Disability is prescribed only to citizens with various serious illnesses. If they can recover, then disability is canceled. Therefore, regular re-examination of disability is required. It involves passing a medical examination, which allows to identify all problems in the state of human health. Every disabled person should know how often it is required to undergo a re-examination, as well as what actions are taken to do this. Only in this case the necessary documentation will be collected and handed over in a timely manner.
Reasons for the process
The need for re-examination of a disability group is due to several reasons. The procedure is represented by a periodic examination of a citizen, for which a special commission is appointed. Its composition includes only highly specialized and professional doctors.
The main objective of this process is the study of the health status of a disabled person. All improvements or deteriorations in his health are determined. This allows you to review the existing disability group. It is revealed whether a citizen can independently take care of himself. It is established whether he can formally get a job in order to earn money.
The reasons for the re-examination of disability include:
- periodic checks that all citizens with disabilities should undergo, except for people who have an unlimited group;
- disagreement of the citizen with which group was assigned to him, therefore, a second procedure is required;
- commencement of legal proceedings on the basis of which a verdict of the ITU Central Bureau is required.
Any citizen can challenge the decision of the commission, but the process must be carried out within one month after receiving the certificate. An application is submitted to the social protection authorities of a particular region.
It is forbidden to skip the procedure, which is carried out periodically to fix changes in the state of health of the disabled person. If the exact terms of re-examination of the disability group are ignored, this will lead to the fact that the disability will be canceled. A citizen will not be able to use all the offered benefits and exemptions, and the payment of benefits will also be suspended.
If, based on the results of the disability re-examination, it is established that the person is recovering, as well as there are no deteriorations in his condition, then the category may change. Often when a group feels well, the group is canceled.
Where is the medical examination done?
Information about where it is required to undergo a re-examination of disability of group 3 is provided by the citizen’s direct attending physician. The procedure is implemented in the regional office of the ITU Bureau, located at the place of permanent residence of the person. Under difficult conditions, an examination at home is allowed, as a citizen simply does not have the ability to independently visit the institution. To do this, you need to contact your doctor in advance to get permission to have an ITU at home.
The re-examination procedure consists of several stages, and numerous requirements are imposed on it. They must be observed not only by doctors, but also by the disabled person. A citizen must take into account when he needs to undergo a check, which certificates are prepared in advance for this, and he should only provide reliable data on his state of health.
Re-examination of disability of 2 groups or other groups is allowed in advance, but no more than two months before the deadline. This requires a personal request from a disabled person. Based on it, a study is made of the state of health of a citizen, after which a corresponding act is drawn up by the commission.
Process Dates
The timing of the procedure depends on which group is registered with the citizen. The process for a disabled person with a first group is implemented every two years. Re-examination of disability of group 2 is required to be carried out every year. If this condition is violated, this will lead to the cancellation of all benefits and status. Re-examination of disability of group 3 is carried out annually, but for these citizens the number of documents that need to be prepared to confirm poor health is increasing.
The procedure is carried out even for children with disabilities. Each child has its own characteristics of re-examination, as specific health problems are taken into account, and it is also determined whether they are acquired or congenital. Usually, re-examination of disability for children is scheduled after they reach adulthood.
Often an unlimited group is drawn up for citizens, so it is not necessary to periodically undergo a medical examination. The procedure can be carried out if there is a statement from the citizen or his representative. Re-examination of perpetual disability may be prescribed by the institution where the disabled person is being treated if any changes in his state of health are detected.
Where is the process running?
The re-examination procedure is carried out by passing a special medical and social examination. It is implemented free of charge at the ITU Bureau at the place of residence of the disabled person. This organization not only deals with the examination, but also performs some other functions:
- rehabilitation and rehabilitation services for the disabled;
- if an application is submitted by a disabled person, then a disability re-examination is carried out;
- The information received is analyzed regarding the demographic situation in the country;
- various measures are being developed to prevent disability;
- each ITU regional institution is monitored.
Additionally, the organization’s tasks include quality prosthetics. If there are citizens who do not agree with the results of the examination, then they can contact the Federal Bureau. Based on their application, an additional audit will be conducted.
How is the expertise implemented?
Re-examination of the disability of a child or adult may be slightly different, although the process is carried out in the same office. During the procedure, certain rules are taken into account:
- studying the living and social conditions of a person with a disability;
- the possibility of his employment is assessed;
- takes into account the psychological state of a person;
- all documents related to the disease of the disabled person are studied;
- all data obtained are carefully evaluated by specialists, after which a decision is made on the need to assign a specific disability group.
If the results of the process reveal that there are improvements in the health status of a citizen, then the group may change or be canceled.
