeds to stratification. To do this, it is best to place them in cups with earth and dig them in the garden. Sprouts should appear in April. If you live in an apartment, you can use a refrigerator instead of the street.

Seedling care

When the April sun begins to warm well, it's time to plant your own plants or plant bought ones. A banana tree at home grows very willingly, the most important thing is to provide it with suitable conditions. This is light, fertile land, and woody humus is perfect. Remember to choose a well-lit, sunny place. Pawpaw loves the sun very much and does not grow in the shade.how does a banana tree grow

Cultivation and care

In the first year of life, the plant practically does not need care. It only needs to be watered and periodically very carefully loosened. In October, the azimine drops foliage and prepares for a dormant period. Now, until spring, you need to provide your pet with moderate watering, you can move the plant to a cooler place. In April, sap flow begins, which means it's time to feed. The best option is nitrodiammophos fertilizer. About 20 g should be diluted in one bucket of water.

Watching a banana tree grow is very interesting, although this process is not fast. Each year, the plant adds about 20-30 cm in growth. At the same time, it should not be transplanted until it is absolutely necessary, since the roots are very fragile. When your beauty turns 2 years old, lateral processes will begin to form in him. Now we must not forget to feed the plant to ensure its optimal growth and development. Nitrogen-phosphorus compounds are the most favorite fertilizers of this culture.

Flowering and fruiting

It will be six long years before your plant begins to form fruit buds. Usually they are laid in the fall, and the next year they open in the form of very interesting flowers. They have six petals and a large number of stamens. It is necessary to produce pollination with a thin brush.

After pollination, the fruits begin to grow rapidly and after about a month and a half reach 5-6 cm. They ripen by September, at which time the peel turns yellow. Ripe fruits crumble and spoil very quickly. Therefore, check them every day - the ripened fruits easily fall off. As we have already said, the cultivation of this interesting plant is not difficult and is accessible even to beginners. If you do everything right, then be sure to enjoy delicious fruits.

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Reason for complaint
Help, my banana is dying. He grew quite quickly, a lot of leaves. Almost all dried up, the new leaf barely barely grows. I don’t know what to do and how to save him? I am doing the same thing as before. Just transplanted into a larger pot (30l) and changed the place in the apartment.I cut off the dried-up leaves, there are only two leaves left and one that is still growing ((Who knows how to save him from death, I would be very grateful if you help George 8-925-787-74-27. He brought him from Turkey, Alanya from banana fields dug a wild sprout that was next to a banana field.


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