One type of individual entrepreneurial activity in agricultural production is peasant farming. The purpose of its creation is the production of the volume of production necessary for family consumption.
Referring to the civil code of the Russian Federation, it should be noted that peasant farming is a private ownership enterprise that has all the rights to create a legal entity. Usually, such a quantity of products is produced on the market that, by selling it, the family would acquire the items and means necessary for normal functioning. Agriculture, in its classical version, provides employment for all able-bodied family members.
The idea of creating an agricultural business
The creation of farms, on the contrary, was originally aimed at the large-scale production of market-oriented goods. In the conditions of the latest modern technologies, a manpower is needed and is being hired. Basically it's full time full time.
Considering the ideas of agribusiness in Russia, it should be noted that their development is impossible without the introduction of new information technologies, without changing, developing and evolving the economy. Thanks to them, it is possible to grow some fruits and vegetables all year round even in those regions where earlier their growth was simply impossible due to climatic conditions.
Growing greens in greenhouses
Every day growing in greenhouses is growing ecologically clean greenery. These are all kinds of lettuce, onions. Especially popular is such an agricultural business as the cultivation of parsley and dill.
Speaking about the demand for these types of products by the consumer, about simple storage conditions (freezing for long periods), about the unpretentiousness of greenery growth in greenhouses (temperature conditions - up to +19 ° С, a minimum of sunlight, as well as a small amount of water for irrigation), it is possible to conclude that this idea of agribusiness is promising.
Focusing on crop yields, such as green onions, we can say that its maximum performance reaches 1.6 kg per meter2 , and for the entire season - up to 3.8 kg / m2. Depending on the type of fertilizer and its quality, the ripening period of the leaves varies from 28 to 31 days. Income from the retail sale of herbs can be obtained up to $ 5 per 1 kg.
It is also necessary to remember the existence of shelving systems that allow you to grow greens in two tiers, which significantly increases the income from sales of products. Thus, growing greens in greenhouses can be used as business ideas in agriculture.
Sugar beet cultivation and processing
Considering the ideas of agribusiness, let us dwell on the cultivation of sugar beets and its processing. The special conditions for the growth of this type of vegetables include the following: light, heat, soil. Beet has high requirements for the listed indicators.
For seed germination, plus soil temperature is required - up to +4 ° С. Beet sprouts in this temperature regime appear on the 25-29th day. Beetroot is not a moisture-loving plant, and therefore requires moderate watering. Culture has high demands on light. To the soil, this root crop makes even higher claims than to light. For the cultivation of sugar beets, it is necessary to use drained peatlands or chernozems.
Sugar beets can be attributed to high-yielding crops. You can collect from 20 to 50 tons from one hectare of area.
Focusing on the aspects of sugar beet processing, the main products obtained should be highlighted. It:
- sugar;
- pulp;
- molasses (molasses).
The use of pulp is popular in animal husbandry for cattle feed.
Molasses is the raw material for the production of food yeast, betaine, alcohol, glutamic acid, glycerin and other types of products.
Farming as a fruit growing business
To ensure the amount of solar energy necessary for the healthy growth of fruit seedlings, the correct formation of the crown of fruit trees is necessary. It is also necessary to pay special attention to watering the garden. Depending on the type of soil and the climatic conditions of the region where the fruit trees grow, the moisture should be no more than 80% of the amount that can be used to maximize soil saturation with water.
Given the state in which the fruit trees are, it is necessary to saturate the soil with potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. To regularly obtain fruits every year, as well as to improve their quality, it is necessary to remove part of the flower buds before the start of their growing process. It is necessary to remove those that are deep in the crown. Also, fertilizing and using drugs to combat their pests and diseases helps to increase the yield of fruit trees.
Tomatoes in a greenhouse and open field
Considering the next ideas of agribusiness, you need to pay special attention to the cultivation of tomatoes in a greenhouse and open ground. The initial and main stage of cultivation is the selection of seeds. Seeds must be acquired by those agricultural companies that are professionally engaged in tomato breeding and have achieved positive results in the cultivation of this crop.
