In the modern world, it is very important for anyone to have good recommendations to build a successful career in absolutely any area of life. What is it and why do we all need it? Let's find out more in the article.
What does the recommendation mean?
This term means a favorable review of the experience with a person. Often it also includes a guarantee for this person. As a rule, it is required to get the last place in a new job.
Recommendations can be either written or oral.
Unlike in developed countries, in our country this practice is just beginning to spread. Although today in most resumes they are asked to indicate the contact details of former employers who can give feedback on the qualities of a new job applicant.
At the same time, in particularly reputable institutions they are already asking to provide written recommendations from past workplaces.
What should / should not be indicated in such a document?
Having understood the meaning of the word “recommendation”, it’s worth briefly to find out how its written version is compiled.
It must necessarily contain information about the personal qualities of the recommended. It would also be nice to indicate his achievements at the previous place of work.
When drafting a letter of recommendation, you should avoid hackneyed phrases a la “reliable, conscientious and executive employee”. After all, even if all this is true, such expressions characterize a person too vaguely. At the same time, the potential employer is more interested in the specific data of the success of the employee.
Therefore, instead of the pompous insignificant cliches, it would be more rational to simply list the company's projects in which the employee participated, as well as his personal achievements. As a rule, even the most modest employee, if he is actually a conscientious professional, will be able to excel, so he will write about what.
In addition to the above, it is important to pay attention to the universal qualities of the subordinate, which may interest his future bosses.
But as for the hobbies of the employee, as well as the features of his personal life, it will be more rational to keep silent about this. Indeed, such information often does not affect its professional properties in any way, but at the same time it can create a negative impression about the employee.
The same applies to the marital status of the applicant, his sexual orientation and religion. If all this in no way affects the quality of the work performed - you should not mention this in the review.
The presence of children is another matter, especially if the person to whom the recommendation is devoted is a woman. The fact is that mothers willy-nilly will sometimes have to take time off from work to look after a sick child, take him to mugs, etc. events.
If all these absences do not affect the quality and timing of a woman's performance of her work duties, it is worthwhile to indicate this. Since many employers are afraid to hire mummies, such a review (provided that it is true) will increase the woman's chances of finding a good place.
How is such a document drawn up?
As for the external design of the recommendation, there are certain principles that should be followed.
- It is desirable that all the text be on one sheet.
- It is best if such a document is printed / written on company letterhead
- The beginning of any recommendation is its title.
- An appeal after the heading is written only when the document is prepared for a specific employer.
- After the heading and the appeal, information is given on the terms of work recommended at the previous place of work, as well as a list of the posts held by him.
- The following are the work responsibilities of the employee, his brief description, a description of his strengths and achievements. Here you can specify the reason for leaving.
- After the text of the recommendation itself, the author of the document is signed. If possible - print.
- At the bottom of the review, the contact information of the recommender (name, position and telephone number) is mandatory.
- It would be nice if the recommendation would be signed by the head of the company or the head of the personnel department.
- At the bottom of the review, the contact information of the recommender (name, position and telephone number) is mandatory.
It would be nice if the head of the company or the head of the personnel department would sign the recommendation.
What is a recommendation? Other ways of interpreting this term
In addition to the above, this noun has other meanings.
- A recommendation is also an advice / wish. For example, medical or methodological recommendations. Unlike orders or prescriptions, they are not binding.
- There is another case where the word “recommendation” is used in a speech. This is when they want to introduce someone to someone, that is, recommend it.