The opinion of the doctors is announced to the citizen in the presence of all experts. Additionally, a special act of the audit is formed, where the received data and the result are entered. Additionally, links to various medical documents are left. Re-examination of disability often requires additional examinations, which is certainly indicated in the act.
In some cases, it is allowed to conduct an examination at home with a disabled person, since in really serious illnesses citizens do not have the opportunity to visit the bureau on their own.
How is the conclusion drawn up?
Based on the results of the survey, a conclusion is drawn up by ITU experts. The composition of the expert group depends on the profile of the bureau. Of course, the commission includes 4 doctors with different profiles and specialties. Additionally, this includes a social worker and rehabilitation specialist. A psychologist who evaluates the psychological state of a disabled person is necessarily involved.
The concrete decision after the examination is taken on the basis of a vote.
The specific composition of the commission is established by the head of the organization. Additionally, the disabled person may require the participation of additional experts.
Is it possible to appeal the results?
Often, people with disabilities are convinced that the commission’s decision is erroneous or unfounded. In this case, you can file a complaint with the bureau. The application is sent to the main office within three days, where all documents related to the examination are examined. On the basis of these papers makes a conclusion.
Based on the complaint, a new examination can be carried out, after which a final decision is made.
Additionally, a disabled person may file a complaint with a court. For this, a statement of claim is competently compiled, which includes information:
- name of the bureau where the re-examination was carried out;
- personal data of the disabled person submitted by F. I. O. and information from the passport;
- information about the representative;
- the subject of the complaint, submitted by the citizen's disagreement with the results of the examination;
- a request to cancel the previous decision and appoint a new examination;
- at the end is the date of the application.
Often the court decides whether a second review is necessary. If its results do not differ from the first examination, then the disabled person will have to come to terms with the verdict.
Nuances of passing ITU
Initially, a disabled person must remember the timing of a re-examination of disability in order to contact the organization for an examination in a timely manner. Based on the results of this process, the group may change, be canceled or remain unchanged. This has a direct impact on the benefits received and the benefits used by the citizen.
To successfully complete the procedure, the disabled person must be well prepared for it. The decision is often influenced by the behavior of the citizen, therefore aggressive behavior, resentment or incorrect answers are not allowed. Talk to experts calmly and confidently. It is advisable to prepare for some mandatory issues that relate to:
- course of the disease;
- employment of a citizen;
- the nuances of the treatment;
- features of the functioning of the citizen's body.
Often even questions are asked about the financial condition of the disabled family, which allows us to determine whether a person can take advantage of any effective, but expensive rehabilitation programs.
What documents are required?
To pass the examination, the disabled person must prepare certain documentation. What documents are needed to re-examine disability? This includes papers:
- passport of a citizen;
- a work book containing information about the place of employment of the disabled person;
- direction drawn up by the attending physician;
- an outpatient card, including information about ongoing treatment and complaints to doctors;
- IPR with different directions;
- an application drawn up by a disabled person in the name of the head of the bureau, on the basis of which the examination is carried out;
- if during the year before re-examination a citizen was treated in a hospital or consulted with any doctors, then additional certificates must be brought in.
If the procedure is implemented for a disabled child, then a birth certificate, an outpatient card, a certificate from an educational institution and documents for disability are required.
How does disability last?
Before extending any disability group, it is required to contact the clinic at the place of residence to receive directions for ITU. In the near future, you will have to visit the bureau to undergo a re-examination.
If a refusal to extend disability is received, an appropriate certificate is issued containing the results of the examination. Such a decision may be appealed to the Federal Bureau or court.
When is perpetual disability prescribed?
In the presence of serious diseases, citizens can count on perpetual disability. It is prescribed in the presence of the following diseases:
- diseases of the internal organs;
- nervous or mental disorders;
- blindness;
- anatomical defects.
Such disability is established only under the condition that for two years there is no positive dynamics, therefore, the health of the citizen does not improve in any way. It also applies if experts establish a lack of opportunity to improve the health of a citizen.
Consequences of failure to appear for examination
If the disabled person does not appear for examination, then the payment of benefits will be suspended for three months. If during this time disability is not confirmed, then payments will cease. If disability is confirmed, then payments will resume from the day the group is re-registered.
If there are good reasons for skipping the procedure, then the pension is paid for the entire missed period. For this, the disabled person must have supporting documents.
Re-examination of disability is required for every citizen with a group. The procedure involves passing an ITU medical examination. It is important to understand how often it is required to undergo a re-examination, as well as what documents are prepared for this.
If the deadline set by law is missed, the group may be canceled, so the citizen loses the right to receive a pension and enjoy various benefits.