This is a story about a pensioner who was bored of sitting at home and he decided to find a part-time job. He succeeded, he was offered a place in the grocery store.
Nobody has been able to work so fast yet. He managed in two hours and went home.
The history of a non / working pensioner
Next is a first-person story.
“After I finally got a job at a grocery store, I spent quite a bit at work. I didn’t even get tired. After about two hours, an angry shopper with two children flew into the store. They behaved boorishly, noisy, cursed, completely unashamed of the people around.
I smiled and said, “Welcome to the Walmart supermarket. What wonderful children you have. Are they probably twins? ”
Of course, I was joking. It was obvious that one of them was clearly older. Despite the common features, they were not similar to each other.
The woman was silent for a few seconds, and then he was rude to him in reply: “Yes, what are the twins! The oldest is 9, the other is 7. What the hell did you think they were twins? Are you completely blind or don't you think? ”
To which I calmly replied: “I am not blind or stupid, ma'am. I just can't believe that someone could agree to sleep with you twice. Have a nice day and thanks for shopping at Walmart. "
After that, my boss fired me ... "
If someone starts to feel sorry for the old man, not worth it. I think he was more fortunate than many of us. He learned to speak openly what he thinks, not being afraid to call a spade a spade.
Indeed, rudeness remains rudeness, even if it is stubbornly not noticed for the sake of an ill-educated buyer in the hope of selling his goods. But only where is the guarantee that you yourself will not become a complete insignificance?
The most important thing is not to lie to yourself. Otherwise, it is already a betrayal.