
UIN on receipt: what is it

Filling the receipt is a responsible matter. Due to one mistake, typos, or clerical errors, payment may not be received or funds will be sent to another address. Correcting this is long and dreary. Therefore, when filling out all the points on the form should immediately be clear to the payer. One of the incomprehensible moments for many becomes the UIN in the receipt. What is it? We will answer this question and a number of equally important others further.

What is it - UIN on receipt

The abbreviation UIN is deciphered as follows: a unique accrual identifier. Usually this is a digital combination of 20-25 numbers. It became mandatory not so long ago - in 2014. After the Decree of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, UIN became an obligatory component of receipts of form 0504510.

What is it for? Both for accurate and quick sending of the payment itself, and for the identification of the payer. UIN significantly simplifies the money transfer system. After its introduction, the number of outstanding payments decreased significantly: fines, customs, tax fees, etc.

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UIN is used only by institutions that receive a large number of money items of a very different plan. These are the traffic police, the Federal Tax Service, large educational institutions and so on. For example, in universities, schools, he defines each student.

UIN is intended more for departures of individuals. When transferring tax payments to the state budget for individual entrepreneurs, LLC, this number should not be sought and indicated.

ID structure

What is a UIN in a receipt? An identifier is not a random set of numbers - each character (or group of characters) in it plays a certain role.

For example, let’s analyze the structure of the PIN for a common payment - a traffic police fine:

  • The first three digits are the code assigned to the administrator. The traffic police, for example, is the number 188.
  • The fourth character identifies the organization that accepts the payment. In the case of the road inspection - 1.
  • The fifth digit is the purpose of the payment. For example, a penalty will be indicated by a unit.
  • Sixth-seventh characters - the number when the protocol was issued.
  • The remaining digits are the serial number of the issued protocol and resolution.
  • The last character is a check number.

Thus, the whole combination allows you to learn a lot about the payment, direct it to the desired stream.

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Where is required and where is not

What is the UIN in the payment receipt, we know. Now we will find out when it should be indicated, and when it should not.

UIN is needed UIN is not needed
Payment for services provided by public authorities Transfer of tax payments IP
Payment whose address is a local government system Transfer of tax payments by organizations
Money items, which are the revenue part of the state budget system Payment of property tax by individuals
Individual taxes

A number of exceptions follow from the table. Let's consider them further.

Exceptions and particulars

Having learned that this is a UIN in a receipt, we proceed to a discussion of particular points:

  • Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities (legal entities) when paying taxes instead of the UIN indicate the BCC (budget classification code). If the receipt contains a field for a universal accrual identifier, then the following information is written in it: "УИН0 ///". After this combination, you can begin to enter additional data to identify the sender.
  • Individuals when sending the property type of tax instead of the UIN write the index of the payment document that came to them.
  • If you pay for medical services, then in the payment form you can also notice the column "Universal identifier". But, as practice shows, most paid clinics do not require a UIN. Therefore, in this field you can put 0 (zero).
  • If the entrepreneur makes a cashless payment, then he also indicates 0 in the code entry field.
  • In the case when you pay the traffic police fine, the UIN combination can be formed by the bank employee who accepts the payment.
  • If you need to specify the identifier yourself to transfer the penalty of a road inspection, you do not need to spend time to find out it. UIN can be made up by you. This is a combination of the numbers of the serial number of the protocol and the date of execution of his or similar order.
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Document index

If you pay the state fee, then the UIN will be equivalent to the section of the receipt "Document Index" - both in terms of number of characters and value.

The formation of the combination of the index follows the same principle as a unique identifier:

  • The first three digits are the cash flow dispatcher.
  • 4th digit - the authority for which the payment is intended.
  • 5th digit - type of payment.
  • The following characters are the details of the document on the basis of which the shipment was made.
  • The last digit is a check number for checking the uniqueness of the index.
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Where to find the identifier

UIN receipt number - where can I find it? Usually this information is immediately indicated in the document that is provided to the payer for payment. As for the receipt, this is a special section - “Document Index”. You should search for it at the very top of the standard payment form.

Consider the special cases:

  • For those who pay a fine from the traffic police, the digital combination of the UIN is indicated in the decree. Check - it is always a 20-digit code.
  • Budget organizations indicate it strictly in the 22nd column of their payment documents.

If you have any doubts about the penitentiary system in the receipt for kindergarten, the "payment" for medical services, then it is best to contact the addressee organization itself to find out an incomprehensible moment. In particular, the answer to you must be voiced in accounting.

But the employees of banks and other credit organizations, where payments are received from UIN, do not have any information about the accrual identifier. After all, it is formed only in the institutions themselves, where you are going to transfer the payment. So we should go to the cash register already armed with this information.

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Where to indicate this number

If you register the UIN in a tax receipt, payment order, then the identifier must be indicated in the column "Purpose of payment". However, not only numbers are written. First, the abbreviation UIN, and after it without spaces, a 20-digit numerical combination.

If you do not know the combination of digits of the identifier, do not leave the field empty for it! In this case, your payment may simply be lost, not reach the addressee. Therefore, if the UIN is unknown to you or you doubt its correctness, the line for the identifier will most likely be set to 0 (zero).

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If something is wrong ...

Consider cases when some problems are associated with the PIN number in the receipt:

  • The document with the data for payment has been lost. If you do not have a form with information about the PIN, then when filling out the payment order, in the "Code" line, put yourself "0" (zero) or ask the cashier about it.
  • Invalid number specified. In this case, you need to write a letter, a statement indicating the correct details, which should be sent to the organization that accepted your payment. If he really hasn’t reached the addressee (and a check will be carried out about this), then there’s only one solution - a refund to you. However, in the case of state duty, you have to transfer this amount again. Only after that you will be returned an erroneous departure.
  • The code is not identified by the system when sending the payment. In this case, you should check the correctness of the entered PIN. If everything is correct, then contact the organization that provided you the details for the receipt for an explanation of the problem.

A UIN is a specific digital combination for quick identification of a payment. Such numbers are used by organizations that receive a large number of a wide variety of money transfers.These institutions are obliged to provide UIN to their payers.

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