
Installing a terminal for payment by credit cards: procedure description

When conducting a business selling goods or providing services, many useful modern systems are used. It will be necessary to install a terminal for payment by credit cards. According to the law, if the profit per year is more than 60 million rubles, then the business owner must provide customers with the possibility of non-cash payment. You can install the device of any bank, but in our country they usually install a Sberbank terminal. More information about its connection is described in the article.

What it is?

Acquiring terminal - a device that performs:

  1. Reading information from a plastic card, which the buyer uses to pay for goods or services. It may have a magnetic strip, a chip, or a proximity module.
  2. Transfer of read information to the acquirer bank.
  3. The transfer of identification information confirming the permission of the user to pay the bill. For this, a PIN code is entered.
  4. Reception of processed information.
  5. Confirmation of payment by providing a check.

installation of a terminal for payment by credit cards

Installing a payment terminal for payment by credit cards allows you to quickly and conveniently accept payments by non-cash method. This simplifies customer service.


Bank cards are becoming a popular means of payment every day. It is beneficial for entrepreneurs to open electronic devices for cashless transfers of money for goods and services. Installing a terminal for payment with IP bank cards has the following advantages:

  1. Card users are more likely to buy a lot of goods where there is the possibility of cashless payment, which affects the attraction of customers.
  2. People are not limited to the amount of cash, which increases the average check, and therefore the turnover of the store.
  3. Unplanned purchases are more common among card users.
  4. There is no risk of getting fake bills.
  5. The work of the cashier becomes easier and more convenient.
  6. Queues at the checkout are reduced.
  7. Due to the small amount of cash at the checkout, the recount time for collection is reduced.
  8. Reduction of collection costs.

Installing a terminal for payment by credit cards will prevent fines, since the rules of the law will be respected. After all, the employees of Rospotrebnadzor carry out checks to comply with the requirements of the law.

installation of a terminal for payment with Sberbank credit cards

Penalties can be in the range of 15-30 thousand rubles for an employee of a trading institution who refused to serve by bank transfer. And 30-50 thousand rubles will have to pay the business owner.

Installation procedure

The entrepreneur must open a bank account, which can be issued at any bank. Installing a terminal for payment with Sberbank credit cards involves passing through the following steps:

  1. Submit an application to the bank, give a list of documents.
  2. Discuss details with a specialist.
  3. Enter into an acquiring service agreement.
  4. Bank employees perform installation of the device and software, train personnel to work with the device. All this lasts 10 days after signing the contract.

This ends the procedure. When store employees can work with the device, you can work with bank transfer. This is desirable to place an ad.

Documents for IP

installation of a terminal for payment by credit cards un

In order to install the Sberbank terminal in the store for payment by credit cards, the IP provides:

  1. Copy of passport.
  2. Alert from statistics authorities.
  3. Extract from the USRIP.
  4. A copy of the paper on state registration.
  5. Copy of TIN.
  6. A copy of the license.
  7. Bank account details.

These documents are provided along with the application for opening the terminal. Only with a full set does the design process take place.

What do legal entities provide?

The installation of a terminal for payment by bank cards for legal entities requires the following documents:

  1. Extract from the register.
  2. Alert from Rosstat.
  3. Copy of the memorandum of association.
  4. Copy of the charter.
  5. Copy of the leader’s passport and order on his appointment.
  6. Copy of certificate of state registration.
  7. Copy of tax accounting paper.
  8. Bank account details.

All designated documents must be certified by the signature of the manual and the seal. A complete list of papers provides an opportunity to quickly draw up a contract and install the device.

How is money transferred?

Under an acquiring agreement in Sberbank, a customer is issued a transit account in which funds transferred from customer cards will be stored. Then the money is transferred to the current account. In this case, the commission for operations is calculated. The maximum period for acquiring funds is 6 days (if the account is drawn up in another bank).

installation of a payment terminal for payment by credit cards

Usually, the transfer of the amount to the current account is carried out 1-2 days after payment. The price of services for non-cash payments with customers is affected by the store’s turnover, the number and type of pos-terminals used, which the organization can buy or rent. Acquiring rates are determined from the average bill. The higher the turnover, the lower the commission for bank services. Installing a terminal for payment by bank cards is beneficial for each store, since most buyers switch to this method of payment.

Types of cashless points

Devices are stationary and mobile. Which device will be selected depends on the working conditions of the trading establishment. Stationary appliances are usually located in the hall or service office, where there is the possibility of ensuring the smooth operation of the equipment. In stores, it’s box office.

installation of a terminal for payment by bank cards in a Sberbank store

If the services are provided on-site, then a mobile device is needed that has a wireless communication module. It turns out that you can pay with him not only at the checkout. The representative of the institution provides the client with a mobile pos-terminal for payment. You must enter a PIN code, after which money will be debited and a check will be provided.

Transfer is carried out by a remote PC with the installed application from Sberbank, with which the device is in communication. A mobile device is considered easier to install and maintain than a stationary one. Such a device is less costly and more preferred by organizations with low turnover.

The main elements of the acquiring complex

Installing a terminal for payment with VTB or other bank cards allows you to automate the process of paying for purchases. The device includes several elements. The acquiring complex consists of:

  1. Monitor. Using the device, the operator controls the information entered about payments and goods.
  2. System unit. It performs the procedures for processing and saving transaction information.
  3. Customer display. The client can control information about the product, its value and quantity.
  4. Keyboards. Used to enter product information.
  5. Card reader. It is built-in and autonomous.
  6. Printing device. Required to receive a check.
  7. Fiscal part. It is used to store banknotes online. They can be mechanical and automatic.
  8. Software.

installation of a terminal for payment with VTB bank cards

The terminal is similar to a cash register, as it allows you to carry out trading operations. But, in addition to accounting for sales, the device accumulates other information, for example, prices, description, shelf life of goods.

Thus, the presence of the terminal in the store allows you to use many advantages. Moreover, it is convenient not only for sellers, but also for buyers. That is why many entrepreneurs connect this device to work in their store.

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