Sowing of seeds is carried out from late February to early March, and they are planted in a greenhouse or in open ground from mid-April to early May. Climatic conditions can make adjustments at the time of landing.
Dividing the seedlings into two parts, first make a thick planting in the greenhouse, and then, when frost has passed, it is thinned out and planted in open ground. Thus, during the entire warm period of the year, you can get a tomato crop.
Peach Farm
Creation and high-quality functioning of a farm for growing the most delicious fruit fruits - peaches, and probably for their processing, can also be considered as ideas of the agricultural business.
Peach is classified as a warm and photophilous crop. In winter, trees withstand frosts down to -24 ° C, but with spring frosts young seedlings can die. It is best to locate the farm of this stone crop on loamy soils using good drainage.
Initially, in the fall, peach seedlings are dug into the soil, so that the plant can tolerate wintering. In spring, in a shrink pit, it is necessary to prepare a fertile mixture of earth and plant a peach. After the seedling is planted, it is necessary to deepen the place of vaccination into the ground by 6 cm and compact the soil. After planting, the plant needs protection from strong gusts of wind and blowing of the upper layers of the soil.
To do this, use burlap or film. Peach needs moderate watering: in the first year of plant growth - 1 time per week. In the fall, all peach trees must be treated with a preparation containing copper. This is done to combat fungal diseases. After the ground freezes, on all fruit-bearing trees, vertical branches are cut for 2-3 buds. Before the onset of cold weather, shelter peach trees for the winter.
Quail Egg Production
More and more relevant today is the business idea of producing quail eggs.Speaking about the usefulness of quail eggs, you need to pay attention to the presence of vitamins, micro and macro elements in them, which makes them one of the indispensable food products.
For a year, the female quail gives more than 270 eggs. The quail has a hatching period of only 16 days, and the females begin to lay eggs on the 30-31st day of life. Quail eggs can be eaten raw - they are not susceptible to salmonella infection, and the amino acid lysozyme, which prevents the development of microflora, allows the eggs to remain fresh even at room temperature.
The production of quail eggs is cheap and one of the most cost-effective types of poultry farming.
Ostrich farm
The ideas of the agricultural business on the development of ostriches are among the highly profitable. Ostrich is an unpretentious bird, and its breeding is available in any climatic conditions. Ostriches value everything - feathers, meat, fat. The goals and directions defined during the establishment of the economy affect the size of the territory and the area of the farm itself. You can focus on growing poultry for meat and feathers, or you can raise ostriches for the sale of chicks.
Depending on the direction of activity of the ostrich farm, on the conditions in which ostriches are kept, on the balance of nutrition and breeding selection, it is possible to achieve a high level of profitability in this type of agricultural business.
Crayfish breeding
This type of business can be considered profitable only in the warm season - from the beginning of spring to mid-autumn. It requires minimal capital investment.
First you need to create shallow reservoirs with a sandy-rocky bottom, an area of 5 x 10 meters each. Having launched crayfish into water bodies, it is necessary to feed them with a frequency of once every several days and change the water once every two weeks. Catching 500 females in natural reservoirs, you can get 1 ton of crayfish in their own reservoirs.
Opening farm farming
Open a farm is quite simple. If this is opened by a group of people, then they should all be relatives and conclude an agreement. According to the legislation of Russia, the registration of a farm is carried out without creating a legal entity. The list of documents for this is small: a statement in the form No. p 21002, an agreement, documents confirming the place of residence of the head of the household, a passport and a copy of it, a receipt on payment of the state duty.
After 5 days, after receiving the registration documents in your hands and registering with the tax service, you can proceed with the actions. You can also take advantage of the support program for beginning farmers by contacting the Department of Agriculture in the region. Therefore, having correctly selected the direction of agricultural activity, one can not only make a profit, but also contribute to the development of the agro-industrial complex in the region.